Deep Lunges
Shawn and Thane discuss Donald Trump, body cameras, drones, and sanctuary cities. We also listen to voicemail, read our reviews, and preview the coming weeks. Leave a comment on iTunes at:
Leave a voicemail at 855-BPUNION ext 820
Swap Program
Shawn and Thane talk swap program with Rob Pepperdine. They also get into the benefits illegal aliens are getting in California including registering to vote while getting their drivers licenses. We also discuss sanctuary policies and the havoc they are wreaking on American cities.
Epic Rant
Thane Gallagher and Shawn Moran discuss the San Francisco murder by an illegal alien, sanctuary cities, and Thane’s proposed discipline. They also go off-script to discuss many other topics. Don’t miss this episode! Leave a comment on iTunes.
BORTAC: 1 Bad Guys: 0
Thane and Shawn are back discussing BORTAC’s recent mission, alleged collusion with anti-immigrant groups, and an update on AFGE’s response to the data breach.
Rep. Martha McSally
Shawn interviews Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ) and discusses forward operating bases, assaults on agents, and border technology. Rep. McSally also talks about three of her recent bills: the Spotter Act, Border Technology Accountability Act, and the Stop Catch and Release Act.
Texas Brisket
A special episode from Del Mar, CA as Shawn, Thane, and Chris are joined by Stu Harris and Art Del Cueto. The gang talks about the new OPM regulations for pay reform, safety issues, and the recent news articles on lethal force.
The 60-Day DL
Thane and Chris return to host The Green Line as they discuss the massive data breach, the downing of a CBP helicopter, and a sprained epiglottis. Thane also repeatedly forgets that Chris is in the RGV, not Laredo.
The Lost Episode
Recorded in April and originally scheduled to air on April 9, 2015, the mythical “Lost Episode” has resurfaced.
Zip-ties and Mesquite
Thane Gallagher and Chris Cabrera host the show this week and cover a wide range of topics.
Deputy Chief Ron Vitiello
We apologize in advance for the audio difficulties. Shawn and Chris sit down for an interview with Deputy Chief Ron Vitiello.