Episode 53: 486 Days Since Javier Vega’s Murder

The show starts out with a discussion about two great cop movies, one of which Thane Gallagher has not seen.

Thane and Shawn Moran delve into many issues this week such as the new Acting Chief of the Border Patrol, the Chicago PD Superintendent being fired, Thane’s latest battle with the BLM crowd, and a retired cop fighting agents at the Pine Valley checkpoint.

Want a Green Line patch? Email us at thegreenline@bpunion.org and send us your name and address.

Please leave a review on iTunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-green-line/id922305708?mt=2

Episode 53
The Green Line
December 3, 2015

[0:00] Crows Intro
[1:07] How has Thane not seen End of Watch?
[2:36] 486 Days Since Murder of BPA Javier Vega Jr.
[4:32] Social Media Recap
[5:30] Thanks to Border Patrol agents during the holidays
[6:09] Thane’s campaign to get Christmas Eve off
[7:04] Thane battles the #BLM movement
[8:20] Bad Thanksgiving Joke
[10:12] Pumpkin vs. Sweet Potato Pie
[11:34] Phoenix HSGAC Field Hearing
[22:56] Acting Chief Ron Vitiello
[25:11] Commercial Break
[26:35] Back from Break
[27:25] Pew Report on Immigration
[31:29] Chicago Police Shooting
[38:19] Profiling to Survive in Life
[39:46] Snickers Bars in Magazine Pouches
[41:40] Retired CVPD Officer suing BP Agents After Checkpoint Confrontation
[47:54] Thane’s Rant on Vehicle Equipment
[53:36] Wrap-up and previews
[55:05] Disclaimer and BPUDN Stinger
[55:30] Commercial
[56:35] End

Episode 52: Thanksgiving Show (479 Days)

Our Thanksgiving episode starts with Shawn Moran and Thane Gallagher discussing the Paris terror attacks and CBP’s non-guidelines for agents due to increased threats.

Special Interest Aliens (SIAs) are being apprehended in Arizona and for CBP it is business as usual. The boys discuss that and the fears of what it could signal.

DACA and DAPA are appealed to the Supreme Court by the President. Fingers crossed that the lower court’s decision is upheld. The LA Times writes yet another editorial about body cameras that really makes no sense. They must have needed filler material for the Opinion section.

Another LEO killed outside of LA. Shawn and Thane go over the ten deadly errors of law enforcement.

Wrapping up, they discuss OFO’s bust of the year.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our members and listeners! Be safe!

Want a Green Line patch? Email us at thegreenline@bpunion.org

Leave a message on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-green-line/id922305708?mt=2

[0:00] Crows Intro
[1:07] Welcome Message
[3:11] Social Media Recap
[8:30] French Terrorist Attacks
[19:26] CBP Non-Guidelines on Increased Terror Threat
[22:12] Special Interest Aliens caught in AZ
[30:32] Commercial Break
[31:55] Back from Break
[32:57] Thane’s Allergies
[34:57] President Obama appeals DACA to Supreme Court
[36:25] Jason Aldrich and #FirstRanger
[37:25] LA Times Body Camera Editorial
[45:14] OSC warnings on political activity on social media
[48:14] Downey PD Officer killed in police station lot
[51:52] Ten Deadly Errors of Law Enforcement
[56:58] Contact and Cover
[1:08:00] Commercial break
[1:09:26] Back from break
[1:10:39] Former agent sentenced to 30 years for murder
[1:11:31] 450 tamales seized by OFO
[1:14:03] Wrap-up
[1:17:28] Disclaimer and BPUDN Stinger

Episode 51: Flying Solo (472 Days)

The show starts out with Shawn Moran hosting by himself as Thane Gallagher has had a relapse of Cotard’s Syndrome. Shawn quickly gets into the attacks in Paris and how that could affect the US, border security, and the screening of Syrian refugees.

Shawn endorses Anonymous attacking ISIS twitter accounts and hopes the US government will follow suit. A Border Patrol agent is assaulted in San Diego Sector yet the US Attorney does not go forward with a prosecution. When will that madness end?

Fast and Furious supervisors in the ATF are allowed to retire with no consequences. The Brian Terry family is outraged as are Border Patrol agents.

Shawn gives an editorial on the President’s failed executive amnesty plans as an appeals court deems them illegal. Shawn also previews an M-4 case out of Blaine Sector, one that managers should not have even proposed discipline on in the first place.

Want a Green Line patch? Email us at thegreenline@bpunion.org please leave us a review on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-green-line/id922305708?mt=2 and follow us on Spreaker https://www.spreaker.com/user/bpunion

Episode 51
The Green Line
November 19, 2015

[0:00] Crows Intro
[1:07] Shawn Moran hosts show solo this week
[1:34] Cotard’s Syndrome
[1:56] 472 Days Since Murder of BPA Javier Vega
[3:53] Social Media Recap
[4:44] Five star rating on iTunes
[6:49] ISIS attacks in Paris
[8:21] Syrian Refugee Crisis
[13:00] Cutting corners on refugee screening
[15:13] Anonymous attacks ISIS Twitter accounts
[19:08] Commercial break
[20:19] Return from break – Musical discussion
[22:32] Assault on SDC agent
[26:55] Fast and Furious ATF Supervisors retire with no consequences
[30:31] Appeals court rules against Obama’s executive amnesty
[33:32] Shawn’s editorial on executive amnesty
[34:32] Preview of M-4 case from Blaine
[39:36] Commercial break
[40:54] Back from break
[41:00] Job opportunity for recent retirees
[41:59] Want a patch? Email us thegreenline@bpunion.org
[42:34] Lord Commander of the Podcast
[43:08] Wrap-up
[44:41] Disclaimer
[45:01] BPUDN Stinger
[45:07] End of episode

Episode 50: 465 Days, Tony Tarantino, and a New Chief?

In this week’s episode Senator Cornyn of Texas calls for Javier Vega’s murder to be classified as a line of duty death. It’s only been 465 days…no rush, CBP. Tony Tarantino, father of Quentin Tarantino joins Shawn Moran and Thane Gallagher to discuss his son’s comments towards police officers. CBP may be rethinking its plans to deploy body cameras to the field and no charges are filed against agents in the Taser death near the San Ysidro port of entry. All that and more on this week’s episode of The Green Line!

[0:00] Crows Intro
[1:07] Welcome Message
[1:26] No Social Media Recap
[2:06] Sen. Cornyn Calls for LODD Classification for BPA Javier Vega
[5:16] Former SFPD Chief Fong to be Border Patrol Chief?!?
[10:36] CBP to abandon body camera plans?
[16:45] Back from Break
[17:15] Protest of Quentin Tarantino
[17:49] Tony Tarantino Interview
[28:01] No charges against agent’s in San Ysidro Taser case
[35:00] Nitwits
[42:35] Show your support for the podcast. Get a patch by emailing thegreenline@bpunion.org
[43:35] Wrap-up

Episode 49: The Watchers on the Wall (458 Days)

If you’re new to this podcast, this is a great episode to start with! Shawn Moran and Thane Gallagher kick off the show with the social media recap and our remembrance of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega, Jr. They then start discussing the LA Times story on the Border Patrol’s use of tasers, followed by the boycott of Quentin Tarantino. After the break there is a quick update on the swap program and Local 1613’s newsletter. Shawn and Thane wrap up this episode talking about health insurance open season, flex spending accounts, and a new book by Brian Terry’s sister available here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1518734839/ref=cm_sw_su_dp
All proceeds from the book will benefit the Brian Terry Foundation.

451 Days

This week the show broadcasts from Detroit, MI and joining Thane and Shawn are Chris Cabrera and Jason Anderson from Local 2499.

The swap program is moving forward and the latest update on the program is available in this episode. The retirement of Chief Fisher is discussed, along with the latest incidence of Border Patrol suicides.

Shawn and Thane talk with Jason Anderson about the realities of the northern border and the law enforcement relationships that exist.

No trip to Detroit would be complete without at least a mention of Mark Hall. All that and much more in this episode!

437 Days, Nothing but Rhetoric

437 days since Border patrol Agent Javier Vega was murdered and CBP has yet to recognize his death as line of duty. FedSmith.com reports on the lack of a COLA adjustment this year and the increase in premiums for health insurance plans. Secretary Johnson wants the “rhetoric” on immigration toned down, just like they have done to enforcement.

CBP takes credit for less use of force incidents in the past year, Shawn Moran and Thane Gallagher break down what it all really means.

Want a Green Line patch? Email us your address at thegreenline@bpunion.org and we will send you one. In exchange please leave a review at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-green-line/id922305708?mt=2

[0:00] Border Patrol Foundation Commercial
[1:10] Intro
[1:32] COLA Story from FedSmith.com
[3:01] Health Insurance Premiums Going Up
[4:10] Thane Gallagher Enters
[8:05] Jeh Johnson wants to tone down the rhetoric
[13:00] VLC on Workplace Violence
[17:00] CBP’s new Use of Force Numbers
[19:57] Commercial Break
[21:26] Thane’s Specialty Units
[25:40] Success=Failure in the Border Patrol
[36:50] Social Media Recap
[39:18] Thanks for the great feedback on the Senator McCain episode
[41:30] Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega’s murder still not a LODD
[42:20] Upcoming guests
[42:52] Outro
[44:11] Disclaimer
[44:31] BPUDN
[44:37] Commercial
[45:42] End

Senator John McCain

The Green Line is honored to welcome Senator John McCain (R-AZ) to the show to discuss border issues, both national and those pertaining to Arizona. Senator McCain agrees to help fight for the murder of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega, Jr. to be classified as a line of duty death. Senator McCain speaks with great respect for those who are out patrolling this nation’s borders. This is one episode you will not want to miss.

Leave a message on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-green-line/id922305708?mt=2

[0:00] Border Patrol Foundation Commercial
[1:24] Quick Intro
[2:22] Interview with Senator John McCain
[10:05] McCain Commits to Helping Classify BPA Javier Vega, Jr.’s murder as LODD
[13:50] University of Arizona v. Arizona State University
[16:33] Shawn and Thane discuss the interview
[19:48] Social Media Update – If you want a patch email us thegreenline@bpunion.org
[23:46] Check out behind the scenes photos and more at nbpcgreenline.tumblr.com
[24:49] Shawn and Thane post a selfie from the recording of the episode
[26:05] Remembering SDPD Chief, SD Sheriff, and SD POA President Bill Kolender
[27:52] Mandatory Back In The Day Mention
[28:52] No updates on swaps yet
[29:24] 430 Days since Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega’s Murder
[30:25] Commissioner Kerlikowske ignoring our interview requests
[32:19] Commercial Break
[34:43] Back from break
[35:25] Brian Terry Murder Trial
[39:55] Wrap-up
[42:21] Outro/Disclaimer/Commercial

423 Days and CBP Doesn’t Care

Our apologies to Dan Dolan, whose interview got jacked up. This week Shawn Moran and Thane Gallagher discuss the finalized OPM regulations on the Border Patrol Pay Reform Act and the actions the NBPC will take. They also get into a lengthy and deep discussion on the Pope’s visit to the US. The Federal Employees Viewpoint Survey nearly gives Shawn a stroke as DHS’s logic does not compute. They continue to discuss the numbers of unaccompanied children streaming across the border, the Brian Terry trial, and Thane’s eternal battle with the ACLU.

Show notes and times will be posted later.

One Year Anniversary Show (416 Days…we haven’t forgotten, CBP)

One year of The Green Line! Thanks to all our listeners who have made this possible. The second year is underway and it will be epic!

It’s been 416 days since the murder of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega, Jr. and still CBP refuses to classify it as a line of duty death.

Shawn Moran and Thane Gallagher talk about the rise in apprehensions of families and juveniles in SW border sectors? Is anyone really surprised? The NBPC warned of this last year but as usual CBP downplays the issue with some fuzzy math. TSA officers are trying to get recognized for Public Safety Officer Benefits and Thane and Shawn have their opinions on it. They also look back at some of the highlights from the past year of episodes.

Leave a message on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-green-line/id922305708?mt=2

[0:00] Border Patrol Foundation promo
[1:10] Intro
[1:32] 416 days since murder of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega, Jr. and still no LODD classification
[3:45] Social media recap
[4:22] DTAC cell extraction training
[4:51] Processing area safety issues
[7:50] Thane’s business cards
[8:29] Want a patch? Email thegreenline@bpunion.org
[9:32] TSA officers petitioning for PSOB recognition
[13:56] Spill-over violence along US-Mexico border
[16:33] Rise in apprehensions in RGV, Big Bend and Yuma
[20:41] Commercial break
[21:55] Back from commercial break
[22:36] Thane blanks out
[23:03] One year anniversary of The Green Line
[28:20] Upcoming episode ideas
[33:01] Changes to podcast
[35:20] Loss of K9 in Sault Saint Marie
[36:01] Closing credits
[36:41] Outro
[37:07] Commercial