Episode 81: William La Jeunesse
On this week’s episode of The Green Line, Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera start off by discussing CBP’s Use of Force Averted Award and how a similar award within the LAPD put officers in dangerous situations. More Other Than Mexicans (OTMs) being reported throughout most southwest Border Patrol sectors, they’re coming here…what are we going to do with them? Finally Chris and Shawn discuss how immigrant rights activists turn on liberal media outlets for telling the truth about the border.
William La Jeunesse joins the show after the first commercial break to discuss why it took seven years for the media to see through Obama’s claim of improved immigration enforcement. he also talks about what he si seeing and hearing on the border including whether or not illegal aliens are fearful of deportation.
Art Del Cueto joins Shawn in the final segment to discuss why the lack of consequences is fueling the illegal immigration problem in America. Art also shares his experiences in the Tucson Sector when the Obama administration has tried to shut down immigration enforcement by local officials. Art previews the coming week when he will discuss his meetings with Sen. John McCain and Rep. Martha McSally.
Finally, they thank Dan Benavidez for all his hard work on the show.
Episode 80: Javier Vega Family
Segment One: Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera provide an update on the OTM (other Than Mexican) crisis hitting the southern border. Over 1000 OTMs awaiting processing in San Diego, many giving scripted claims of “credible fear.” The word is out and the end result is thousands of illegal aliens being released into the United States.
CBP has announced the worst award in its history, the Use of Force Averted Award. In an attempt to appease its critics, CBP has decided to sacrifice officer safety and put its people in harm’s way. This award will get agents killed.
Segment Two: 667 days ago Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega, Jr. was murdered in Texas by two previously deported illegal aliens. CBP refuses to classify his murder as a line of duty death, even though he took law enforcement actions to prevent a robbery and protect his family. Shawn and Chris talk to Andrea Brown, Javier Vega’s widow.
Segment Three: Marie Vega, Javier Vega’s mother, joins Shawn and Chris to discuss why her son’s murder should be classified as a line of duty death.
Segment Four: Art Del Cueto joins the show to talk about CBP’s newest award, how the Vega family has been treated, and how some residents in St. David, AZ view Border Patrol agents. All in all it does not square with the reality of how Border Patrol agents work.
Episode 79: The Return of Senator John McCain
This week Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera are joined once again by the senior Senator from the state of Arizona, John McCain. The senator talks about the heroin overdose epidemic and shares his thoughts about border security.
Other topics this week:
– OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) are being apprehended all along the border in increasing numbers.
– Senator Bernie Sanders gets a “safe space” at Border Field State Park as the Border Patrol once again sticks its head in the sand
– Mike Cox, President of Local 2913, joins the show for the “two Minute Drill”
Wrapping up the show, Art Del Cueto joins Shawn for a discussion about the lack of consequences for border violators, an update on the agent stuck with a needle, and a situation where access to the border has been blocked.
Episode 78: Brandon Darby
Hosted this week by Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera, they start off with a review of the Donald Trump interview and then do the weekly social media review.
Brandon Darby, managing editor of Breitbart Texas joins the show in segments two and three to discuss how he came to work for Breitbart, his motivation to help Border Patrol agents, and the threats that concern him on the border.
Art Del Cueto provides on an update on the agent who was stuck with a hypodermic needle and shares info on an incident where a rancher addressed a Border Patrol muster while armed and then made veiled threats…all in front of Border Patrol managers!
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Episode 77: Donald J. Trump
Episode 77 starts with Shawn Moran and Thane Gallagher explaining the show to our new listeners on KVOI 1030AM in Tucson and on KVOI.com. They talk about who and what you will hear on the show in the coming weeks. Near the end of the first segment, they are joined by Art Del Cueto to discuss the NBPC’s endorsement of Donald Trump.
In segment two they are joined by the presumptive Republican nominee for President, Donald J. Trump to discuss border security, immigration, and his support for law enforcement.
In segment three they wrap up their interview with Donald Trump and dive further into some of the issues discussed in the interview.
In segment four a Tucson area Border Patrol agent is targeted by someone who affixed a hypodermic needle to his patrol vehicle. Shawn and Thane discuss an gent who died from a needle stick while searching a vehicle. They also talk about some of the sponsors for the show and some of the products we will be giving away.
Thanks to Breitbart News for sponsoring the show and all the people who helped make this episode happen.
Episode 77 Preview
This Sunday, May 15 at 7AM Pacific we air our interview with the presumptive Republican nominee for President, Donald J. Trump. We discuss border security issues, immigration, and his plans for a Trump presidential administration. Listen on Spreaker, iTunes, or live on KVOI – The Voice 1030AM in Tucson or stream it live on KVOI.com
Episode 76: Phone Calls and No Thane
This week’s show starts off with Shawn Moran by himself as Thane Gallagher was called in early to help save America. The podcast will begin airing on KVOI 1030AM in Tucson on May 15th at 7A.M. local time. Be sure to check it out!
[0:00] Intro
[1:10] Welcome
[1:42] 640 Days Since the Murder of BPA Javier Vega, Jr.
[3:20] Phone Call
[11:15] Commercial Break
[12:44] Update from the RGV with Chris Cabrera
[24:23] Commercial Break
[26:18] Two Minute Drill from Local 2366 in Del Rio, TX
[28:39] Reserve Deputy Sheriff in OK convicted in shooting of restrained suspect
[32:13] Trump speaking about Border Patrol agents
[33:45] Rep. Chaffetz skewers ICE Director Saldana
[40:20] DHS Sec. Johnson honored as Person of the Year for his dedication to law enforcement
[42:15] Social Media review
[44:55] #BPBeardMafia
[45:10] Bid for Shift Memo signed by Chief Vitiello
[50:13] Voicemail
[51:10] Disclaimer and BPUDN Stinger
Episode 75: College Safe Zones
This week on The Green Line, Shawn Moran and Thane Gallagher being by discussing the all-important question: Is Jon Snow really dead?
They also discuss safe zones and anti-Border patrol protests on college campuses, what to do during a checkpoint refusal or Cop Block type situation, and they close with a story you won’t hear widely reported about the good things Border Patrol agents do.
[0:00] Intro
[1:22] Welcome
[6:39] Social Media Intro
[12:00] Border Patrol Foundation Commercial
[14:00] CSU San Marcos professor protests Border Patrol recruiting
[25:04] Armando Diaz Commercial
[27:00] OWCP Update from Jon Perkins of the NBPC
[33:43] Checkpoint Refusals
[39:00] Fast Park Commercial
[40:05] Thane battles trolls online about checkpoints
[46:10] Border Patrol agents rescue two year old
[53:43] Wrap-up
[54:49] Disclaimer and BPUDN Stinger
Episode 74: Joey Barraza
This episode is dedicated to the memory of Border Patrol Agent Jose Barraza, who fell in the line of duty on April 18, 2016. If you are interested in helping his family please donate at https://www.youcaring.com/joey-barraza-s-family-557130
Episode 74
April 21, 2016
[0:00] Intro
[1:22] Welcome and Discussion about Border Patrol Agent Jose Barraza, who died in the line of duty on April 18th
[12:00] Border Patrol Foundation Commercial
[14:00] Social Media Update
[16:10] Recap of Border Expo
[26:00] Armando Diaz Badge Plaques Commercial
[28:00] Thane’s Specialty Unit Conducting Training
[40:00] Fast Park Commercial
[41:10] Tight Pants Video
[42:20] SCOTUS Hearing Case on Obama’s Executive Actions
[46:12] Discussion Black Lives Matter movement and violence against LEOs
[49:54] BLV agents arrest illegal alien trying to break into their cars
[52:26] Discussion about Buffalo, NY
[55:37] Disclaimer and BPUDN Stinger
Episode 73: 10th Annual Border Security Expo
Recorded live over two days at the Border Security Expo in San Antonio, TX. Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera talk border security with Chief Ron Vitiello and RGV Sector Chief Manny Padilla. They also talk with Erica Aguilar and Shannon Staples of the Border Patrol Foundation and end the show with a tale of Border patrol heroism by agents from the McAllen Border Patrol Station.
Episode 73
April 15, 2016
[0:00] Intro
[1:22] Welcome to the 10th Border Security Expo in San Antonio, TX
[2:08] Thanks to John Moriarty of Clarion Events
[3:40] Update from Local 3307 and the RGV Sector
[6:00] Update on Javier Vega, Jr. Murder Trial
[8:22] We debut next month on KVOI in Tucson, AZ
[10:35] Discussion of different vendors and products at Border Expo
[11:56] Update and latest stats on swaps from Rob Pepperdine
[22:00] Border Patrol Foundation events
[25:55] Commercial Break
[27:00] Interview with Chief Ron Vitiello
[48:38] Commentary on Expo and Chief’s interview
[50:15] Interview with RGV Chief Manny Padilla
[1:16:42] Day Two Audio
[1:17:30] Border Patrol Foundation Update and Interview with Erica Aguilar and Shannon Staples
[1:43:55] A Conversation with three Border Patrol heroes
[2:00:24] Wrap-up from San Antonio
[2:03:31] Disclaimer and BPUDN Stinger