Episode 91: J. David Cox
721 days since the murder of BPA Javier Vega, Jr. Still no classification as a line of duty death from CBP.
Good to see the Terry family continue fighting for their brother, Brian, at the Republican National Convention. Fast and Furious killed him and hundreds others by releasing rifles into Mexico.
This week’s shows are dedicated to the fallen officers of the Baton Rouge Police Department murdered this week in further violence against law enforcement officers.
Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera discuss the latest article on the Border Patrol from Politico. Shawn sees it as another hit piece from the author, whom he believes played fast and loose with the facts.
Our guest this week is American Federation of Government Employees President J. David Cox, who talks about some of AFGE’s legislative goals, his background as a VA nurse, and his dismay on labor issues with the Obama administration.
AFGE President Cox speaks very passionately about the work of Border Patrol agents and the working conditions they encounter. He has been to the border and seen it with his own eyes.
Shawn and Chris start the final segment discussing two of the show sponsors, Haix Boots and Gerber.
They continue to discuss the Politico article and whether it was a fair representation of the Union and Border Patrol agents. Two claims that are patently false are Obama’s claims of being the highest level deporter as President and the claim that the Border Patrol has been the deadliest law enforcement agency since 2005.
They finish the show talking about AFGE and the interview with J. David Cox, whom they give a strong B+/A- rating as AFGE president.
Episode 90: Shoulder Rolls and Hood Slides
718 days since the murder of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega, Jr. and CBP still has not made this a line of duty death. The fight for justice will continue! We are taking bets on whether the Commissioner will blow us off in Detroit, the odds are long but the payout could be great.
Glad to see the Terry family continue their fight for justice in the death of their brother, Brian, at the Republican National Convention.
Social media update with some emails and reviews.
The war on law enforcement continues as three police officers are murdered in Baton Rouge, LA. We dedicate this week’s episodes to the fallen officers in Baton Rouge. Shawn, Art, and Chris discuss the latest events and possible ways to solve this deadly problem.
Thanks to our primary sponsor, Breitbart News! http://breitbart.com
Check out the official knives of The Green Line! Next giveaway is this Tomahawk! http://www.gerbergear.com/Cutting-tools/Axes/Downrange-Tomahawk_30-000715
The trio discusses a recent article from Politico in which Chris is prominently featured. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/07/2016-donald-trump-mexico-us-border-patrol-immigration-undocumented-illegal-customs-texas-rio-grande-214060
Shawn asks Chris and Art what they thought the Border Patrol was prior to joining up. Art shares some stories from southern AZ and Chris talks about he was very unfamiliar with the BP prior to being hired. Shawn talks about he thought it would be all about yelling, “No time for back-up!” then doing a shoulder roll and sliding across the hood of a car!
Chris reminds listeners to contact us when they see shenanigans going on in terms of numbers or coverage.
Listen to the radio show on Sunday mornings at 7AM on KVOI 1030AM in Tucson or on KVOI.com
Episode 89: Gerber
Welcome to Episode 89!
Shawn and Chris start off by dedicating this week’s episodes to the fallen officers in Dallas, TX. This event hit home for Chris as he grew up in Dallas and now works in the same field as these officers. The thoughts and prayers of everyone at The Green Line go out to the fallen, their families, and the City of Dallas. A special recognition goes to Chief Brown for his leadership during this crisis.
Karrson Koivisto joins the show via phone after the first commercial break to discuss the history of Gerber and their current product line. Border Patrol agents can look forward to BP green as an option for knife handles and a new silent velcro. Karrson also discusses Gerber’s Pro Program available to Border patrol agents.
Congratulations to Matt Trombley of the Richford Border Patrol Station, the winner of the Gerber Propel Downrange Auto Knife! The next giveaway is the Downrange Tomahawk!
As the show wraps up, Art Del Cueto joins the show and discusses the official footwear of the show, Haix Boots. In the next few weeks Jim Gerien will be on the show to discuss the boots and the website through which agents can get a 20-30% discount.
Episode 88: Dallas PD
711 days since the murder of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega, Jr. and CBP has not declared it a line of duty death. The Union will continue to fight to have his name on the wall in DC.
Shawn Moran, Art Del Cueto, and Chris Cabrera start off the show discussing whether the Border Patrol should have its own haka prior to heading out for patrol.
Shawn reviews their recent conference at Podcast Movement 16 and upcoming expansion to other platforms. The Green Line is now available on Otto Radio.
Don’t miss Karrson Koivisto from Gerber on this week’s radio broadcast of The Green Line, Sunday mornings at 7AM Pacific on KVOI 1030AM and KVOI.com We also announce the winner of the Propel Downrange Auto Knife.
Art reveals that he is one of the agents who has muster boots and field boots, but has raves for his Haix boots.
Coming up next week, AFGE President J. David Cox calls into the radio show to discuss the state of labor in the federal government.
In the social media update, the hosts discuss a critical review that points out some of the show’s shortcomings. It is a fair review and one which is being worked on to correct the problems.
Shawn provides an update on the latest round of the Nationwide Swap Program. Thanks to Robert Pepperdine for all his hard work on this issue.
While discussing the murder of 5 Dallas Police Officers, Shawn and Art give out information on two incidents that have occurred with Border Patrol agents that had the potential for conflict with suspected protesters.
The Texas Tribune and REVEAL have written several articles, the latest highlighting some of the shortcomings of Border Patrol leadership. The guys discuss the wake left by the past two Border Patrol chiefs.
Art and Chris gives a shout out to all our listeners and agents in Indio, CA and McAllen, TX. Also a shout out to our producer, Dan Benavidez, and his mom who faithfully listens on KVOI.
Want a Green Line patch? Email thegreenline@bpunion.org
Episode 87: Michele McPhee
The Green Line Intro
Episode 87
July 10, 2017
Broadcasting live from the Breitbart News Studios, Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera lead off the KVOI show. As always they remember Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega, Jr. and the fact that CBP has not designated his murder as a line of duty death. They call on Chief Mark Morgan to put his stamp on the Border Patrol and make this murder a line of duty death.
Chris Cabrera talks about the increase in assaults by OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) on Border Patrol agents. The US Attorneys Office is prosecuting the illegal aliens committing these crimes, which has not always happened in the past.
Shawn and Chris also address the complaints made by the ACLU about the conditions in Border Patrol holding cells. Complaints include that the cells are too cold, uncomfortable and that the food is unappealing.
After the break, award-winning journalist and WMEX radio host Michele McPhee join Shawn and Chris to discuss border security. She talks about how what happens at the border doesn’t always stay at the border.
Wrapping up the show, Art Del Cueto joins Shawn Moran and promptly offers up Chris Cabrera’s spot on the show after his anti-Yankee comments. Art offers his opinion on the ACLU lawsuit on holding conditions.
Del Cueto also discusses cases where agents were assaulted and the US government does not prosecute the illegal aliens who committed them.
Del Cueto also details points of Hillary Clinton’s immigration plan and how it goes further than the actions that President Obama took.
If you want to take part in our Gerber give-away, email us at thegreenline@bpunion.org and tell us why you need or deserve a new Gerber auto-opening knife.
Episode 86: No Time For Back-Up!
On this week’s episode Shawn Moran, Art Del Cueto, and Chris Cabrera start off by discussing Dan Benavidez and the fact that CBP has yet to declare the murder of Javier Vega a line of duty death. Will Chief Morgan help us with this cause and show that he identifies as a Border Patrol agent?
Want to win a Gerber knife? Tell us why you deserve one at thegreenline@bpunion.org
Thanks to Gerber and Haix Boots. See them at haixusa.com
Once again the topic of polygraphs for CBP employment is discussed especially some of the horror stories about how they are applied to applicants. It appears some polygraphs look at failing people as sport or have some axes to grind.
Shawn, Art, and Chris discuss a recent report about US citizens being detained and about the condition of Border Patrol stations and detention centers.
Prior to the July 4th holiday, CBP released info on four use of force incidents, providing some long called for transparency. Art and Chris give their opinion on whether this is the direction the agency should go.
Finally the guys discuss the Supreme Court’s tie which sends the case on the President’s executive actions back down to the lower courts. It send the message that even Presidents are not above the law.
Listen to Episode 87 on Sunday morning at 7AM Pacific on KVOI.com and KVOI-1030AM. WMEX radio host and award-winning journalist Michele McPhee joins us to discuss border security and how it impacts Boston and other cities.
Episode 85: Sheriff Paul Babeu
This week on The Green Line, Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera discuss the latest on new Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan. They also remember Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega, Jr., who was murdered 100 weeks ago, and how his murder has not been declared a line of duty death by Customs and Border Protection.
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu returns to the show to discuss border security and how illegal immigration affects his county and others throughout the US. You can find out more about him at: http://www.sheriffpaul.com
In the final segment Art Del Cueto wraps up the show by further discussing the lack of consequences in border security and how it is affecting Tucson, AZ.
Episode 84: New Border Patrol Chief
Art Del Cueto and Shawn Moran discuss the latest issues from the world of border security and immigration. First they discuss Mark Morgan, the new Border Patrol Chief and first outsider to head the agency.
Shawn discusses the Federation for American Immigration Reform’s “Hold Their Feet To The Fire” event last week in Washington, DC.
Other topics this week include the loss of a Border Patrol K9, an award for a USCIS supervisor who obstructed the San Bernardino terror investigation, and an update on our Gerber knife contest. Email us at thegreenline@bpunion.org with why you deserve a new knife.
Episode 83: Ildefonso Ortiz
Happy Father’s Day to one and all!
Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera start the show by discussing their Father’s Day plans and then get into the latest agent-involved shooting out of Yuma, AZ. Luckily, the Border Patrol agent survived and will recover from his injuries.
They also discuss a report from Judicial Watch detailing how the Obama administration is moving hundreds of illegal aliens away from the border and into interior neighborhoods. Yours could be next!
Shawn and Chris also give details on the Gerber knife giveaway. Email thegreenline@bpunion.org before July 1 and tell us why you should get the Propel Downrange Automatic Knife from Gerber.
Ildefonso Ortiz of Breitbart News joins the show after the first break to discuss spillover violence on the border, the Cartel Chronicles, and whether or not cartels are on the same level as terrorist organizations.
Art Del Cueto joins Shawn in the final segment to hammer home the themes of this episode. Art will tell listeners why he believes that the Obama administration has its head in the sand, hoping the immigration problems will just go away. The picture this administration has painted of themselves does not fit in with reality.
All this and more in this week’s episode of The Green Line!
Episode 82: Podcast Returns
This week the podcast-only format returns with its focus on Border Patrol agents and workplace issues.
Shawn Moran hosts and discusses the agent-involved shooting in Yuma, AZ. All of us at The Green Line are glad the agent will be OK and that he lived to fight another day.
Police in Dallas shoot a rock-throwing suspect at Love Field. Shawn discusses this and how the ACLU thinks only Border Patrol agents shoot rock throwers.
The US Attorney in Del Rio, TX gets three convictions and lengthy prison terms for three convicts that attacked Border Patrol agents. Why can’t other US Attorneys do the same?
Finally, a Health and Safety update on hearing loss thanks to NBPC Health and Safety Representative Steve Veloz.
Tell us why you need the Gerber Propel Downrange Automatic Knife and you could win! Email your entry to thegreenline@bpunion.org