Episode 101: Clinton’s Immigration Plans
At the start of the show Shawn Moran welcomes Chris Cabrera back to the studio and they detail some upcoming appearances and interviews. Support Team Green Line in the SanDiegoStairClimb.com by joining us or donating to the cause.
Shawn talks about 1513holsters.com, the newest sponsor of the podcast and radio show. The Green Line holsters just showed up and the boys couldn’t be happier with the quality or low-profile factor. Shawn talks about an encounter he had outside the studio this week.
The majority of the episode is dedicated to Secretary Clinton’s immigration proposals should she be elected President and how they would impact Border Patrol operations. Art and Chris talk about how the RGV and Tucson Sectors would be affected by amnesty or more liberal immigration policies. The big question is: why does she not talk about any type of border enforcement?
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Episode 100: Square and Compasses
We start out the 100th episode thanking all of the people that got us here, especially Thane Gallagher, Christina Ramirez, Julie Ledesma, Mike Baranic, Jason Aldrich, Brandon Judd, Dan Benavidez, all our guests, all our contributors, and all our supporters!
We delve into the Colin Kaepernick Pledge of Allegiance debate and whether any stations do the Pledge at musters. This leads into a discussion about NFL teams relocating and how Tony Romo is supporting Obamacare all by himself.
The boys also discuss whether Goose Island Brewing should be a sponsor due to their Green Line pale ale.
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There is then a discussion about whether someone should do a “desk pop” to celebrate the 100th episode.
They talk about some of the businesses that agents have and how to support them, along with all of the civic organizations that agents volunteer for. Art makes sure that the Free Masons are mentioned a few times.
The boys close out the show talking about some San Diego sports teams and why the fans don’t care if they ever win a major championship.
Thanks to everyone for listening and helping us get to 100 shows.
Episode 99: Not In This Lifetime
Chris Cabrera returns this week and calls into the show while on vacation! He and Shawn Moran discuss the latest trends in the Rio Grande Valley, the final attempt to interview the Commissioner in Detroit next month, and the newest sponsor for the show: http://www.1513holsters.com
Episode 98: Off The Rails
Art Del Cueto and Shawn Moran host this session and get way off script at certain points. They discuss the funeral of Manny Alvarez, a criminal prosecution of a Border Patrol agent, Uber, Guns and Roses and much more in this wide-ranging episode.
Welcome our new sponsor: http://www.1513holsters.com
Episode 97: Rep. Randy Weber
The show starts off this week with Shawn Moran and Art Del Cueto discussing the petition to designate Javier Vega’s murder as a line of duty death. Art also gives information on the death of Border Patrol Agent Manny Alvarez, one of Art’s academy classmates, who died last week in the line of duty in Casa Grande, AZ. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends, and co-workers. This week’s shows are dedicated to Manny Alvarez.
After the break, Rep. Randy Weaver joins the show to discuss pending legislation he is sponsoring to help secure the border and stop the flow of refugees from Syria. This legislation includes the POSSE Act and the No Resettlement Without Consent Act.
In the final segment, Shawn and Art discuss their producer’s inability to type or text and define what a “brushout” is after Dan Benavidez attempts to alter his texting history. They also discuss the sponsors, Breitbart News, Haix Boots, and Gerber.
Art thanks Senator McCain, Rep. McSally, Governor Ducey, Sheriff Babeu, and Tucson Sector management for all their help and support throughout the loss of Manny Alvarez.
Episode 96: RIP Manny Alvarez
This week’s episode sees Shawn Moran and Art Del Cueto hosting a very difficult show as they discuss the loss of Border Patrol Agent Manny Alvarez of the Casa Grande station. Alvarez died on duty in a motorcycle accident. This week’s episodes are dedicated to Manny Alvarez. The majority of this episode is a discussion on loss, the bonds of being a Border Patrol agent, and Art remembering his friend and classmate.
Listen to the radio show this weekend to hear our interview with Rep. Randy Weber of Texas and his proposed legislative initiatives.
Also, join us at the San Diego 9/11 Stair Climb on September 10th in San Diego. sandiegostairclimb.com
A Google alert shows the difference between Border Patrol and the Office of Field Operations.
We also discuss the final plan to interview the Commissioner. Art wants to know about his time conducting a Mexican symphony at a CBP event.
Finally, a plea for everyone to sign the petition to get Javier Vega a line of duty death classification. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petition/honor-fallen-border-patrol-agent-javier-harvey-vega-jr-his-sacrifice-line-duty-death-lodd-designation
Episode 95: Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Art Del Cueto again joins Shawn Moran to host the full episode of The Green Line. As the two year anniversary has passed since the murder of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega Jr., Shawn and Art discuss the situation in depth. They start by recalling where they were when they heard the news of Javy’s murder.
Joining the show this week to discuss border security and how Clinton and Trump’s border and immigration proposals will affect local law enforcement on the border, is “America’s Toughest Lawman,” Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio .
He discusses his extensive background in law enforcement, including his arrest of Elvis Presley in Las Vegas. He talks about what he wants to see from the next presidential administration and about his support and admiration of Border Patrol agents.
Wrapping up the show, Art and Shawn discuss their sponsors: Haix, Breitbart News, and Gerber. The conversation then flows into fair journalistic practices and how some reporters shape stories about the Border Patrol.
Episode 94: Thoughts on Obama and the DNC
In this episode Shawn Moran talks about the upcoming San Diego Stair Climb to bene fit fallen fire fighters and honor those lost on 9/11.
He then goes back to discuss President Obama’s remarks at the funeral of five murdered police officers in Dallas and shares his thoughts on events at the DNC.
Episode 93: Jessica Vaughan
In this episode Art Del Cueto joins Shawn Moran for the entire show as Chris Cabrera is on leave.
172 days until January 20th and Kerlikowske is out of office.
728 Days Since Murder of BPA Javier Vega, Jr.
Shawn talks about the murder of a Travis County deputy sheriff whose murder was declared a line of duty death in just 12 hours. CBP could learn from some of these departments.
Shawn and Art also discuss the NY Times article about the border fence and AZ ranchers’ feelings about it. A fence or wall is necessary to stop drive-throughs and slow down illegal aliens from entering. It isn’t the total solution but it is a tool that Border Patrol agents use.
Art and Shawn also discuss Sen. Kaine’s pledge to deliver amnesty within 100 days of taking office, if elected.
Jessica Vaughan, Director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies, joins the show for segments two and three to discuss the impact of past amnesties and the potential impact of Hillary Clinton’s immigration proposals.
In the final segment, Donald Trump’s words about Border Patrol agents from the Republican National Convention are heard. Both Shawn and Art were excited by his comments about including agents in a solution for border security.
They also talk about their sponsors: Breitbart News, Gerber, and Haix Boots. Shawn describes some of the violent messages being received by Brandon Darby at the RNC.
Thanks for listening and I you want a Green Line patch email us at thegreenline@bpunion.org
Episode 92: The Whole Burrito
Join The Green Line on Sept. 10th in San Diego as they take part in a 9/11 Stair Climb to honor those who died. Join us in person or help a great cause by donating: https://www.classy.org/checkout/register?eid=75541&ftid=84844
This episode starts with the audio of Donald Trump speaking at the Republican National Convention and mentioning how he will include Border Patrol agents directly in helping to improve border security.
Art Del Cueto and Shawn Moran discuss the speech and how it has them pumped up to be able to do their jobs.
725 days since the murder of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega, Jr.
Art discusses a case where he is representing an agent and the agency has failed to present the “evidence” they claim to have showing wrongdoing.
They discuss their sponsors and specifically about Brandon Darby of Breitbart News, who received multiple threats at the RNC.
On the radio show this week is Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies discussing the impact that Hillary Clinton’s immigration proposals will have.
Shawn and Art also discuss an Arizona Republic article about a border shooting where an agent responded from a few blocks away. They talk about how this is not unusual and the reporter is making more out of it than it warrants. They also talk about some strange legal moves in the criminal case regarding compelled statements.
Shawn and Art then give credit to agents who conducted rescues in Laredo, TX. These agents are heroes and this is the type of story that should be reported on by the mainstream media.
They also discuss some of the AFGE leadership being at the Democratic National Convention, yet no one attended the Republican National Convention.
Want to show your support of the show? Email us at thegreenline@bpunion.org to get your Green Line patch!