Episode 110: Mic Drop
Episode 110 starts off with a whimper but quickly roars to life! NBPC Attorney Michael Baranic joins Shawn Moran, Art Del Cueto, and Chris Cabrera to give shout-outs and legal interpretations on use of force and other topics. Listen to the radio show on KVOI this Sunday at 7AM.
This is by far one of our funniest episodes yet. Listen carefully to Chris Cabrera’s one liners that he drops throughout the conversations.
[0:00] Intro
[4:00] Thanks to Andrew Wilkow and Ian Scotto for repping The Green Line.
[4:30] Harambe
[6:24] Vice Presidential Debates
[14:34] Legal basis behind law enforcement’s use of force
[30:30] Possible SCOTUS changes
[37:47] Haix Boots Free pair of size 10s to give away
[40:52] [15:13] Holsters Always Carry Your Club When You Leave The Cave!
[43:45] Gerber Gear Stay tuned for curated give-away packages. Email how you are representing The Green Line with a picture to thegreenline@bpunion.org
[47:47] Potential coffee sponsor upcoming
[52:47] End of show
Also check out 511Tactical.com
Episode 109: Senator John McCain
The show starts with a discussion of Art’s role on the show and his transition from a closer to a starting pitcher. They then preview some of the guests on this week’s show, Senator John McCain and Greg McGillivary, Esq.
Shawn then veers off on a tangent when telling a story about a long time Border Patrol supporter, Roger Hedgecock. He then follows up on last week’s Keira Knightley analogy and puts up an idea to get the testosterone on the show under control.
[0:00] Intro
[5:30] Roger Hedgecock story
[10:50] Too much testosterone on the show?
[12:00] Interview with Senator John McCain
[17:07] Technical correction update
[23:00] Continued interview with Sen. McCain
[25:45] Concerns about continued Obama-type immigration policies
[35:00] Update on pay lawsuits from Greg McGillivary
[43:17] Wrap-up and discussion of presidential debate
Episode 108: Ian Scotto of SOFREP
Our listeners requested it so we made it happen, a Green Line/SOFREP mashup. Honored to welcome Ian Scotto (@IanScotto) of SOFREP Radio onto the show. The conversation is wide-ranging as they discuss the founding of SOFREP, immigration policy, and how both Shawn and Ian got their starts with radio. It’s an episode you won’t want to miss.
[0:00] Intro
[2:00] Interview with Ian Scotto
[11:15] Ramos and Compean Case
[15:30] Discussion of heroin epidemic
[21:00] Border wall discussion
[36:42] Military literature renaissance
[50:30] Conversation veers off into radio jobs and the format of NYC radio stations
[53:08] Podcasts and niche topics
[1:01:12] Inner city issues being ignored
[1:03:13] Wrap-up
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Episode 107: LODD At Last
In this episode, Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera are joined by Josh Wilson to discuss the main topic of Java Vega’s murder being classified as a line of duty death by CBP.
They also discuss the number of Unaccompanied children still crossing through the RGV Sector and the hundred of Haitians overwhelming resources in the San Diego Sector.
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Episode 106: Javier Vega. Jr.
After 780 days the murder of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega, Jr. has finally been classified as a line of duty death. His name will be included on the CBP Valor Memorial and we will work to further have his sacrifice recognized. Shawn Moran and Josh Wilson sit down to discuss this development and what it means to Border Patrol agents.
We also recognize the bravery and heroics of two Kingsville Border Patrol agents and Shawn gives an overview of topics discussed at last weekend’s Local Presidents Meeting in San Diego.
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Episode 105: Always Strapped
Shawn Moran and Art Del Cueto host this week and discuss several topics including the latest DHS stats, the AFGExit petition, and the latest giveaway.
[0:00] Intro
[3:00] 777 days since the murder of Javier Vega, Jr.
[8:35] Update from Benavidez regarding interview with Commissioner
[12:20] DHS stats for 2016 on UACs and FMUAs
[25:45] 5.11 Tactical is latest show sponsor
[29:05] Green Line stickers available
[36:00] Submit clips for the “Best of 2016”
[40:30] AFGExit Petition
[47:10] Gerber Tomahawk Giveaway
Represent the Green Line by sending us a photo with your Green Line patch or sticker. Be creative, adventurous, or humorous and the best one will win the tomahawk. Send the photos to thegreenline@bpunion.org
[48:17] Disclaimer
Episode 104: 78 Pairs
Here are the topics for this week’s show with Art Del Cueto and Shawn Moran:
[0:00] Intro
[1:30] Upcoming Guests
[3:00] Tomahawk Giveaway Announced along with rules
[8:30] Make Holsters Great Again. 1513Holsters.com Check out the Harvey model.
[10:00] Social Media Update
[12:45] Why are we part of AFGE?
[17:10] Trump Endorsement Discussion
[27:15] How many pairs of jeans?
[29:30] Will Kerlikowske do the interview next week?
[30:40] Kaepernick Protests
Episode 103: Is Mexico the Problem?
The show starts off with the continued discussion on the murder of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega and how it has been 770 days since that fateful day.
Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera also pay tribute to Josh Wilson and his recently departed K9 partner, Nezmar. Nezmar was responsible for multiple seizures and arrests in San Diego Sector.
They also discuss the lack of signatures on the petition for Javier Vega’s murder to be considered a line of duty death. In a WhiteHouse.org petition, less than 5000 signatures were collected
The guys then discuss where they were on 9/11 and how it impacted their life.
Last week Shawn took part in an interview with MSNBC where he was asked, “Is Mexico really the problem?” This leads to a discussion this week amongst the hosts with many examples of why Mexico is the problem.
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Episode 102: Even Money
The show starts off with an update from Dan Benavidez on the prospects of getting an interview with Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske. This conversation strays into a discussion of Designing Women, Chris’s favorite TV show. After getting back to the topic at hand Dan says he believes the odds are even money that we will get the Commissioner to sit down for an interview.
767 days since the murder of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega Jr. and still no line of duty death classification by CBP.
A listener writes in to correct some stats on the Gerber Downrange Tomahawk.
The guys then get into a discussion on the lack of leadership in the Border Patrol and how it manifests itself during careers and into retirement.
We also honor Josh Wilson and his K9, Nezmar, who unfortunately had to be euthanized last week. Our thoughts and appreciation go out to Josh during this difficult time.
There is a lot of disappointment that the Vega petition garnered so few signatures.
The topic then turns to a recent MSNBC interview in which Shawn was asked, “Is Mexico really the problem?” What do you think? Leave us a comment with your opinion.
Finally, recent comments by a LA Times reporter about the podcast are discussed.
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Episode 101: Clinton’s Immigration Plans
At the start of the show Shawn Moran welcomes Chris Cabrera back to the studio and they detail some upcoming appearances and interviews. Support Team Green Line in the SanDiegoStairClimb.com by joining us or donating to the cause.
Shawn talks about 1513holsters.com, the newest sponsor of the podcast and radio show. The Green Line holsters just showed up and the boys couldn’t be happier with the quality or low-profile factor. Shawn talks about an encounter he had outside the studio this week.
The majority of the episode is dedicated to Secretary Clinton’s immigration proposals should she be elected President and how they would impact Border Patrol operations. Art and Chris talk about how the RGV and Tucson Sectors would be affected by amnesty or more liberal immigration policies. The big question is: why does she not talk about any type of border enforcement?
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