Episode 121: The Real Episode 121

This week Shawn Moran briefly discusses Chief Morgan’s testimony before the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee and comments that were made there. More to come on that next week from Art and Chris.

We announce this month’s winner of the Haix boots. Heroes wear Haix.

The Nationwide Swap program will be open Dec. 5th – Dec. 19th. If you want a swap this is your chance.

More gear to give away, enter the 5.11 Tactical giveaway by emailing us. See thegreenline.co for more details.

A shout out to all the Border Patrol agents deployed downrange in Asia from the 433rd Security Forces Squadron “Alamo Defenders” attached to the 407th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron in support of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE. Thanks for listening while overseas and for serving this nation! Stay safe!

Listen this Sunday as we debut on KNST 790AM at 3PM Arizona time. We will also be on the iHeart Radio app. Tune in!

Episode 120: Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our listeners, especially the Border Patrol agents working out on the border today! On this week’s episode we get an update on the border crisis in the Rio Grande Valley, discuss the latest meeting between NBPC President Brandon Judd and President-Elect Donald Trump, and we honor Border Patrol Agent David Gomez who suffered a heart attack last week while on duty in El Paso.

We also give details on how to take part in our contests for 5.11 Tactical gear and a pair of Haix boots. Listen or check out thegreenline.co for details. We also preview the next contest featuring the LMFII knife from Gerber.

Episode 119: Making Podcasting Great Again

On Episode 119, Shawn Moran, Art Del Cueto, and Chris Cabrera discuss the latest news from the Rio Grande Valley Sector where 150 agents have been deployed to help with the crisis of juveniles and families crossing the border. Chief Padilla says no crisis to see there, who’s telling the truth?

We announce the latest giveaway contest from 5.11 Tactical. Come up with the best new motto for the Border Patrol and win the Moab 10 bag plus other 5.11 products.

We pause to remember an agent lost to a heart attack while on duty last night. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.

A Supervisory Border Patrol agent is arrested in Laredo Sector for continued harassment of his subordinates. The guys discuss this developing situation.

Lots of topics this week to discuss. Be sure to check it out and share it with a friend or co-worker.

Episode 117: Tomahawk Winner Announced

On this episode, Shawn Moran, Art Del Cueto, and Chris Cabrera announce the winner of the Gerber Downrange Tomahawk. Congrats to Justin Weber of the Calexico Border Patrol Station, whose photo of him and his daughter fishing while promoting The Green Line won him the grand prize.

The hosts also discuss the upcoming election and the resurgence of the Central American children and families flooding through the Rio Grande Valley.

Episode 116: Double Fisting

Episode 116
[0:00] Intro
[2:30] California banned weapons
[9:30] Nogales International article
[26:30] Update on Haix Boots
[29:45] A few days left to win the Downrange Tomahawk from Gerber
[32:45] Art’s shoutouts
[34:30] The Green Line wins the Award for Excellence at the San Diego PRSA Bernays Awards
[40:00] Kombucha talk
[45:45] Dan’s giraffe costume
[47:41] Disclaimer and end

Shawn Moran, Art Del Cueto, and Chris Cabrera host this week’s show and start off with a discussion of the Rio Grande Valley and why agents love it.

They also talk, albeit without any real basis of knowledge, about weapons that are banned in California.

The Nogales International publishes another article about Border Patrol agents carrying rifles.

If you want to order discounted Haix boots go to http://thegreenline.co/sponsors or http://bpc-boots.com

Shawn also discusses The Green Line winning another award for the podcast.

Episode 115: William La Jeunesse

William La Jeunesse of Fox News Channel returns to discuss the state of the media in America, thoughts on the Presidential and Congressional elections, and the state of border security. Always an interesting interview, you won’t want to miss this episode.

Episode 114: Glitter Beards

All three hosts are back this week and there is a lot to discuss! Topics range from the Supreme Court hearing a case about a border shooting to fabricated apprehension rates. The guys also discuss an attempted break-in at Art’s house. Be sure to listen and tell a friend about the show!

[0:00] Intro
[2:00] Art’s break-in
[5:00] Social media reviews
[8:00] Overpayment issues and blame
[18:00] AP Story on Apprehension Rate
[26:30] SCOTUS to hear border shooting case
[36:30] Agent’s rifle scares former newspaper publisher
[40:15] DHS tweets #refugeeswelcome
[48:00] Glitter Beards
[51:32] End

Episode 113: Denise Gitsham

This episode is hosted by Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera, Art Del Cueto is at mandatory training in West Virgina.

First up. Shawn recounts the events leading up to and following the meeting last week with Donald J. Trump, the Republican Presidential nominee, last week in New York City.

After the break Chris and Shawn interview Denise Gitsham, the Republican candidate for Congress from California’s 52nd District.  There is a robust discussion about triathlons, what is needed for border security, and Denise Gitsham’s very diverse background.

[0:00] Intro
[3:00] Recap of meeting with Donald Trump
[12:00] Interview with Denise Gitsham Part One
[23:00] Interview with Denise Gitsham Part Two
[35:00] Interview with Denise Gotsham Part Three

Episode 112: Meeting with Trump

On this week’s show, Chris Cabrera and Shawn Moran host as Art Del Cueto is attending advanced training in West Virginia.

The biggest topic this week is the meeting with Donald Trump that Shawn attended in NYC along with four other NBPC officials. They also discuss US Citizenship and Immigration Services rushing through naturalization applications so immigrants can vote in the election.

We also announce the winner of the size 10 Haix boots!

[0:00] Intro
[5:30] Recap of Trump Meeting
[16:00] Pushing through naturalization applications
[22:45] HeHateMe
[25:00] KVOI Preview
[27:00] Kim and Kanye
[28:50] Sponsors
[38:30] End

Episode 111: Senator John McCain Continued

Episode 111 is full of topics but none bigger than the continuation of our interview with Senator John McCain of Arizona. We continue talking about border security, bipartisanship, and he even weighs in with how he feels on the NBPC’s endorsement of Donald Trump.

NBPC Attorney Michael Baranic joins the show in studio to discuss the legal basis behind the use of force by law enforcement officers, specifically the shooting in El Cajon, CA.

[0:00] Intro
[1:55] Senator John McCain Interview Continued
[12:12] Senator John McCain Interview Continued
[18:08] Art. Chris, and Michael Baranic back live in studio.
[19:00] Immigration situation in North Carolina
[21:24] The softer side of Chris Cabrera
[24:15] Do you wear size 10 boots? Email us at thegreenline@bpunion.org and put Size 10 in the subject to win this extra pair.
[25:00] El Cajon PD shooting discussion
[35:00] Back from commercial break, discussion on use of force continues.