Episode 132: Paintings and Polygraphers

Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera host this week’s podcast and start off by discussing the anti-police painting that has become a topic of debate in the US Capitol. They also highlight some of the attacks that federal employees can expect to face in the coming months as Congress begins passing laws.

Chris also talks about a conversation he had with polygraphs who listen to the show, and the problems they are facing.

A new contest is announced for a Gerber LMF II survival knife. Listen to find out how to win.

Episode 131: Need More FBI Guys

Art Del Cueto and Shawn Moran discuss the latest happenings on the border this week. Lots of action in the Tucson Sector as agents are being shot at and viciously assaulted.

The final arrest numbers are out for 2016 and surprise, they went up! We are not shocked though since we have been saying it since early in 2016.

We also share our thoughts on what might happen early on in the Trump administration.

Episode 130: Shooting and Assaults in AZ

Shawn Moran and Art Del Cueto are back for 2017 with the first show of the New Year. Lots of action over the holiday break as agents were shot at and assaulted in the Tucson Sector. Border Patrol arrests went up in 2016, even as the administration tries to downplay the problem. We also talk about two stories you probably didn’t hear about in the mainstream media as they entail Border Patrol agents doing the right thing.

We also announce the winners of the 5.11 Tactical contest.

Episode 129: Best of 2016

Happy New Year! Shawn Moran returns to review some of the best segments from 2016. From Sheriff Joe to President-Elect Donald Trump these are the clips you need to hear. Have a safe and happy 2017!

Episode 127: Merry Christmas

Art Del Cueto and Chris Cabrera are back again this week hosting. Lots of call-ins this week and information from around the country. A huge thanks to Andy Taylor for editing and producing the last few shows. Merry Christmas to everyone! See you in 2017!

Episode 125: Michoacan Hats

This week Art Del Cueto and Chris Cabrera host the show from the TechTalk studios in Tucson, AZ. First up, the lack of manpower is impacting operations throughout the southwest border. Assaults are up, violence is increasing, and apprehensions are spiking but you hear very little from the administration or mainstream media.

Art calls for safety during the holiday season, don’t drink and drive!

Lots of discussion on the state of NFL teams. Also an insight into the mind of Dan Benavidez and his production duties. The show closes with some shout-outs.

Episode 124: Buyer’s Remorse

On this episode, Shawn Moran and Art Del Cueto give an update on the shooting in the Rio Grande Valley sector, discuss the Chief’s testimony before a Senate committee, and discuss a pending lawsuit by the ACLU over warrantless searches.

They also talk about former DHS Secretary Napolitano’s plan to make all University of California campuses “safe spaces” for illegal alien students.

Episode 123: Looking Into It

On this week’s episode, Shawn Moran and Art Del Cueto discuss the testimony from Chief Mark Morgan at last week’s HSGAC hearing, the situation regarding the overpayment by the government of overtime, and the tale of two illegal aliens arrested after harassing a sea turtle.

Art Del Cueto talks about his charity ride to a local children’s hospital in AZ by the Riders of the Third Degree.

As always we talk about the great sponsors that support this show. Check them out on thegreenline.co

We also talk about what is on our radar this week including podcasts, podcast apps, and other groups that support Border Patrol agents.

The podcast available on Spreaker, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and available very soon on iHeartRadio. Listen Sunday at 3PM AZ to KNST, Tucson’s Most Stimulating Talk.

Episode 122: KNST Debut

We want to thank KNST for having our show come onboard. You can listen live every Sunday at 3PM Arizona Time or stream it online.

This week Shawn Moran discusses several Border Patrol issues and welcomes Chris Harris, NBPC 1613’s Legislative and Political Affairs Director. The two discuss the latest outreach efforts by Local 1613 and the issues currently being addressed in the San Diego Sector.

Want to show your Green Line pride? Email us at thegreenline@bpunion.org for patches or stickers.

Enter our 5.11 Tactical giveaway prior to December 15th for a ton of free items. Go to http://www.thegreenline.co/2016/11/23/5-11-tactical-giveaway/ to enter and see the gear you can win.