Episode 152: If you don’t know, now you know!
Important message for all the open borders, pro illegal immigration, President Trump haters TOUGH ENFORCEMENT WORKS! President Obama’s failure to enforce the law led to the immigration crisis.
Art and Chris hit the road literally Art drove 12 and Chris four to San Antonio to attend the 11th Annual Border Expo.
“What is wrong with people?”, Art and Chris ponder as the Laredo Color Guard conducts the “Presentation of Colors” Ceremony during the Border Expo.
US Border Patrol Chief Ronald Vitiello joins the guys for a no-holding-back interview. Discussion covers, manager’s retreat in Puerto Rico, morale, pay reform, training, and being prepared for the “oh craps” moments.
Chris gives us a look at the new tools available at Border Expo Conference to help secure the border.
Episode 151: Mai Tai’s, Mismanagement, and Mertz
The new day in the patrol looks a lot like the old days.
As the temperature rises on the southern border, Border Patrol brass takes off to Puerto Rico. Meanwhile, agents are denied reimbursement for EMT certification due to funding shortages. Potentially harming communities along the border who depend on BP Agents. In many cases, they are the difference between life and death. Enjoy the mai tai’s, gentlemen.
The Patrol loses too many agents to suicide. San Diego Sector Local 1613 President Terry Shigg joined Art and Chris to discuss suicide prevention and filming with CNN.
The world is watching. Two years ago, European and Asian media turned up their noses to American border security tactics. Now, an ongoing immigration crisis and recent terrorist attacks are making them rethink the whole “open borders” idea. This year alone, media from Germany, Ireland, Austria, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, China, and the UK have come to America to learn what our agents are doing to protector borders.
We learn that Dan has an Altered Fashion Style and gets his clothing tips from Fred Mertz.
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Episode 150: BodyCams
In this Weeks Show – Art and Chris report on the conference in Washington DC. The New York Times runs a front page article, how did this relay the issues on the border. The guys talk about Social Media in informing and misinforming on issues around security of the border.
A Situation in Tucson with an escapee from BP Agents and how did TPD and the Media Respond. Voting at the NBPC Conference.
Hector Garza, President Local 2455 calls in to talk with Art and Chris. Reports from Loredo include continuing the duty of protecting the border and testing of the body camera systems for BP Officers.
On March 22nd The Border Patrol was represented on a story on HBO Vice, An insight for viewers and the show producers. Art and Chris send wishes to Shawn Moran who is moving on to new duties.
Episode 149: FLSA and More
On this week’s KNST episode, Shawn Moran, Art Del Cueto, and Chris Cabrera discuss the latest issues affecting Border Patrol agents. NBPC President Brandon Judd calls into the show to discuss his latest testimony before Congress, which includes plans to push for the restoration of FLSA pay to achieve pay parity.
Episode 148: Careless Whisper
On this week’s episode, Art Del Cueto and Shawn Moran host as the NY Times and LA Times are in studio to get the full Green Line experience.
Former Border Patrol Agent Dan Smith calls in to talk about his past experiences with the CBP polygraph. It’s an enlightening conversation and one that will have you questioning CBP’s motives with the polygraph program.
Want to win a Black Rifle Coffee hat or Gerber hat? Be the first person to correctly identify the late 80s/early 90s singer we discuss on this show and email us at thegreenline@bpunion.org
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Episode 147: Black Rifle Coffee
This week on The Green Line, Evan Hafer, CEO of Black Rifle Coffee, comes on the show to talk coffee, politics, and law enforcement in America.
Later in the show, Chris Cabrera joins Shawn Moran to discuss the CNN interview in the RGV Sector, polygraphs, and other border security topics.
Episode 146: Polygraphs
On this week’s show, Shawn Moran and Chris Cabrera talk about CBP’s polygraph program, the show recorded in the RGV, and we get Chris’s opinion on the situation in Tucson where the police stopped assisting the Border Patrol in a search for an escaped prisoner.
Episode 145: For Political Reasons
This week on KNST, Art Del Cueto and Shawn Moran discuss this past week’s failure by Tucson PD leadership to fully assist Border Patrol in searching for an escaped prisoner. They also talk about why the Santa Cruz County Sheriff doesn’t feel a wall is needed. The Green Line will also be focusing on CBP’s polygraph program and why the failure rate is so high compared to other agencies.
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Episode 144: 10,000 Holes in the Fence
On this week’s episode, Art Del Cueto and Shawn Moran go in-depth on some listener emails that recently arrived. They also discuss the decision by a judge to award $1 million dollars to the family of an illegal alien who died in custody. Can you believe nearly 10,000 holes were cut in the fence during the Obama administration?
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Episode 143: Live at RGV3307
Art Del Cueto and Chris Cabrera host this week live in the Rio Grande Valley Sector. They are joined by NBPC President Brandon Judd as they discuss this week’s issues affecting immigration and border security.