EPISODE173 : Critics, Crackpots, and Cochise County Ranchers

Art and Chris pull no punches as they respond to the crazy things said by critics and Cochise County ranchers. This episode will make you want to laugh, and at the same time, punch someone in the neck.

Be prepared to have your fundamental beliefs challenged as Chris launches an epic defense of Whataburger. The guys give a special shout-out to Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) and Representative William Hurd (R-TX-23) for sponsoring legislation to secure our borders.

Tune in and get the truth from the border: no spin, no political correctness, just an unapologetic conservative point of view from active duty agents Art Del Cueto and Chris Cabrera.

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EPISODE172 : Getting By With A Little Help From Our Friends

Arizona Police Association Executive Director Joe Clure joins the show. As a Phoenix police officer for nearly three decades, Joel has watched as illegal immigration has endangered everyone. He witnessed firsthand the explosion of violence and crime associated with the drug trade that strained resources and took lives. He has seen addiction slowly destroy families and cause the decay of neighborhoods.

Joel discusses how Phoenix police officers and U.S. Border Patrol agents have been working to keep residents of America’s 5th largest city safe. Listen in as one of America’s most experienced lawmen warns against sanctuary cities and putting politics before public safety.

Get the truth about border security from those responsible for securing it, U.S. Border Patrol agents. Every week, active duty Agents Art Del Cueto and Chris Cabrera give it to you straight with no B.S. and no apologies.

EPISODE171 : The Congressman and the CIA: The making of a badass

Securing the border is going to require more than talk from Washington. We need barriers and walls in strategic places, more manpower, and investment in technology and equipment so our agents can get the job done.

The Washington establishment is nervous as former CIA operative Will Hurd pushes for less talk and more action. Congressman Will Hurd’s (R-TX,23) district runs from the Alamo to El Paso and includes more miles of border with Mexico (800) than any district in Congress. He joins the show to discuss building a secure border for the 21st Century.

Listen in as our hosts, active Border Patrol Agents Art Del Cueto and Chris Cabrera go toe to toe with Mr. Hurd and determine if his recently introduced “Secure Miles with All Resources and Technology (SMART) Act” is all hat and no cattle.

EPISODE170 : RAW with Jay Dobyns

A RAW discussion with Jay Dobyns. Jay joins Art and Chris to discuss his career, the challenges ahead for law enforcement and lessons learned. Jay is recognized as a New York Times Best-Selling author, a highly decorated law enforcement officer, public speaker, and was named University of Arizona’s #1 Badass Football player by the Tucson Citizen. Jay talks about the Book Catching Hell and his previous book No Angel on The Green Line RAW.

EPISODE169 : Conversation with an American Badass – Jay Dobyns

In April 2002, in the middle of a Laughlin, Nevada casino filled with innocent bystanders, a deadly altercation broke out between the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club and their arch-rivals. Federal law enforcement immediately launched an undercover investigation called “Operation Black Biscuit.”

For nearly two years, posing as a gun runner, Jay Dobyns put his life on the line to infiltrate the Hells Angels. As a result of his investigation, many leaders of one of America’s most notorious criminal organizations faced criminal charges and prison time.

Jay joins Art and Chris to discuss his career, the challenges ahead for law enforcement and lessons learned. Jay is recognized as a New York Times Best-Selling author, a highly decorated law enforcement officer, public speaker, and was named University of Arizona’s #1 Badass Football player by the Tucson Citizen.

Episode166: The Tim Kennedy Experience

5.11 Tactical Brand Ambassador, Green Beret, MMA Fighter, and all around bad ass, Tim Kennedy joins the guys to discuss what it takes to be at the top of your game.

While back on the border: The humidity, temperature, and assaults on agents are on the rise. CBP reports more than 550 attacks in the first half of 2017. If this trend continues, this year’s total can be over 4x higher than last year’s, and 6x greater than 2015.

Is Catch and Release back? Listen in and get the truth from the border, from agents doing America’s most dangerous job, protecting our border.

EPISODE165: Kick the Tires and Light the Fires

Art and Chris keep the pressure on the agency and the Secretary of Homeland Security. The guys question the sense of urgency of CBP and DHS leaders to implement President Trump’s plan to keep America safe.

Conservative Dr. Kelly Ward declares she is ready to “mix the mortar to secure the border” and announces her candidacy for U.S. Senate in Arizona. Listen as she calls in and calls out Congress for not doing enough to protect the border.

Tired of all the talk and no action coming from Washington? Listen to the Green Line and get the truth about the border directly from those protecting it.

Be sure to Visit the The Green Line Website and support the sponsors http://www.thegreenline.co

EPISODE164: RAW With James T Harris

Conservative Radio Host James T. Harris joins Art on a take no prisoners interview. No Filters. No Bull. Just the truth from the border, along side one of the best conservative talk show hosts in Arizona.

EPISODE163: Calling In Air Support To Dislodge Obama Holdovers and Sympathizers

Since day one, President Trump has been relentless and has worked tirelessly to secure the border and keep to Americans safe. However, progress remains slow. Too many Obama holdovers and leaders in DHS refuse to understand that there is a new sheriff in town.

So now it is high noon, and people need to decide whether to get on board or get run over by the train. The Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR) hosted the 11th Annual Hold Their Feet to the Fire Event. This incredible event brought together conservative radio hosts from around the country to put pressure on Congress to act.

This week the guys broadcast from DC and declare the honeymoon over for Agency and DHS leaders. Leading voices in the conservative movement, Michelle Malkin and former Congressman Tom Tancredo, join the conversation.