EPISODE194: The Border Security Expo
In this Week’s Episode of The Green Line, Art and Chris are at the Border Security Expo at the Henry B Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio. They talk with Toby Sanchez of Ammo Incorporated and an opportunity for Agents to purchase high quality ammunition for personal use as a discount. A special website has been established for agents, the link is mentioned in this broadcast. Art talks about the Clean Less, Shoot More theory of firing at the range and is impressed with how clean the ammo fires. Toby shares info on the different types available including the popular Streak Ammo.
Chief Patrol Agent, Sector Chief for the Rio Grande Valley Manual Padilla Jr. Visits with Art and Chris and discusses the issues and challenges facing the West, South Texas Corridor. Chief Padilla participates in the discussion about the focus on issues with Catch and Release and options as Border Security as a system with all agencies participating in building a stronger border.
Art and Chris also sit and chat with Chief of the Strategic Planning and Analysis Directorate Benjamine “Carry” Huffman. Programs and Budgeting are covered as well as planning ahead for agents in serving locations and declination’s.
A wrap up of the show has Art and Chris sharing fine points of the Exhibits for the Border Security Show and some of the favorites. For more information on the Expo, please take a look at borderpatrolexpo.com.
Episode193 : Muddied the Waters
Muddied the Waters
In this week’s show, Art and Chris share thoughts on another trip to El Paso for more on the murder of Agent Rogelio Martinez. While in the area the guys observe the problems at the Rio Grande and in an area with suspected high trafficking and crossers, under-staffing to handle the influx.
How did the recent government shutdown affect operations at the agency? How do events like this impact the lives of Agents and Agent Families? Art and Chris discuss the role of DACA in the shutdown and what needs to happen before February.
The Discussion on Catch and Release continues and how the holdovers from the previous administration have helped cause a tremendous burden on personnel and budgets.
Recent stories in the news of Agents emptying and destroying Water Jugs have been brought to the forefront although upon examination timing of these stories is suspect, the events in question took place many years ago and connections from the media were made to an arrest of an activist which had nothing to do with the Water Incidents from years past.
EPISODE192 : Fly In The Ointment
In this week’s show, Art and Chris are dealing with the Flu that has been sweeping across the country. Even though they are under the weather, the issues dealing with Agent safety and justice continue. Chris shares information on an upcoming trial for two illegal aliens charged with the capital murder of Agent Javier Vega, Jr.
Art shares information on field interviews that are going to be conducted with Agents in the field on ways to enhance and secure their protection, a flip on the prior administrations interview process. A push is in the works for ways to recruit more agents however there is some concern to the polygraph procedure to bring more agents in. With the reliance on the flawed polygraph system, is this “fly in the ointment” preventing more capable agents in the field?
Both Art and Chris again call for Pay Parity as a continued goal to provide the federal agents security to stay invested in the Agency. Recent news has brought up the name of Oprah in a possible run for Office. The guys share views on this and recent new headlines. LA Times ran an article which has both Art and Chris wondering on the “ridiculous” wedding at the border between a suspected and charged drug runner with a Mexican national. Border Angels has enlisted the aid of Agents to allow doors to be open at Friendship Park for family and friend meets and “hugs”. The concept to take agents for this mission has Art and Chris shaking their heads.
Cases of the Brave Men and Woman of the Border Patrol performing their duties are discussed with a call again on safety first for the agents. As the guys share thoughts on the Border and immigration, a large number of crossers that have been caught, have lengthy prior criminal convictions. The legal system in other countries does not represent the laws in the United States. Those that have committed crimes in their own countries, which should still have them incarcerated, attempt to cross to continue crimes against citizens in the United States.
The duty is to protect the people and interest of the United States.
EPISODE191 : Green Never Sleeps
Episode 191 – Green Never Sleeps
In this week’s show, Art and Chris are on leave however are taking to the airwaves to share thoughts on the New Year. The everyday task of the Border Patrol Agent are examined with the understanding to pass along the message, Agents can make a difference. Disagreements, frustrations and challenges in the work place should always be resolved with the contemplating question, how can you as an Agent make a difference.
Recent Assaults on Agents along with the judicial system finally making its way to justice are discussed. The Agency seems to be taking steps towards agents satisfaction on some key issues faced however many concerns also boil down to the Show me the money factor.
Chris shares the background of an Agent that was shot and asks why this incident wasn’t covered in the media. The question must also be asked, where are the warrants in the Rogelio Martinez Murder?
The Serious issues facing agents this year along with the lighthearted discussions, Join in on The Green Line.
EPISODE189 : Stretchy Pants
In this Weeks Show Art and Chris discuss the increase over the holidays with illegal traffic yet call on the agency to make sure the coverage happens through all areas and adjust the processing times required for those in custody so that agents can return to the field to do what they do best. Chris speaks of the 4 to 1 ratio between managers and agents and feels the top heavy style affects the job at hand. Art feels the same with the due respects to watch commanders and managers however it does need to be adjusted.
The National Border Patrol Council provides an important backbone to the Agents and Art and Chris discuss the benefits of the Council in respects to the protection of agent’s rights. Chris discusses the steps involved with Agents and Investigations after a Critical Situation.
Art takes a walk down memory lane and admits to being the original Skinny Jean fashion statement in his rock and roll days of the 80’s. Chris offers the keen observation that this more than likely led to Art’s Hair Loss. Chris shares the inspirations musically from his youth which differ greatly from Arts.
The Attacks on Agents have continued and the guys stress on all agents to concentrate on making it home safely.
Happy New Year wishes from The Green Line to all agents and listeners.
EPISODE188 : A Golden Globe Moment
In this Weeks Show, Art and Chris talk about the Snow hitting areas of Texas which like the blazing sun of the deserts impacts the lives of those attempting to cross the border illegally. Agents perform the duties of enforcing the border laws but in many instances performing rescues for those crossers left by coyotes.
Assaults on Agents continue, a 73 percent over previous years, and Art and Chris continue the call for the AG office to prosecute for any assault on an agent. Art shares a story of an individual editorialized in his frustrations at Border Patrol Agents performing the duties to protect the borders at checkpoints. Art and Chris re-enact the procedure of going through a checkpoint with the acting prowess that should garner them a Golden Globe.
Inappropriate behavior in the workplace is an issue the council takes seriously and stresses the importance of reporting conditions which can affect the performance of duties. Supervisors need to takes steps when issues are reported and witnessed to take action. No Leisure Suit Larry’s are needed in the agency.
Listener Anderson sends in a story about millions set aside for contractors to work on the hiring process for more agents that are needed. The amount of money needed to get through the process according to Art and Chris doesn’t add up. Is the polygraph testing flawed?
Gerber Knives provides a Multi-Tool for a new contest. An agent comes up with a great way to pick a winner, Send in your photos of your hobby or something cool you make for a shot to win. To enter send to ccabrera@bpunion.org
A Memorial shirt has been produced for Agent Rogelio Martinez which can be found at the Green Line Facebook Page.
EPISODE187 : The Little Green Feet
Chris and Art discuss more of the investigation and news reports of the Investigation in Van Horn. While on the discussion of traveling, the subject of food always comes up! It has got to be a real treat for a town which has had John Madden eat at their restaurant. Then again, according to Chris, Madden has probably eaten at a few restaurants.
The guys talk of a situation involving Agents and Supervisors which may spread greater awareness of harassment in the workplace. Art tips his hat to the military and seeks out the meaning of Little Green Feet. Google gives it up, Air Force Para-rescue.
An Investigation of a shooting in the Tucson Sector has Art recognizing the dedicated work of the FBI, OIG and Supervisors.
Art and Chris continue to push for protecting Agents from loss of pay and the right to have a beard. Assaults on Agents continues to increase along with the call to the AUSA on prosecutions against those that have assaulted the agents for any assault. Chris and Art call for the office to not drop assault charges in lieu of a lesser offence with a plea deal.
EPISODE186 : Watching Your Back
Episode 186 – Watching Your Back
Chris attends the services of Agent Rogelio Martinez in El Paso, A Solemn Occasion while the investigation continues into the attack on the Agents. Art and Chris discuss an issue in checks and balances in the agency with a supervisor. While some say Supervisors should be held to a higher standard, Chris feels that All Representing the Border Patrol should be held on the same standard.
Art shares some thoughts of Raul Grijalva and a recent story of the Congressman’s Office. The National Border Patrol Council announces a reward for information which leads to an arrest and conviction in the attack and murder of Agent Rogelio Martinez.
Episode185 : An Empty Seat At The Table
This week’s Episode of The Green Line begins with a discussion of the recent murder and attempted murder of Border Patrol Agents in the Big Bend Sector. Chris and Art share sobering facts that many of the agents which have been assaulted find the attackers have not faced prosecution for their crimes. A call to the service to allow the Agents to safely carry out their duties and know if they face attack, prosecution will occur. The Federal Attorney needs to prosecute all cases of attacks on Border Patrol Agents.
Chris shares his thoughts on how to track and locate the perpetrator of this attack which has claimed the life of Border Patrol Agent Rogelio Martinez. Stephen K. Bannon visits Tucson for the Brian Terry Foundation and is met with protesters. The discussion visits the question on demonstration permits and why local law enforcement won’t enforce the laws against unlawful demonstrations.
EPISODE184 : Depleting Resources and a Hunk of Burning Polygraphs
In this week’s Episode of the Green Line, Art Del Cuerto and Chris Cabrera discuss the tragic situation that took place Sunday November 5th in Sutherland Springs Texas. While much the focus on the deranged shooter blast the headlines, Art and Chris stand with the victims, citizens and law enforcement of Sutherland Springs. Chris has been through the town and describes the Americana feel of the town rocked with tragedy.
Numbers of crossers being apprehended and voluntarily turning themselves in have been at an all time high in RGV. With this incredible amount of manpower needed to process and detain, the resources of the BP in high travel sectors are being depleted. Tucson is not without similar issues and a decision needs to be made, according to Chris and Art, that the Polygraph Exam needs to be reworked and other methods be found to employ credible agents for protecting the borders. While the system is flawed, methods also need to be taken to keep the current agents happy to remain with the Border Patrol. Incentives should be both in compensation and locations for agents. Art and Chris respectfully shout out to the agents working in all sectors for the incredible job they do.
A recent shooting at an off duty BP Agent show even more the need to keep the borders secure and dangerous criminals illegally crossing off the streets. Art reminds agents to always be vigilant and under scrutiny of their situation and location as BP Agents can be the targets of violence.
The discussions with Art and Chris can be intense with issues facing the Agents however we always seem to learn a bit more about them each week. After Chris dogs on Elvis, Art is ready to toss in the towel or find a wrench to tighten his loose screw in his head. Art doesn’t go untouched, his ultra geek nerdy side flies in after a purchase at a Comic convention in Tucson.
Tune in for Episode 184 of the Green Line with Art and Chris.