EPISODE 204 : Uncle Juan

In this week’s episode of The Green Line – Art Del Cueto discusses the recent announcement and deployment of National Guard troops to Border States. How many could be put into service? What type of missions would the guard handle? This and other questions are answered.

Art and Brandon Judd – President of the National Border Patrol Union make appearances discussing Border Issues on CNN and Fox News while on a trip to New York. Art highlights the differences between the studios of CNN and Fox News. Art’s appearance on Fox news draws harsh criticism from those favoring open borders. Art shares the thoughts from one, even calling him Uncle Juan for his discussions on the Southern Border.

The discussion of the problem with the polygraph examination for those wanting to become agents continues. What is the underlying issue with this and why is it damaging to those not only wanting to be Border Patrol agents but also seeking out careers in Law Enforcement? Tune in for the Green Line

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EPISODE 203 : The Mumbler

In this Week’s Episode of the Green Line, Art Del Cueto flies solo and explains the absence of Chris Cabrera to The Green Line Podcast. Getting right down to business, Art discusses the recent announcement from President Trump on the use of Military Assist for Border Protection. As the momentum continues for construction of A border wall, a survey of Agents at stations confirm from many the need for the wall to assist in quelling illegal activity.

Art takes on the issue of Retention of Agents and why this is a matter which also needs to be addressed. What needs to happen to keep the morale of agents in the positive zone and have agents with experience in the field? Without Borders is talked about with the recent movement across Mexico from Honduras and how the numbers may have dwindled from the caravan trekking towards the US. Should the Department of Justice look into the organization Without Borders and the Government of Mexico for facilitating the breaking of the laws in the United States? The Trump Effect is described and how it made a difference in 2017 for numbers of illegal entries.

Respect to the Agents in the Field and supporting those working under sometimes difficult situations. The recent call for Military support at the border do not in any way downplay the brave men and woman of the Border Patrol but can allow agents to focus on problem areas of trafficking and crossing. One of the ways to also help the agents in the field, Drain the Swamp and remove those holdovers from the previous administration. Art shares a story of an interaction with a Patrol Agent in Charge Meeting, The Mumbler. A recent trip to Texas has Art disappointed, such great food in Texas and what does he get stuck eating? Tune in to find out and no, it wasn’t the Barbacoa Tacos from behind the Gas Station, that’s what Art really wanted.

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EPISODE 202 : A Discussion with Vincent Rocco Vargas

The Green Lines Art Del Cueto talks about the ongoing legal proceedings involving Agent Lonnie Schwartz. A discussion with Former BP Agent, Military Veteran and Actor Vincent Rocco Vargas.

EPISODE200 : Close Your Blinds At Night

The Green Line celebrates Show #200! Listenership for The Green Line comes from the US as well as countries around the world. Art sends respects to those listening however Chris wonders where the Canadian listeners are. What gives Canada!?

Once again Art and Chris welcome a special guest to The Green Line, Michelle Viscusi of Team Glock, Grunt Style, and History Channels Top Shot. As a Woman in the competitive shooting category why do women fare so well in the competitions? Michelle also shares advice for those females looking to get involved in firearm handling with types of Glock weapons, caliber and range selection. With the discussion on Guns, Chris, Art and Michelle focus on Gun Safety and training for the entire family around firearms. Art gets a little red faced after inadvertently sharing just how much he had researched for this segment with Michelle.

Lee Smith visits with the guys to talk about a recent incident involving comments made threatening the safety to agents and family members on Social Media. How serious should these threats be taken and while some will say “it comes with the job” when do the threats cross a line. The majority of citizens are respectful to the work of Agents at checkpoints and in the field however it is always important for agents to know a number do not agree with the duties and operations of the Border Patrol. As Chris confirms it is the duty for the Agent to be alert for their security along with that of their families.

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EPISODE199 : The Strongest Steel is Forged in the Hottest Fire

Episode 199 – The Strongest Steel is Forged in the Hottest Fire

On this week’s The Greenline, Chris shares an email sent in from Jason E., which
addresses his thoughts on morale under the Trump Administration.While he agrees with Art and Chris that morale has gone up, Jason believes the impact of pay cuts should be fixed which could bolster the working mood of agents, to which Art and Chris agree.

Art and Chris speak with special guest Mike Ritland, a US Navy Seal Veteran, canine trainer with the military, Border Patrol, law enforcement and private security, and the founder of Trikos International and the Warrior Dog Foundation. He’s also a three-time New York Times Best Selling author of Trident K9 Warriors, Navy SEAL Dogs and Team Dog.

Mike shares the finer points of working with canines, training, and his books as well as his podcast “Mike Drop” available on iTunes.

Mike discusses his decision to join the military at the age of 17 and eventually becoming a Navy Seal. The key points of working with canines and what
makes the military and enforcement operations successful from all aspects for the team. The move from military life to civilian life and understanding the differences and purpose will not only make you happy but successful.

Mike shares bonding with the canine partner and how it is achieved and maintained.Is there a difference between this and the bonds we make with children, spouses, and co-workers and the other relationships in our lives? He also discusses if kenneling is bad for that bond and how can handlers maintain a responsible environment when they bring canine partners into the home.

Mike also shares information on private and personal security canine companions and his personal thoughts on securing the border.

Art and Chris continue the discussion with Mike and reflect on his friends who lost their lives in Benghazi in 2012. Mike gets a round of questions from Art and adds a new twist to the Coffee or Tea Question.

For dog owners, Mike shares his expertise on dietary choices for dogs and keeping them fit and in good condition.

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EPISODE198 : We Ate Mud and The Evil Eye

EPISODE 198 – We Ate Mud and the Evil Eye

In this week’s The Greenline, Art and Chris ponder a new intro for the show with the idea of having Agents with bands create the opening theme music Chris suggest an old home remedy when he hears Art is still dealing with the cold he had THREE weeks prior. Ouch! Get better Art! The remedy Chris suggests is “The Evil Eye” remedy. Is Art going to give in to “The Evil Eye”, could be his last hope.

Getting down to the issues, Chris asks where the listeners’ level of morale is and how has it adjusted with the current administration. Art and Chris agree it has increased, but Art believes it still has room to improve and the agency needs to take steps to further improve agent morale. Even with this said, the outcome for agents is looking up. The responsibility of morale also lies in the hands of agents themselves and Art and Chris remind them of the dangers of social media posts which not only can get them in trouble, but also harm the goals of the Union.

President Trump makes a statement about his disappointment with California and considers pulling some federal agencies out of the state. The media created a frenzy, but what were his actual words? The statement has Agents and the media asking questions about what this could mean. Art draws on his experience meeting President Trump before the election and calls him “the real deal.” Would this happen? California does need to step up and aid the federal government in enforcing the law. Chris calls dibs on a station in Lake Tahoe just in case.

Art and Chris close out the show discussing the horrific tragedy in Florida and the gun control debate. They share their feelings on this and other events surrounding the shootings. Is the answer for law enforcement’s and civilians’ safety the banning of firearms? Art shares a list of possible solutions to protect the public and students at school.

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EPISODE197 : A Discussion with Pat McNamara – Tactics and Training

For this week’s episode Art and Chris open up the show with thoughts for those that have served in the military and the respect that is due for all that have joined for service to the country. Art is still getting over a bout with the cold bug and ponders his reaction to getting sick when others seem to be able to push through while sick.

Veteran Pat McNamara, a quiet professional, visits the show to talk with Art and Chris on training and the need for constantly updating tactics and skills to stay on top of the game. Pat offers incredible experiences in training with TMACSINC, Tactics – Marksmanship – Adventure – Concepts – Security. The Special Forces veteran discusses his book “The Sentinel; Become the Agent in Charge of Your Own Protection Detail” along with his early days in The Unit. Training and Passions for this Combat Veteran are discussed and how they apply to Border Patrol Agents.

Down south of the Border, way down south, is discussed with the numbers of refugees wanting to leave Venezuela which has the southern borders on alert. Columbia has taken steps to limit these refugees entering the country and Chris brings to light the hypocrisy of reactions to the United States and its stance on immigration.

Episode196 : Gas Station Sushi

In this week’s episode Art and Chris highlight the growing success of The Green Line and welcome the edition of Lee to the show process. A recent story highlighted the dismissal of human smuggling charges in San Diego by the AUSA. This is a situation that should not be tolerated and why after the great work of the Border Patrol Agents in stopping these smuggling activities are these criminals allowed to walk? Chris highlights the danger to not only agents but also those smuggled into the country by ruthless smugglers. Chris and Art call on lawmakers to stop allowing these crimes to pass.

Art feels the painful effects on bad decisions, three words – Gas station sushi. Chris takes over the rains after Art bolts out of the studio hollering the show must go on! Chris shares some good news on one of our sponsors Texas Federal Wellness. Chris shares some thoughts on the horrific shooting in Florida. The discussion continues on the procedures for hiring within the Border Patrol and the flawed polygraph exams.

Art returns to the show and Chris gets a little heated on the story behind the death of Indianapolis Colts Edwin Jackson and Ride Share operator Jeffrey Monroe due to a two time deportee that was suspected driving under the influence. The Wall, why does the theory of the wall work? Good Fences make good neighbors and Chris shares why this does work. DACA is also discussed with threats of protest that has Art and Chris shaking their heads.

EPISODE195 : The Battle Rages On

In this Week’s Episode, Art and Chris are back from the Border Security Expo with a Recap on some of the hardware and demonstrations at this year’s show. The guys hope decision makers for the Agency attended to provide more tools for agents in the field. Chris attended Demo Day and shares info on the Ammo Incorporated demos and discounts available to Border Agents.
Art had to leave the conference early to meet with Brandon Judd and provide a tour of border stations and coverage areas to Congressmen. While the tour planned by the NBPC was aligned differently from the Agency, the congressmen still were presented with the Truth on the needs to provide security at the border. The needs of personnel and pay parity to secure careers within the Agency were discussed.

Chris brings to light the importance of catch and release coming to an end and while a “Border Wall” and High tech Drones and tools for combating the incoming of illegal aliens, the Catch and Release is a defeat on the efforts of the Men and Woman of the Border Patrol. Art goes so far as to bet his eyebrows, in the Catch and Release Scenario, those released do not follow through on the legal process.

The issues facing immigration are discussed along with the BBQ picked for game day and the Age Waiver that must be a thing for Lee. A sobering wrap up on the death of Indianapolis Colts Linebacker Edwin Jackson and Ride Sharing Operator Jeffrey Monroe. They were in a vehicle struck by an undocumented immigrant who had twice been deported and from reports intoxicated. The battle rages on…