Episode 215 : Illegration
The Truth from what really is going on at the Border Cities
EPISODE 214 : Hypocrisy, It Grinds My Gears
Episode 214 – Hypocrisy, It Grinds My Gears
In this weeks episode of “The Green Line” Art Del Cueto discusses the news headlines regarding child separations and the statements made from protesters regarding the administration and DHS operations. Art recognizes the Tucson Sector Chief Rodolfo Karisch and his discussions with Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen which Art describes as Out of the Box thinking with support for the Agents in the field.
The public has heard much regarding the children that have been a part of apprehensions in the field. Much of the public has not understood the policies based on the law which required the seperation for investigations to even confirm these children were supposed to be with the adults. While policies have been adjusted, the protest continue and Art discusses the attacks on DHS from those on Social Media. A surprise exchange comes from a reported member of the military.
What does the general public not see in the detention facilities and how are Border Agents expressing their humanity to those detained.
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EPISODE 213 : They Must Have Slept During History
In this weeks episode of The Green Line, Art Del Cueto shares the truth, the stories that you don’t hear regarding the family separations of those caught illegally crossing into the United States. Statements from former celebrities have only served to inflame the public without knowing the entire truth of what is happening at the border. Art takes the subject head on in this intense discussion.
EPISODE 211 : The Common Goal
In this Weeks Show, Art Del Cueto sits with U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agent Patricia Cramer and President of the Arizona chapter of the National Treasury Employee Union representing U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers and Agriculture Specialists at the Arizona Port of Entries.
Art talks about the road that led her to Customs, the common battle and an understanding of the operations of U.S. Customs.
EPISODE 210 : Bouncing Off The Walls
In this Weeks Show, Art Del Cueto takes to Facebook Live for a Tough Question on some of Arts favorite music. Art grabs a bottle of Lucky Jack Coffee and for the first time in 20 years consumes it and very quickly has Art bouncing off the walls.
A discussion on the seriousness of Agents posting on Social Media and reminds on the need for caution when it comes to operations.
EPISODE 209 : Animals
In this week’s episode of The Green Line – Art Del Cueto discusses recent comments made about “Animals” crossing the border and already within the United States. Art reaffirms the focus of the statement was made towards the MS-13 members. Art shares his experience with MS-13 and why he disagrees with the Presidents statement.
A recent situation near the northern border is discussed and Art shares ways to have the entire process of a field questioning or checkpoint stop go much smoother. Movies are discussed and how Hollywood has portrayed Border Patrol. Upcoming action films are discussed that center around smuggling and human trafficking operations near the border including the announced Rambo 5. Clint Eastwood also has a film in development called The Mule based on the life of Leo Sharp.
Art shares the jaw dropping story of a Judge who recently released a Dominican national from a drug case as well as a career criminal out on weapons charges who is a suspect now in the murder of a sheriff. A new book from a former border patrol agent has Art wondering why this author even joined the BP.
Art shares a story of one of his first arrest, a life learning story in the memoirs of Art Del Cueto. What Would Riggs Do?
EPISODE 208 : Idle Hands
The Latest Green Line Episode with Host Art Del Cueto. In this week’s episode, Art discusses the recent decision to retry Lonnie Schwartz on manslaughter charges. Brandon Budlong President of Local 2724 visits with Art to discuss issues on the Northern Border.
EPISODE 207 : Excuuuuuse Me!
In this weeks Episode of The Green Line, Art Del Cueto continues the discussion of the Lonnie Schwartz trial and comments from users on Twitter and those demonstrating in the streets on the ruling of the court. The story of the conditions from the night of the shooting and other factors that played into the events.
Joe Frescas, President of the NBPC local 1929 visits the show to talk with Art about El Paso, OWCP issues as the National Workers Compensation representative for the National Border Patrol Union and of course a discussion of Chicos Tacos.
Art tells his story of meeting Vicky Guerrero, Excuse me! The Caravan has arrived, and points made from Art duplicate what many others feel. For those leaving their countries, fearing persecution, why is it that they wave the flags from those countries they are fleeing?
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EPISODE 206 : Not Guilty!
In this Weeks Show, Art Del Cueto is in Houston for some workshops and the decision is handed down in the Lonnie Schwartz trial. Art discusses this verdict and the events following the decision.
EPISODE 205 : Lights Camera Art
The Latest from The Green Line and Facebook Live with Art Del Cueto