EPISODE 225: It’s Still Poop!

In this week’s episode of “The Green Line” Art del Cueto is in Studio discussing Pima County Arizona and it’s irresponsibility in rejection of federal funds with Operation Stone Garden. Art explains how the Operation benefited the county and the criminal activity it helped deter. Supervisors with the county rejected the funds citing “the promotion of racial tension” as the reasons for not accepting the federal assistance. Art gives some ideas on how these federal funds could be used.

Art talks about his participation in a Fox News Town Hall and some of the comments regarding love of country and how some even wanting to live in the USA from other countries hold to the allegiance of the countries they have left behind. It’s confusing to many on the desire to root for the country of origin rather than the United States.

Poop…That’s the word in regards to the terrible situation in Naco with raw sewage flowing across the border into the United States from Mexico.

Art gets tweets on some of the comments made during the Fox News Town Hall. Martha McSally has received the endorsement of the National Border Patrol Council and Art talks about her having the Council and Agents in high priority. Art shares what he can to the many questions in regards to the recent arrest of a Border Patrol Intel Supervisor in Laredo.

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EPISODE 224 : South Bound and Down!

In this weeks episode of “The Green Line” Art del Cueto is back after attending the FAIR conference, Federation of American Immigration Reform in Washington D.C. During his time there, Art, Lee Smith and Hector Garza spoke with radio show host across the country. Art shared his enthusiasm of talking with Diamond and Silk.

Art has become aware of comments made in the political arena in regards to voting and choosing a candidate. The discussion focuses on communities and how many within those areas are pushed to vote based on race.

Continued awareness to agents safety in a recent shooting on an agent in the field, luckily the agent was not injured however highlight the dangers agent face everyday. Art discusses recent numbers on illegration and one of the possible reasons for the rise. The decision from the Board of Supervisors of Pima County and rejection of Stone Garden funds to help combat crime. Why is this decision dangerous to the communities served with these funds and where could these fund be put to use.

Art pays tribute to the passing of Burt Reynolds with his walk down memory lane of some of his passions in life surrounding the Trans Am.

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EPISODE 223 : Well, That was Unexpected!

In this weeks episode of “The Green Line” Art del Cueto shares a story and thoughts on the passing of Arizona Senator John McCain. The discussion turns to the coverage of stories from around the country regarding the murder of Mollie Tibbets and statements from Elizabeth Warren. Art explains how Sanctuary Cities and how they are doing a disservice to the residents and citizens of those communities.

Art explains how important the vote is to border security and the issues regarding illegal immigration, illegration. The full story of Gloria Arellano, a woman who was recently allowed to visit on a temporary 30 day visa after a prior crossing without status after she had overstayed a visa.

Beto’ O Rourke has an interesting background and reckless thoughts when it comes to Border Security. Art speaks of another reason voters need to be informed of what our lawmakers are proposing. After a disappointing comment from a BP Supervisor towards Art while he was visiting an Injured agent and friend, Art shares with us why he does what he does.

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EPISODE 222 : The Rest of the Story

Episode 222 – The Rest Of The Story

After a morning touring with members of BBC along the southern border Art del Cueto invites them in studio to The Green Line. This week’s show begins with a discussion of celebrity comments disparaging the administration at the recent MTV Video Music Award. Art questions some promises made through prior management for agents and the need for an answer as to what happened.
Holdovers continue to strain the agency with retaining good qualified agents.

Comments from Rep Beto O’Rourke are discussed by Art del Cueto in regards to border security and detainment of those caught crossing the border illegally.

Art is asked to do a segment on the news and they decide at the last minute to change the focus to a recent ICE arrest of a man who was on his way to the hospital with his wife for C-Section delivery of their baby. The initial story angered some wondering about the compassion of ICE agents however the “rest of the story” wasn’t revealed till later and much quieter by certain media outlets.

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EPISODE 221 : Skip To The Hit

Episode 221 – Skip to the Hit
In this week’s episode of “The Green Line Art del Cueto is in Las Vegas reporting from the 41st Annual American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) conference. Art tells us why the NBPC need to be present at the conference and the goals for the NBPC to achieve while on site.

A discussion on comments recently posted on The Legacy Border Patrol FB Group page in regards to endorsements. Art addresses the subject of Endorsements and how are those handled within the NBPC.

Troubling news regarding the Compound in New Mexico and decisions from the Judge in the bond release of some involved in the case is also discussed.

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EPISODE 220 : Stashing through the Desert

In this week’s episode of “The Green Line Art del Cueto shares the latest of both the Southern and Northern border and illegration. Art, fresh from a Live Facebook videocast, reminds listeners to follow the Facebook page for the Green Line for info and chances to win great products from The Green Line show sponsors. Focusing on the Northern Border, apprehensions are up.

The need for Agents continues as some have chosen to leave the agency. With the conditions of the illegal entries on the northern border the call for not only hiring more agents is made along with the retention pay for those staying within the Border Patrol.

Art shares info on Zephyr Teachout who is calling for the abolishing and prosecution of ICE. The discussion on why this isn’t a good idea and what would happen if ICE was indeed eliminated. Art uses the game of football as a description of what could happen.

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EPISODE 219 : He is…The Name Butcherer

In this week’s episode of “The Green Line” Art Del Cueto gives an update on the extradition of the sixth person involved in the murder of Agent Brian Terry. What is the current status of the questionable polygraph examination used in the hiring of new agents? Is there a flaw in the system?

Art expresses Disappointment with management of The Border Patrol regarding the lack of change when the need is there. Chief Provost should be following through with previous statements regarding pay and leave for agents. Art also demonstrates his extreme power of name butchering! Some politicians have been calling out the Trump Administration for family separation however said nothing under the previous administration.

Art shares a mention of Pat Tillman induction into the Arizona Sports Hall of Fame. A contest for a chance to win a very cool product is introduced on The Green Line. Chief Provost and a history of her career and the challenges in bringing in more agents from a recent interview are discussed by Art. The question should be asked, “Where is the Retention Money!?”

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EPISODE 218 : That’s Not a Burro, That’s a Moose!

In this weeks episode of “The Green Line” Art Del Cueto talks about some new contest ideas coming to The Green Line with thanks to the sponsors and contributors to the show. Art covers issues with the Retention Bonus and leave time for Agents which the NBPC is still striving for.
Art calls out the disrespect to ICE agents from a comedy sketch by Michelle Wolf on Netflix. Not only is the sketch in bad taste towards Secretary Kristjen Nielsen but also to the men and woman serving ICE.

Issues with decision makers for Border Patrol still being affected due to hold overs from the prior administration. Changes that have needed to be accomplished are stagnant and slowed and the frustrations trickle down the ranks. The house passes a resolution to rebuke the call for the end of ICE. Art calls out the hypocrisy of Mexico in regards to the country accepting refugees. The actual numbers are eye opening to those accepted into Mexico versus those that have applied for asylum.

The Northern Border has become a target for human traffickers and Art share some facts regarding those illegrating into the US from Canada and how it is getting done.
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EPISODE 217 : Driving the Bus with the Clown Shoes!

EPISODE 217 – Driving the Bus With The Clown Shoes!

In this Weeks Show – Art goes over a new product, from Rockwell Watches, with a great discount for National Border Patrol Council Members. Ammo Inc also has stepped up to the table for the Members for special deals to agents. Art shares Info on how to get to a special website for the discounts.

Art discusses statements made by former Vice President Joe Biden regarding family separations at a conference. Art wonders why Biden takes no credit for the former administration mess that has occurred with immigration. The terror of crossing the border illegally for young girls is also shared with the question “What parent in their right mind could send their daughters into this?”
Great ideas for higher efficiency within the Tucson Sector shared by the Tucson Chief Rodolfo Karisch to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

EPISODE 216 : Do You Know Who I Am?

Episode 216 – Do You Know Who I am!?

In this weeks episode of “The Green Line” Art Del Cueto with more of the continuing discussion of separations at the border. The Green Line has moved to its new time slot of Saturday afternoons at 2pm on KNST AM 790. Joe Rogan is another one of the celebrities to step forward with misinformation and make statements based on old news.

Art points a finger at some of the issues that have been reported and how this misinformation has spread. The Mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, takes a group to the southern border for a tour of a detention facility without prior approval of CBP. The Clown Show takes the mayor and his security detail to reportedly cross over the border and back across illegally.

No doubt the words during attempted detainment after the illegal crossing “Do you Know Who I Am?” was likely said.

Lee Smith visits the show and the discussion focuses on legal immigration versus “illegration” and how many in the media have overlooked the largest humanitarian aid organization on the southern border, Border Patrol Agents. While the vilification of the Men and Women of The Border Patrol continue, the reality is agents help not only protect the laws of the United States but also in many cases rescue and treat those illegrating. Will the agency step up to the needs of the stations needing more agents is also covered.

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