EPISODE 235 : Shepherd to Lost Sheep
In this Week’s Episode, Art Del Cueto has returned from Washington D.C. and begins with a flashback of the Show Dukes of Hazzard and reflect on the characters on the show, Art draws some comparisons of Sheriff Coltrane and some in management. After a meeting with President Trump, Art feels there is hope for the Agents and positive changes which could happen.
Art takes a trip to San Diego to give us an overview of the situation at the San Ysidro Port of Entry along with those along the border fencing. Art talks about a Tweet from past guest Tim Kennedy, host of Hard to Kill on Discovery, and how some have responded to his comments which supported those BP Agents on the Line. Art notes some politicians have called to still abolish ICE yet still have seen the disregard for the law from those attempting illegration.
A recent number of attacks on Agents reminds of the heightened needs to watch your backs however also raises concerns at the 9th Circuit Court and prosecution of those assaulting agents serving Border Patrol.
Lee pens some brilliant words and feelings –
As I sit here watching The Patriot and writing notes I am filled with wonder and some dread. Have we lost our sense of Patriotism? Has nearly half our young men and women forgotten what liberty, freedom, personal responsibility, and sovereignty is?
Our forefathers fought for these values and I hope that we do not forget them.
This is the single greatest country, ever, in the history of mankind. We are the bastion of freedom the world over and if we forget all that our forefathers fought and died for where will we be? They did not die for some socialist ideal they believed that we should all enjoy personal freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.
Let us never forget, all of us.
Special Guest Air Force Veteran, model and all around strong conservative Anna Paulina joins us. She unloads on the state of politics within the Hispanic community and issues with child trafficking.
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EPISODE 234 : Filling Your Tricky Bag!
In this Week’s Episode, Art Del Cueto is in Washington DC and reports on the current situation at the Southern border and the call to action for managers and those decision makers enacting the plan to stop the invasion with remnants already at the border.
Art talks about the power of the rhetoric of President Trump on reducing the numbers of illegal crossers. During this time, what happened to cause those numbers to begin to increase. Art explains some of the failures which brought more to believe they could cross and stay. One of the biggest failures has been in Catch and Release and how this flawed way of dealing with crossers has brought more seeking to cross.
With Families gathering over the holidays, the discussions may steer towards politics with discussions of the activities on the southern border. It Happens. Art wants to make sure your tricky bag is full, that you have the truth as to what is happening at the border and what has happened in regards to family separations. Have you been given the truth on Social Media? Art lays out the timeline and law in regards to child separations.
We are once again seeing VF Solutions gear pitched to Agents as bargains and deals which are far from it. Art takes a hard look at the supposed deals from VF Solutions which take advantage of the agents in as Art calls is “Scam” This claim of ” Scam” can however be backed up with a comparison of pricing again for the same product available through Amazon.
Art reports on the latest news from San Diego and Yuma on the Line.
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Episode 233 : It Is What It Is!
In this Week’s Episode, Art Del Cueto shares his thoughts on the number of Agents that are taking the Retirement Door and leaving the agency however Art shares respect towards those agents and the frustrations they may have felt while serving. Krysten Sinema has been named the victor in the Senate serving Arizona in the challenging race between McSally and Sinema.
Art shares a story reported in the media about gearing up for incoming invasion of those wanting to rush the borders and enter into the United States Illegally. The media has misconceptions of the role of Border Patrol Agents and doesn’t understand the mindset of those wanting to enter the United States through illegal means.
The case against Lonnie Swartz continues with protesters taking the streets during the trial. Art shares some thoughts on those protesting and the message it sends to those wanting to enter the country illegally.
It’s certainly seems like the management, the decision makers at DHS and Chief Provost have made promises for the Agents however most seems to be argued about facial hair and the type of boots agents can wear. When do the Retention Bonus’s and Leave take concern for those at the Top for those boots on the ground doing the work of the Border Patrol. Art shares some scary amounts of money spent on foreign aid to countries South of the Border, a waste of money that could be spread out to Border Patrol Agents for the work they do 24/7. Art gives us his best Movie Critic impression with a recommendation for Venom. A Shout out to those agents in the San Diego station.
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EPISODE 232 : Chili Verde, Bring It!
Episode 232 – Chili Verde, Bring It!
In this Week’s Episode, Art Del Cueto talks about his curse on attending Election night celebrations and one maybe he shouldn’t have missed. It has been a busy week indeed with the elections and approaching invasion along the southern border. Art did attend a gathering for KNST at a popular eatery in Tucson; Mr. An’s and talked about hanging with Morning Show host Garret Lewis and meeting listeners to The Green Line.
Art discusses a post on Social Media from Activist Erika Andiola after sharing views on a Town Hall Meeting. She furthers the thoughts that Art is Anti-Immigration, this is not the case, Anti Illegal Immigration is what Art and many others are against. Art compares the “Blue Wave” to Papa Smurf having an “issue.” An upcoming event is discussed at the Tucson Shriners Club doing great things in the community.
Questions have arisen regarding BP Agents checking status of those at Bus Stations in the Spokane Area. An Ordinance was created by the Spokane City Council to prevent this lawful check however operations for BP have stated this will not stop this process which has resulted in detainment and deportation of those here illegally.
Special Guest to the show Mike Matzke. President NBPC Local 2554 who in 2014 along with other Border Patrol Agents in El Centro created The Fallen Agents Fund. A way to reach out and let families of Fallen Agents know they are remembered and thought of by helping during the holiday season. The Fallen Agents Fund helps not only those families of those that have lost their life in the line of duty but also taken ill while serving.
The Fallen Agents Fund is found at http://www.fallenagentsfund.org and available through the CFC at 75034. Take a look at the Fallen Agents Fund’s Shirts as well as the Side Effects.
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EPISODE 231 : Promises Made, Promises Not Kept
Episode 231 – Promises Made and Promises Not Kept
In this week’s episode of “The Green Line” Art Del Cueto talks about his recent live Facebook video which addressed comments made regarding Brandon Judd. National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd was explaining during a media appearance of the the lack of a plan in “caravan/invasion” heading towards the US Borders and how U.S. Customs and Border Protection management needs to step up and share with the agents, The Plan.
Art shares some thoughts that have come from Mexican Citizens regarding the trek through the country heading towards the United States. Promises Made and Promises Not Kept. The Question still hangs in the air, Where is the Retention Bonus? Where is the 40 Hour’s Leave?
Art questions the ideas of Commissioner McAleenan in response to the impending large scale attempt to illegally cross into the United States. Former Border Patrol Deputy Chief Ron Colburn takes to Facebook and attacks The NBPC, Brandon Judd and the Judd Family. This does not sit well and is addressed during The Green Line.
Art offers some possible solutions to addressing eliminating Catch and Release. Why is this still happening?
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EPISODE 230 : Pig Pen this is Rubber Duck
Episode 230 – Pig Pen this is Rubber Duck
In this week’s episode of “The Green Line” Art Del Cueto shares the never-ending work of Lee Smith behind the scenes of The Green Line as well as his love for The Razorbacks. This week however, there were no notes. Plain and simple, the biggest issues for Agents and the public is the “caravan” moving towards the United States border from Honduras through Mexico. Art ponders the reasons for the caravan at this time as well as possible factions behind it.
Beyond the breaking of the law with the desire for illegration, Art shares concerns that many of these planning to break the law do not desire to integrate and contribute to society in the United States. Why isn’t the Mexican government doing more to protect their land and stop the caravan from entering into Mexico? With all of this, how is this being translated to the Agents? Art provides some eye opening harsh reality for the Agents in the field. What is the plan?
Fun happenings with the Tucson Sabbar Shrine, Art shares a fun event at the Shrine for the Halloween weekend and The Silver Wings Banquet coming up in November with a special guest.
An update on the Lonnie Schwartz case.
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EPISODE 229 : The Home with No Walls isn’t good construction
In this week’s episode of “The Green Line” Art Del Cueto is joined by In-Studio Guest Dr. Steve Ferrara, Running for Congress in District 9. Dr. Ferrara shares thoughts on the upcoming general election and the importance of the Vote. He talks about his service in The United States Navy and serving under different administrations. We also hear from Dr. Ferrara and his platform for running for Congress. Dr. Steve Ferrara has received the endorsement of the National Border Patrol Council.
Art is also joined by Mark Spencer. Mark served 25 years with The Phoenix Police Department. Mr Spencer also served as the President of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association and serves as the Chaplain for the National Border Patrol Council. Mark talks with Art about issues he witnessed in Phoenix and Illegration.
Mark provides some clear thinking and inspiration to those Law Enforcement as well as Agent members of the National Border Patrol Council.
Art questions decisions from upper management to take reductions in firearms training due to funding however a choice was made to instead provide firearms training to Federal Police in Mexico.
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EPISODE 228 : October Horror – Art wearing Yoga Pants
In this week’s episode of “The Green Line” Art deals with a bout of the shingles but believes if he wasn’t doing the Green Line if could be worse. The Green Line is an outlet for sharing with fellow agents and listeners and helps relieve the stress of the week. One of the valued suggestions was for Art to take up Yoga, a Stress Relief – Let’s hope Art stays clear of the Yoga Pants.
Art explains the Antifa movement and how the domestic terrorist organization has called for harm to Border Patrol Agents and supervisors. What are they saying? President Trump was at the 125th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and delivered remarks saying his Administration will stand for Law, Order and Justice. The President also expressed outrage for any attack on Law Enforcement. He stated “Politicians who spread this dangerous, anti-police sentiment make life easier for criminals and more dangerous for law-abiding citizens. It must stop now.”
President Trump also earmarked $42.4 Million for high-intensity drug trafficking areas. Art wonders if this would include Southern Arizona after the Pima County Board of Supervisors elected to not accept StoneGarden funds.
Apprehensions are up and at an rapid rise of those trying to enter the country illegally. Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Manuel Padilla says the numbers have doubled since October 2017. Why? Art addresses the question.
The guys talk with Martha McSally about the upcoming election and her support for Border Agents.
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EPISODE 227 : Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – A Line of Defense
In this week’s episode of “The Green Line” Art del discusses immigration issues regarding Governor Brown and the Veto of Bill SB349 which would have possibly prevented arrest at courthouse for those appearing for proceedings.
Art explains why this bill would not have worked and questions the confusion around the bill itself. The bottom line for this still brings up the theory that the State Legislators of California care nothing for the safety and laws as they apply to the Nation.
Personal safety for Agents and other Law Enforcement personal is the focus of a discussion with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Martial Arts professional Cri-Santos Rivera. Why is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu a good discipline to learn with?
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EPISODE 226 : Tongue Tied
In this weeks episode of “The Green Line” Art del Cueto reiterates the importance of voting in November. When it comes to endorsements of candidates, there may be misconceptions between AFGE and NPBC selections. The NBPC’s focus is on what the union can get for the Agents and Border Security Issues. Art reminds that the research should be done and also pushed for the entire family should be voting.
What is Lucha? Art discusses the group and what their possible goals are with statements which Candidate for Arizona Governor David Garcia has aligned with. What is Lucha saying to the Border Patrol?
Art takes a look at the political race in Texas and shares comments from Beto O’Rourke which is a slap in the face of all Law Enforcement.
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