EPISODE 254: We Got You Babe

Snakes! This week’s episode of the Green Line begins with Art sharing a story about the dangers in the field also including Snakes and how hoofing it left him a bit red. We get the latest on the protesters, students and even educators that participated in a protest of Border Patrol Agents invited to campus for career day. Art talks about a recent tour of the Southern Border which had him traveling from El Paso to Yuma on an eye opening trek for senators which solidified the crisis at the southern border. The numbers continue to grow.

Art talks about the recent trip of Vice President Pence to Nogales. He shares his frustrations on the show of the lack of interaction with the new Chief of the Tucson Sector. While a crisis exist along the Southern Border, Art questions the numbers of management taking vacations.

The numbers in the Tucson sector bring concern with illegal aliens instead of turning themselves in asking for the Asylum process instead attempting to flee Agents. What are they hiding? Art talks about a change in thinking for New Mexico as they are beginning to see a change in the increasing numbers of those getting released into the United States. Cher has also been in the news with comments she made originally regarding sanctuary for those coming into the United States Illegally, how has her thinking changed with the numbers which are increasing in Los Angeles. Did you know Chuck Norris was a part of Star Wars? Art explains.

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EPISODE 253: Minty Fresh and Cooler than GI Joe

For this Week’s Episode of The Green Line, Art Del Cueto talks about the fun work Lee handles with Meme’s and urges listeners to check Instagram for some chuckles. Andy gives Art a gift perfect for his ride. Check out the President Trump Air freshener he received on the Instagram page. A busy week ahead as Art prepares for meetings with Agents in the Tucson Sector.

Art Del Cueto speaks to a group of students at the University of Arizona and with all that has taken place of this past month, Curt Prendergast of the Arizona Daily Star wrote about the visit and talking to students with many questions that were presented and answer by Art representing the NBPC. We’re there some that protested Art speaking to the class? Art talks about the reaction on campus.

Art talks about a recent ICE raid in Texas, the largest in about a decade. Why have some condemned the operation? Art reiterates, The National Border Patrol Council is not Anti-Immigration – it is Illegal Immigration that is not supported. Art talks about the departure of Kristjen Nielson and the withdrawal of nomination of Ron Vitiello.

Art talks about the inspiration to join the Border Patrol and how many factors growing up directed him towards the Agency. Art shares the love for those he has worked for and with over the years and the dedication of the Agents in the Border Patrol.

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EPISODE 252: We’re Number One

In this Week’s Episode of The Green Line, Art Del Cueto talks about a friend and local reporter which was looking for reasons to disagree with Art in the situation at the Border. Art gives us a reminder of the reality of the situation along the Southern Border and following the Law. The laws are Non Partisan and Agents of the Border Patrol are enforcing the laws on the book.

One of the largest sectors along the southern border is Tucson; Art shares some surprising numbers on trends in Crime for the Tucson Area, sadly that numbers project high crime in robberies in the sector. We’re Number One. There has been lots of talk of a Shutdown of the Southern Border, Art talks about what that would mean and why the discussion in approaching caravans has focused on the closure and what that could mean. Art calls on Congress to change the ways Asylum request are processed and end Catch on Release. What is the Country of Mexico doing to stop this movement towards the US Borders? Anything?

Art catches from flak on his pronunciations; we get a lesson on the proper pronunciation on Marana and a large street in Tucson. Brandon Judd, National President of the National Border Patrol Council responds to Lou Dobbs with an Op-Ed. The layout of the needs for Agents to also be responsible for aiding in processing Asylum Request is outlined in this written response.
The latest in regards to a disruption in a recent Career Fair visit to the University of Arizona by Border Patrol invited for the visit and then verbally attacked during the session.

Art sends a shout out to retiring PIC of Three Points Station, Clint Stoddard. We wrap up the show with an amazing turnaround from Art, he likes a New Coffee!
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EPISODE 251 : Hold It Longer!

Art Del Cueto, in this week’s The Green Line Episode, talks about the Radio show and what to expect with the weekly show. The latest in the situation which was discussed on Episode 250 regarding a verbal attack on Border Patrol Agents invited to speak for Criminal Law classes at the University of Arizona is covered. Art extends thanks to Mark Spencer at Judicial Watch for assisting in information for directing a legal complaint to the University. Art outlines the different violations which took place during this attack on the Agents.

What is the reason for the increased record numbers of those apprehended at the Southern Border? The catch and release of asylum seeking families into the United States will be in the most cases be met with those not appearing for their hearing. The toll on personnel within the Agency is at a boiling point, a Crisis Exist. Why are certain elected officials still barking that the trouble at the border is fabricated!?

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EPISODE 250 : In Fishy Water

In this week’s Green Line Episode Art Del Cueto shares some of the issues that have been on his mind and frustrating him. A new Chief of the Tucson Sector has been appointed Art talks about some of the past chiefs and how many of them had reached out for discussions about the Council and Agents. The line of communication at this point between the new chief and the Tucson Local has not at this point been utilized as best it could.

Art shares a recent story of Border Patrol PIO’s that were inviting to speak at a session at the University of Arizona and was met with a demonstrator who interrupted and verbally assaulted the attending Uniformed Border Patrol personnel. The berating continued on the PIO’s as they continued to the parking lot to their vehicles. A Recent traffic stop by DPS was followed up with a call to Border Patrol after documentation showed possible overstay violations. This traffic stop attracted more demonstrators with one even getting under a Border Patrol vehicle to prevent leaving. Should this be considered Obstruction of Justice?

The Agency is over capacity and a recent report has Border Patrol now could be forced into Catch and Release. Art shares more frustrations with Pima County Sheriff Mark Napier and a recent social media post demonstrating the destructive power of Fentanyl. While the post is informational by the Sheriff, the comments of where the drugs are coming from are incorrect.
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Episode 249 : Flying in my F150

In this Week’s Episode of The Green Line, Art Del Cueto talks about speaking events and why he enjoys doing them. He talks about some of the questions he receives during the events. Art reminds the public they have the right to contact elected officials to let them know your thoughts and support on Border Security. Elected Officials need to know that also Boots on the Ground need to be retained as well as hired to the Agency. The talk about ethnicity in regards to Agents takes a new ugly direction as a representative from New Mexico says most Agents are of Hispanic Descent and take the job out of necessity. This is certainly not the case as Art shares his driving force to join the agency.

Art knows of Andy’s love for Aviation and shares some of the info on a detail on Helicopters. He stumps Andy on the type of helicopter, the A Star (Eurostar), he served the detail in. Art shows his knowledge though with the craziest misunderstanding of the P-51 Mustang. Much respect to the Air and Marine Department of the Border Patrol and some of the task they take on in a variety of weather situations.

Reports have been coming in on the increasing numbers of apprehensions along the southern border as well as increases along the Northern Border. Art shares some staggering numbers on the confiscation of Fetanyl, what is this illegal drug capable of? Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council, shares this info in an Op-ed column on the importance of Border Security. Art also shares his thoughts on Asylum and why those that cross illegally and evade should be quickly denied asylum.

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Episode 248 : Hello Muddah Hello Faddah!

In this Weeks Episode Art Del Cueto kicks off the show commenting on responses to last weeks show in regards to his thoughts on Queen and Bohemian Rhapsody as well as the call for an awards show just for Burt Reynolds. A Texas Congressman is talking about the need for hiring agents and why more boots on the ground are needed yet the “polygraph” issue continues. Art shares some insight on those issues and what could be the problems involved, including the contract of $297 Million to help the Border Patrol Recruit and hire over 5 years with less then favorable results.

Andy wonders for all the push for hiring more agents, what about the Agents already in? Art addresses the thoughts of this $297 Million and how it could be used more effectively for Agent retention. Art talks about the Forward Operating Bases or “Camps” and describes what they are and why at one time they were a good option in the field. Art shares how the Camps have changed over time.

A recent attack on the Border Patrol Museum in Texas is discussed by Art. A trip to a bus station appears to reveal the effects of Catch and Release. Where is management? Why aren’t they talking with Agents to let them know what is happening? Chief Provost discusses the numbers in the media on apprehensions as compared to last year to the media. Art backs up the Chief in her explanation on the needs for taking care of those caught and why it’s more taxing for the Agency.
Art gives a little plug for former Iced Earth Lead Matt Barlow, he became a Police Officer for NYPD after 9/11. Matt still plays music is coming to Arizona April 6th with his band Ashes of Ares

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EPISODE 247: You Win The Burt!

For This weeks Green Line Episode Art Del Cueto talks about speaking at the Young Latino Leadership Summit presented by Turning Point USA. Art highlights some of the speakers at the summit which included friend of the show Anna Paulina as well as Tito Ortiz among many others. A refreshing vision for the future of America and supporters of the mission of the Border Patrol Agents. Prior to the presentation Art is asked to select his Walk Out Music, What did he pick? A perfect Choice!

Andy ask Art what is the one standout question received from groups when speaking? These speaking functions are a great way to pass along to the Agents in the Border Patrol the support they receive from the attendees. Lee takes a little time out to take a drive and see KISS on their farewell tour. Art walks down memory lane sharing what a true KISS fan will do to see KISS in Concert. DEDICATION!

An Agents Wife reaches out to Speaker Pelosi to stress the importance of Border Security including Barriers/Wall to help protect not only the Citizens but also Agents on the Line. The Speaker still refuses the need for the Wall. What happens with Jorge Ramos of Univision visits to talk with Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela?

A special dedication to the Last Movie Star on Amazon as the Academy overlooks nominating Burt Reynolds for Best Actor, Art decides we should do a new Awards Ceremony and call the Awards The Burts! Shout Outs to Agents on the Line and to those along the Northern Border as well.

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EPISODE 246 : Primo’s and Nana’s on the Top

In this Weeks Green Line Episode Art Del Cueto shares info on how the new budget bill is full of issues which could prevent in its current state any building of additional barriers along the southern border. Art talks about some of the provisions which are a part of the bill that will see an increase in children crossing over into the United States Illegally with “potential sponsors.”

Art wonders with this new budget bill, is the sacrifice that agents and families during the shutdown made in vain? Protests have taken place in Tucson yet Art reminds us that nothing will be built in Tucson. The Budget has only allocated for an Area of Texas to be built.

Art has a talk of management and issues within the CPB that should be addressed and how Agents can handle complaints. While the situation in Eagle Pass Texas has been mentioned on previous shows, Art highlights the “party atmosphere” and excitement across the border for those wanting to cross into the US. Arizona360 on PBS with Lorraine Rivera highlighted a journey from Tucson to El Paso with stops along the way talking with businesses and others including Joe Romero with Border Patrol talking about the need for Boots on the Ground. Shout out to All Agents for the Work they do!

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EPISODE 245: Make Agents Whole Again

Art Del Cueto begins this week’s show in the Offices at The National Border Patrol Council. With the talk of the budget and building the wall, Art also shares other areas which need to be looked at within the budget for Border Security of Agent Retention. The numbers don’t lie; the importance of keeping agents within the BP should be a focus. Art talks about a loophole with DACA recipients and looks for investigation into closing this loophole.

A question has been posed to Art from an Agent on the number of hours he thinks President Trump sleeps. Art reminds Agents to be sure to talk with Chief Stewards of their Locals with any questions or concerns. Congressman Andy Biggs comments on his social media on the outrage of members of Congress which has once again failed to secure the border and calls upon the president to invoke emergency powers.

Under the Obama Administration, Money was taken away from Border Patrol Agents and Art is asking for that to be returned to the Agents, for Pay to make Agent’s Whole Again! The Question is asked how much money beyond The Barriers/Walls will go to Retention, Technology and Hiring of New Agents.

Art talks about the Sleepy Town of Eagle Pass and how recently a show of force was set up to deter a caravan approaching with thoughts of entering illegally.
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