EPISODE 274 : Preservation of Life and Safety

In this Week’s The Green Line Lee Smith joins the Discussion with Art Del Cueto about the latest in what is happening along the borders. The guys can’t dismiss the start of the Football season with both the NFL discussed and college football discussed. Who are Art and Lee rooting for and what has Art learned from Lee is answered. We also learn from Art that the Arizona Cardinals are the oldest team in the NFL.

The guys talk about Hurricane Dorian and agents called to action in Florida and along the Eastern United States performing rescues and aid to those in need. Art and Lee talk about how agents over the years have performed these natural disasters. It is evident that the public is rarely aware of how the Agents have responded to this and the guys believe this is largely due to management not sharing this information. Lee shares some insight into the area of Big Spring Texas and why it has been an area that has needed a better system to control the influx of illegal crossers. Drones and other technology have helped to make a big difference however boots on the ground is still needed.

Art and Lee share a couple of stories that were reported with a slant towards the disdain to the mission of the Border Patrol. A discussion is also had with Lee and Art on Ammo Inc and the great deals offered to Agents. We also get to learn the story behind Art’s style and just how many pairs of jeans he has. Art gets a text during the show from one of his childhood idol, we will hear more about that on next week’s The Green Line.

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EPISODE 273 : Paint It Green

For this week’s The Green Line, Art Del Cueto talks about wanted to head to Phoenix to check out the Rolling Stones No Filter Tour instead of recording this week’s Green Line Show. Andy has to center Art and bring him down to earth with his comments on how the stones in his opinion were superior to the Beatles. The guys circle back around to the reason for the show, The Border and issues that affect Agents. Art talks about some of the groups that have been apprehended and the wearing of carpet shoes. What are the “Carpet Shoes” and why have these been worn by those crossing illegally? Art shares info on how these has evolved to help in deception for those crossing.

While lately, it may seem as though the issues at the southern border have dwindled down, this if far from the reality. Art shares a story of El Salvador and how they are looking to create their own Border Patrol and why they are looking into this.

Art shares some of the reality for those crossing illegally and how “coyotes” will drop them on United States soil and tell these crossers, they don’t have to walk far to reach larger populations. The truth is, these crossers find themselves in the extreme heat with little water and forced to walk for days to reach the populace. Art explains the reasons and decisions for the adjusting of the length of time detainment takes place, under the Flores Agreement.

Art gives props to Agents which help to rescue and recovery in the field, Borstar Agents, Border Patrol Search Trauma and Rescue. Art wishes that BP Management would do a better job in letting the public in on some of the great accomplishments of our Agents. All of this and more in “Paint It Green”, this week’s Episode of The Green Line

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EPISODE 272: Liquid Assets

For this Week’s Episode of The Green Line, Art Del Cueto reaffirms the goals and mission of The Green Line Radio Show more than anything, The Truth of What is happening on The Border. Andy talks about immigration laws in Australian and the strict policies in that country. Art makes note that traffic of those crossing the border illegally and those requesting asylum are trending downward. Shout out to Former Green Line show host Chris Cabrera with reports. The speculation of these number points to some changes which has taken place with Mexico clamping down of illegal crossing through the country.

Art shares a story about a gathering at his home for relatives and close friends and how Art made a wrong move sampling some liquor. The effects were lasting for a couple of days. Thus, the name of this week’s show! The story has Andy rolling on the floor laughing for his affected friend.

Art travels to Yuma to assist a documentary on the situation at the Southern Border. A report of what is happening in the Yuma area is eye opening for those filmmakers. Art meets with the Mayor of Yuma who lets him in on how the crisis at the border has affected the town. From the Food Banks to the Hospitals it has been overwhelming. The Yuma County Sheriff also meets with Art to apprise him on the public safety affect from the crisis. Kirsten Sinema had a meeting scheduled for a tour with Art yet cancelled which disappointed him.

Changes are in movement for the adjusting of the term of the Flores Settlement. Art explains his support for this change and how it will close loopholes in the system but could also help prevent trafficking. It gives the proper authorities a reasonable amount of time to investigate the children and guardians to make sure they are indeed related.

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EPISODE 271 : If We Ride Together, We Ride For Justice

In this Week’s Show Art Del Cueto talks about a recent trip he took to Payson Arizona. Art shares a meeting with the Mayor of the Town and reveals why this town has such a nice appeal. A Visit to an Antique store has Art reliving his childhood, something many of us can identify with.

Art begins the show with a report of an Article which was published by Author Charli Carpenter. Her piece focused on the mass shooting in El Paso yet calls the current administration a force in causing this terrible shooting. The discussion on this as the movement of Illegal Alien’s as an Invasion is questioned by Carpenters Article. Art discusses the reasoning behind why this has indeed been an Invasion. A New York Times Article was published which claims “rhetoric” by Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Laura Ingraham, Art Del Cueto and others are responsible for the actions of the shooter in El Paso.

Art calls on Lawmakers to work to creating better facilities for the detention of those that have requested Asylum. Another Article has been posted by Jenn Budd, a former Border Patrol Agent, slams the agency and operations of the Border Patrol while also stating in the article that Border Patrol Agents themselves are mindless and in her description serve basically as “guards.” Art takes the gloves off and responds to the inflammatory comments about the Agents.

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EPISODE 270 : Swinging the Pitchfork

In this Week’s Episode of the Green Line, Art and Andy talk about the tragedy in El Paso, a week after Art visited the town. Narratives have been created about this shooting which took place on both “sides” and the arguments are mute. The fact of the matter is, innocent people lost their lives in the shootings in El Paso and Dayton. With the many different discussions taking place, Art talks about the call for Gun Control and shares what he feels are points to consider.

The guys share some practical advice on knowing surroundings and speaking up when something looks out of place. Art speaks of the News Stories around the Country of Mexico wanting to make a claim, a lawsuit, against the United States over the horrific murders in El Paso.

Art shares a discussion with a Minor who was caught smuggling people into the United States Illegally. The Call for Management to step up and let the public know the truth and what is happening along the border is once again made by Art.

EPISODE 269 : One Lane Highway

This Episode of the Green Line was recorded a few days before the horrific shootings which took place in El Paso but includes Art talking about his visit to the town. The Green Line extends condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and respects and prayers to the families of those injured and victims of this shooter.

Art talks about his visit to El Paso and discussions with those at a conference and border tour hosted by friend of the show Anna Paulina. Art states that after his visit he feels El Paso is one of his favorite towns in Texas. Art Del Cueto talks about his trip with stops in Bowie Arizona and his desire to get himself a new knife. Art talks about the Gatto Brothers and others that attended the event.

Art takes an Uber in El Paso and has an interesting conversation with the driver about the Administration.

Art gives a tour to congressional representatives and Andy wants’ to know what they wanted to see during the tour. What are the points these representatives will take home with them. Art talks about some of the claims that have come from detainees and if there is any merit to them. Art talks about a visit to the town of Antelope Wells in New Mexico and is surprised by the populace of the town.

Art shares info on a health hazard for Agents in the amount of sludge and waste which has breach the border and wants it to be addressed.

EPISODE 268 : Drawing The Wrong Conclusion

In this Week’s Episode of The Green Line, Art Del Cueto talks about the work behind the scenes for The National Border Patrol Council. Art explains that when the needs of Agents are there, Art talks about putting the H in Hustle and getting it done. Getting a rare break is nice; Art gives some major props to the folks at Dickies BBQ in Tucson. The guys talk about a recent story on Migrant children being held longer then the law is allowing and Art talks about the reasons for it.

Media Coverage of the Truth at the Border can be frustrating, on more then one occasion many who work the line and within the NBPC find themselves yelling at the TV when the spin is far from the truth. Art shares a breakdown of Asylum and what could constitute a claim and what factors could be considered for rejected the claim.

A disgusting display of disrespect to Law Enforcement is demonstrated by citizens during an arrest. What did those Officers making the arrest have to endure and how did they handle it?
Art circles back around and talks about the numbers in Unaccompanied Minors and the process which then waits for the court system to process. Art also talks about an Agent who makes Corn Hole Boards and does some really great work.

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EPISODE 267 : Bedazzling

In this week’s show, Art Del Cueto and Andy talk about the idea of a Green Line Croc! For some reason Art knows they have decorations available for Croc! The guys move on to the latest issues though for Border Patrol Agents and policy. Art talks about the word of “Ice Raids” and dispels some of the rumors that have cycled around the targeted enforcement of those who have been told to leave the country after all legal options have been exhausted for them staying within the United States. In some cases these people have ignored the legal methods to stay. Misinformation on Social Media and from some politicians helped to create frenzy.

Art shares some truth about the Facebook Page which had some postings that were insensitive, derogatory and not condoned by the National Border Patrol Council. Members of the NBPC including Art, Chief Provost and others were highlighted in news stories as members of the page which in reporting by certain media outlets as all members were Agents that were making these posts which couldn’t be further from the truth.

Dirt is tossed as Art talks about the realities of Sanctuary Cities and wonders why politicians would back this idea, turning their backs on the residents of their districts. He explains what a sanctuary city is and how it can be used to harbor felons. One of the issues that some cities have been experiencing is those “pooping” in the streets? Art talks about a politician which seemed to endorse the vandalism of ICE Vehicles, How are these people getting elected to office? Art reminds Agents due to the times we live in, to be careful and watch your backs after shifts. Art also discusses the recent attack on the US Flag at an ICE Facility.

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EPISODE 266 : And On The Sixth Day…

In this week’s The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto talks the latest of the Situation at the Border. Art ponders if the folks at Croc have made the unveiled mascot of the Croc Green due to his support of the Croc. Disturbing news from El Paso where Rep Veronica Escobar’s staff suspected of working with those who have been returned to Mexico waiting on their Asylum claim, instructed on utilizing loopholes in the law to stay in the United States. What constitutes as an Asylum Claim?

Art talks about comments last week regarding claims that a detainee was told to drink from a toilet when she asked for water. Tucson Sector Chief Roy Villareal shared a video giving viewers a look at the Detention center and the misunderstanding of the Water Dispenser. Art commends the Chief for this video sharing the truth.

Art talks about Tom Holman and shares with us an amazing Op-Ed in support of the Men and Women of The Border Patrol with his recounting of joining the Agency many years ago.

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EPISODE 265 : The Elephant in the Room

For this Week’s The Green Line, Art Del Cueto has received mail from angered individuals in response to the recent news reports of a visit by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez to facilities in Texas housing Detainees who have turned themselves in seeking asylum. There have been strong statements from Rep Cortez in the News about the trip which Art calls misleading and untrue to the general public. Statements made by Rep. Cortez regarding a detainee being told to “drink out of a toilet” when requesting water is completely off base. That statement along with others paints a misleading picture of the situation at the holding facility.

The Elephant in the Room which must be addressed is the Facebook Group “I am 10-15.” The National Border Patrol Council has issued an Official Statement regarding this private Facebook group and has spoken out against this group and does not condone the postings and activities and in no way represents the great Men and Woman of the Border Patrol. Art updates us on this group and the investigation which has begun by Administration on these derogatory and insensitive comments and images posted within this group. The Full statement can be viewed at http://www.bpunion.com

Art compliments Chief Rudy Karisch of RGV on his reality check to the public and media for the Men and Women working at the Detention Facilities. At what levels are they performing the duties called upon them? A message to the Agents from Art sums it up, “Do Not Become the People that hate you…”

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