EPISODE 267 : Bedazzling
In this week’s show, Art Del Cueto and Andy talk about the idea of a Green Line Croc! For some reason Art knows they have decorations available for Croc! The guys move on to the latest issues though for Border Patrol Agents and policy. Art talks about the word of “Ice Raids” and dispels some of the rumors that have cycled around the targeted enforcement of those who have been told to leave the country after all legal options have been exhausted for them staying within the United States. In some cases these people have ignored the legal methods to stay. Misinformation on Social Media and from some politicians helped to create frenzy.
Art shares some truth about the Facebook Page which had some postings that were insensitive, derogatory and not condoned by the National Border Patrol Council. Members of the NBPC including Art, Chief Provost and others were highlighted in news stories as members of the page which in reporting by certain media outlets as all members were Agents that were making these posts which couldn’t be further from the truth.
Dirt is tossed as Art talks about the realities of Sanctuary Cities and wonders why politicians would back this idea, turning their backs on the residents of their districts. He explains what a sanctuary city is and how it can be used to harbor felons. One of the issues that some cities have been experiencing is those “pooping” in the streets? Art talks about a politician which seemed to endorse the vandalism of ICE Vehicles, How are these people getting elected to office? Art reminds Agents due to the times we live in, to be careful and watch your backs after shifts. Art also discusses the recent attack on the US Flag at an ICE Facility.
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EPISODE 266 : And On The Sixth Day…
In this week’s The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto talks the latest of the Situation at the Border. Art ponders if the folks at Croc have made the unveiled mascot of the Croc Green due to his support of the Croc. Disturbing news from El Paso where Rep Veronica Escobar’s staff suspected of working with those who have been returned to Mexico waiting on their Asylum claim, instructed on utilizing loopholes in the law to stay in the United States. What constitutes as an Asylum Claim?
Art talks about comments last week regarding claims that a detainee was told to drink from a toilet when she asked for water. Tucson Sector Chief Roy Villareal shared a video giving viewers a look at the Detention center and the misunderstanding of the Water Dispenser. Art commends the Chief for this video sharing the truth.
Art talks about Tom Holman and shares with us an amazing Op-Ed in support of the Men and Women of The Border Patrol with his recounting of joining the Agency many years ago.
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EPISODE 265 : The Elephant in the Room
For this Week’s The Green Line, Art Del Cueto has received mail from angered individuals in response to the recent news reports of a visit by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez to facilities in Texas housing Detainees who have turned themselves in seeking asylum. There have been strong statements from Rep Cortez in the News about the trip which Art calls misleading and untrue to the general public. Statements made by Rep. Cortez regarding a detainee being told to “drink out of a toilet” when requesting water is completely off base. That statement along with others paints a misleading picture of the situation at the holding facility.
The Elephant in the Room which must be addressed is the Facebook Group “I am 10-15.” The National Border Patrol Council has issued an Official Statement regarding this private Facebook group and has spoken out against this group and does not condone the postings and activities and in no way represents the great Men and Woman of the Border Patrol. Art updates us on this group and the investigation which has begun by Administration on these derogatory and insensitive comments and images posted within this group. The Full statement can be viewed at http://www.bpunion.com
Art compliments Chief Rudy Karisch of RGV on his reality check to the public and media for the Men and Women working at the Detention Facilities. At what levels are they performing the duties called upon them? A message to the Agents from Art sums it up, “Do Not Become the People that hate you…”
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EPISODE 264 : It’s All About The Meat!
Art Del Cueto In this Week’s The Green Line talks about The National Border Patrol Council Meeting which took place in Tucson this year. Art talks about the work of Paul Perez to make it happen and the great service of The Marriott University and nearby restaurants for those attending the meetings and training. Art talks about the Retention Bonus for the Agents and change over to The Glock and how those roll outs may happen for Agents.
The Elephant in the Room steps in and Art covers topics from the announced ICE Pickups of those who have continued their stay illegally after being ordered out of the country. Some discussion on an Article on Fox News regarding the release of information regarding these ICE movements and where that may have come from according to the article. Is there a “Swamp” within CBP?
Lee Smith visits the show on his way back to Texas to discuss the “Burger Wars” which was a discussion heard during social time at the NBPC Meeting. Lee and Art discuss the War of the Burgers between Whataburger, In and Out and Art’s McDonald’s. It’s A Fun discussion between Art and Lee and Andy with each representing why they have chosen their favorite. Crocs, Chartreuse and Meat. What makes a good burger?
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EPISODE 263 : Wearing The Game Face!
In this Week’s The Green Line Art Del Cueto talks about statements made by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and comparisons of ICE and Border Patrol detentions to concentration camps. Art makes an invitation to Cortez for a Tour by him of the holding facilities as well as a history book. Art does feel let down by management to counter these outrageous statements, why are they so silent?
Art references the call for deportation by President Trump of those in The United States Illegally. Why is this action so misunderstood? The Order would affect those that have had their day in court, have been given the order of deportation and have continued to stay in the country. At Airing of this Episode, the Order has been put on hold by the President giving lawmakers a chance to develop solutions. The National Border Patrol Council holds it National Convention in Tucson this weekend. Welcome to the Local Leaders to the 520!
The Town of Laredo Texas host a AAA Minor Baseball Team from Mexico, Tecolotes de los Dos Laredos, which plays in Laredo and recently the team honored The Men and Women of the US Border Patrol in a Game this past week. Art wonders why a town ON the border and a team from Mexico gives much respect to the Agency while some in Tucson, some miles away, display a disdain towards the agents. Art gives us a reminder of some of the different deeds of Humanity Agents do while not wearing the badge.
Agent and friend of the Show Edger “Junior” Sandoval visits the show to talk about working with youth in Chula Vista with a Boxing Club. The boxing club has helped keep youth out of trouble and giving them a passion to embrace. Junior talks about joining the patrol at a very young age and how he has enjoyed and continues with the Agency. We also learn about the Battle of the Badges Competition. Junior talks about working with troubled youth and how having the game face as an agent in the field works also as strong with some of these youths.
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EPISODE 262 : Kicked In The Avocados!
In this Week’s “The Green Line” Radio Show Art Del Cueto talks about the ongoing continuing work of the National Border Patrol Council for the Men and Woman Agents of the Border Patrol. As the crisis continues along the southern border, the call for Art to talk about what is happening on Fox News and other outlets doesn’t let up. Art still wonders where leadership is in response to national and local media to inform the public of the work of the Agents and issues along the southern border.
Art is disappointed with Leadership in response to supporting the Agents from the Sector level to those working close with President Trump. A recent local case highlights how problems happen and could be taken care of with clear thinking of supporting the Agents.
Lou Dobbs talks about Tariffs, Asylum and Kevin Mcaleenan in which Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council, issues an Op-Ed Response. Art shares the response.
The Discussion of Mexico stopping the illegal caravans traveling through their country in response to a threat of levy of tariffs with Art wondering what this will mean and how long term this would be. Art visits the Tucson Processing Center and gives a “Shout Out” to those Agents working the center. We get a audible image of what is happening at the center and the treatment of those youths at the center.
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keywords – NBPC, BrandonJudd, LouDobbs, BorderPatrol, ArtDelCueto, AsylumSeekers, TucsonProcessingCenter, Tariffs, Mcaleenan
EPISODE 261 : Hold My Gobstopper, I’m Not Willy Wonka!
For this Weeks “The Green Line” Radio Show Art Del Cueto gives us an Update on the Surge at the Southern Border, while the media has become quiet regarding the numbers, Family Units at the Southern Border has increased. The numbers have tapped the resources of the Agency and the 20 Day rule has seen more of these families released into the United States, Pending the Court date for the Asylum claim.
Protecting the Borders of the United States is a matter of law and not of race however because the men and woman of the Border Patrol enforce the law they are verbally attacked by groups claiming it’s a racist enforcement. Art breaks this down and why it is misguided. Once these asylum claimers are released pending court dates, where do they go and what are they doing once they get there? How are these asylum claimers working?
Art talks about the history behind the Obama administration and how the buck was passed to
make promises for those coming into the country yet no legislation was made to deal with it. Art and Andy talk about the Support personnel that was discussed about helping to lighten the load of those agents at the southern border. More Agents have left and a matter which needs to be addressed is the need for more personnel and to streamline the hiring process.
Special Guest to the Show Maj Toure visits and talks with Art Del Cueto regarding the Black Guns Matter Movement and why this is important for those looking for protection of the 2nd Amendment. Art talk with Maj about educators and arming the teachers against violence in schools and protecting those precious assets, Children.
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EPISODE 260 : Take Me Home
In this Week’s Episode of The Green Line Art Del Cueto talks about the makeup of the Superheroes’ of the Border Patrol and compares them to the Green Lantern. For those that don’t know the duties of Border Patrol, Art breaks down the differences between those in the field and at sector stations and those members of DHS that people may interact with at Airports and Ports of Entry. Andy ask Art about his appearances on news outlets talking about border issues and surprising; we learn on Arts days of playing music may have helped him, What was his first singing gig? First we got the Crocs and Now we find out this?
Art talks about the 95th Anniversary of the National Border Patrol yet he is disappointed with leaders not paying attention and working on letting the public know of this big milestone. With negative comments of the Mission of the Border Patrol, It would have been nice as an Agency and for the Men and Woman of the Border Patrol to be recognized. Art reflects on what he has seen not only with his service but what he remembers as a child.
Memorial Day has come and Art shares a powerful story shared to him from those who have lost loved ones in service to the country.
Art shares the story of an Ultra light Aircraft which crossed into the United States and how the Cartels are taking advantage of manpower issues and attempting to get drugs over the border. Thanks to fine work of Border Patrol Agents, this attempt failed. Art talks about the drugs seized and why these are so dangerous. A Recent trip to The OK Corral in Tombstone sends a shout out to Blacksmith Buckshot Rocky!
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EPISODE 259 : Live Long AND Proper
Art Del Cueto in this week’s The Green Line speaks on the Mission of The Radio Show. It seems like many speak without the respect of others. Art wants to make sure Agents understand the microscope of public opinion and scrutiny of those not believing in the mission of CBP will take issues and statements out of context. For the public, Art wants listeners to understand Agents are doing the duties they have sworn to perform under the law.
Art shares an update on the Southern Border and the numbers of those seeking asylum overrunning the system. The Resources of CBP has been severely strained due to the needs of the asylum seekers. Numbers of the Asylum Seekers are being transported to other areas for processing. Big Bend Texas is an example of an area hit hard. With the strain of resources along the Big Bend Sector, this can leave gaps for those looking to bring illegal substances into the United States.
Recent stories in the headlines show Asylum seekers sleeping on the ground in some cases, due to the overrun in McAllen. Art shares the background on this situation and calls for leadership to address the reality of this and other situations along the Southern Border. Art finally gets to see the movie Flashpoint and the guys talk about the movie and some others as well including The Border, Borderline and Telly Savalas in Border Cop. Art manages to toss in a little Star Trek talk and call out the Star Wars Fan!
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EPISODE 258 : Overflowing The Bucket
For this Weeks Show, Art Del Cueto talks about a week full of activity and the schedule for many in the National Border Patrol Council. With Art’s many appearances on Television for the Council from time to time he is recognized and approached for support for the Agents. The human factor of breaking news of projects in the works by the NBPC for the Agents is detrimental to the cause and only gives management the ability to attempt to railroad benefits for the Agents which are being worked on.
Art talks about the Thomas Torres Case and questions the entire story of his release and statements reportedly made on his social media pages. Art shares his surprise at comments made at the recent University of Arizona Commencement. Andy and Art discuss a recent rescue along the Southwest Border in the RGV and question why this story isn’t reported by National Media?
It IS a Crisis along the Southwestern Border with the numbers of those held pending the asylum hearing in record numbers. Art talks about the situation in El Paso and paints the visual image of what is happening there. National Police Week was this week and reminds listeners of the service of Agents on all borders and sends respect to all in Law Enforcement.
Props for 1513 Holsters and GuardianEST2018!
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