EPISODE 325 : Saluting Right Back!

In this Weeks The Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto tells us about attending a Vehicle Parade for Tucson Trump Maga. Art tells us about the turnout for this Caravan of Supporters sporting the United States Flag and the reception from some individuals walking along the streets along the citywide procession. We learn a little of the story of John Wayne from Douglas.

Art talks about some of the ugliness across the nation as some people have no filter. This is highlighted by the story of Art’s buddy who was jogging in Tucson and was attacked by a mans dog.
Art breaks down problems with the Justice System and highlights issues. Andy is concerned how the political arena will be played out after the election. Art tells us a story about a Candidate for office using an actor dressed in a Border Patrol uniform. Art also explains the National Border Patrol Council attire at events.

Art talks about a Book from Kevin Robinson titled Rising Above.

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EPISODE 324 : A Night to Remember

Today’s The Green Line Radio Show is a compelling tale of Art Del Cueto’s recent trip to Washington D.C. for the final night of the RNC. We hear from Art about the trip from the White House to the Hotel, Art and other members of the National Border Patrol Council were staying at and meeting up with Dan Bongino.

Art tells us about the conditions in the Nations Capital and just how bad it has affected Washington D.C.

What Happened? Tune in for this weeks The Green Line.

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EPISODE 323 : Sitting In the Corner

Art Del Cueto starts with this Week’s The Green Line Radio Show telling us about the Town of El Paso and why he likes the town so much. Supporting the Men and Woman Agents of the Border Patrol we hear of the work that Agents are doing on a daily basis that involve also the rescue for Illegal Aliens that have ventured into the scorching desert and put themselves in a dangerous situation. Some have been calling for Defunding Law Enforcement, Art shares why this is a bad idea and why this could affect the safety and security for Citizens not only in Border Towns but across the United States.

Art tells us how some managers have passed the buck and tell Agents to ask the “Union” We learn of a lack of communication and how this can be a danger to Agent Safety. We hear a story from Art about a Supervisor that felt threatened by him and his mind-blowing excuse for not wanted to interact with Art.

Lee sends Info regarding a case going through the system which is trying to limit the law enforcement over state systems, the attorney is trying to claim “Lawlessness” of the Border Patrol should be questioned? We learn about a new shirt which would be great for Agents in the field, the Agency is pushing back on this idea. Art pays respects to the passing of Drummer Frankie Banali of Quiet Riot.

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EPISODE 322 : Ya’ll Can’t Touch My Bootie!

Art Del Cueto, in this Week’s The Green Line Radio Show, talks about his speech in Yuma and the preparations for that event for President Trump. Many on Social Media talked about the line to “Stop Using the Race Card and Use the Trump Card!” Art shares the concern he had having to take the Covid 19 test before the presentation. We learn everything we had been hearing regarding the process and why it’s not a pleasant experience. Art learns the hard way about messing with his wife and telling her he tested positive (He did not) and what she did when he told the fib. We learn also why Art did some of the speech in Spanish.

The guys talk often about the issues facing agents, services available to them and about products they may like to check out. Art has found love for Air Roasted Coffee and talks with Dan Spencer from Filthy Pirate Coffee and how they have put together a Cold Brew that finally has him enjoying coffee. We learn about the different options for coffee and the tremendous Cinnamon Rolls they have available.

Dan Spencer talks about the decision to open this business and craft coffee for those that may not have been regular coffee drinkers. We also learn about the process of Air roasting and Cold Brews which are available. We learn the difference from Dan between Iced Coffee and Cold Brew. Dan tells us about Border Patrol, Military, Law Enforcement and other First Responders and how they are welcome and respected within the doors of Filthy Pirate. They are on the Web at https://www.filthypirate.coffee

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EPISODE 321 : When It Hits the Fan!

For This Weeks the Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto talks about the announcement of his Vice Presidential Running Mate. The guys talk about politics and the process of learning about the office you serve. We also learn that Art did not know who Actor Michael Caine is!

A New Tunnel has been discovered and Art talks about the comments made by spokespersons for the Agency. Andy asks about how they discover the tunnels and what made this one so different from others. Art tells us about how the Cartels had built tunnels near Douglas and how some capitalized with chachki’s and T-shirts trying to make it a “we had it here” statement. Skip the Massive Ball of twine and take the kids to visit the town of the tunnels!

The guys talk about the continued attacks on Law enforcement in Portland and on building and private business. Firearms sales have continued to rise and the guys discuss why this may be the case. Art tells a crazy story about somebody who wanted to touch his gun.

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EPISODE 320 : Saying Yes to Stop You From Singing!

In This Weeks the Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto shares the continuing numbers on those attempting to cross into the United States illegally. Those that have been captured that commit a felony though have been found to be released to ICE and then due to the Pandemic are released in the US for an upcoming court date to answer the felony charges. A Questionable decision in Arts opinion. Art talks about the Pandemic and how the Agency seems to be trying to deal with the exposure for Agents and secure the health situation for them and other agents.

Art talks about the recent arrest at the No More death Camps by Agents. We learn a little history of this Camp and why these arrests took place. Art reminds us on how these camps are facilitating the illegal occupation of Aliens.

A former Agent has been calling for Agents to not follow orders of Superiors in maintaining the security of Portland as Agents had been called up to protect federal buildings. Art shares his thoughts on her statements. Art asks for our thoughts, he has started thinking coffee and has found love in Air Roast Coffee. He talks about Invader Coffee and a local place called Filty Pirate Coffee which offers a Cold Brew that he loves.

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EPISODE 319: Kicked Into the Next Block

In This Weeks the Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto and Andy ponder how fast the year has moved. In past shows Art has talked about the Statue in Tucson of Pancho Villa and wonder why this statue is still standing. The History of Pancho Villa is not known by the Masses and Art sheds light why he feels this should be removed and will soon welcome a guest to the show that had relatives impacted by the actions of Pancho Villa.

Art talks about the rioting in Portland and how Agents from Bortac have been dispatched to the area to protect Federal Property. Art talks about the Mission of the Border Patrol for those that are not familiar with the duties of Agents. Art tells us about BORTAC. Art talks about talking with Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security and Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Strategy, Policy, and Plans and why he likes his operating style. Art was not happy with the style and operations of Former Commissioner of U.S. Customs Gil Kerlikowske and shares why.

Art shares a shout out to his Karate Instructor Steve Berry on some major accomplishments in Competition. Martial Arts is the subject as the guys also talk about the passing of Actor John Saxon who was also trained in the Arts. Art talks about the importance of maintaining diligence when it comes to Covid-19 and reminds Agents to notify those concerns.

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EPISODE 318 : Don’t Star Nothing, Won’t Be Nothing!

For This Weeks the Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto talks about when he first started using social media and getting into Facebook although has come up with an absolutely awful idea on a way to get followers. The Spread of Disinformation is discussed on social media accounts. Art talks about DHS deploying to areas to protect federal interest which include BORTAC Agents. BORTAC is the Tactical Unit of the United States Border Patrol.

Art discusses a recent video with Navy Veteran Christopher David and the Portland Protest and brings up some valid points in response to the video. Art shares some information regarding the Hands Raised actions of some of those involved in Civil Unrest.

Art and Andy talk about young adult learning on the proper way to handle a traffic stop. An interesting idea with the importance of how to respond positively during a stop to ease the Law Enforcement concerns during an interaction.

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EPISODE 317 : Holding The Golden Belt!

In This Weeks the Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto talks about having to explain certain elements to management, after repeated times. The discussions of wearing the Face Mask are continued to be talked about and how it affects Primary Checkpoints for the Agents. Uniform items in the Heat are also being discussed. Art shares some sad news about Agent Enrique J Rositas Jr. from the McAllen Station passed away after a battle with Covid-19. Our thoughts are with the Border Patrol Family and family to Agent Rositas

Art tells of us a case involving a family from Honduras which was detained after illegally entering the United States near San Diego. The Agency did what they were supposed to do. A Father was sent back to Mexico with a 9 year old to Remain in Mexico, in the meantime, the mother was sent to a Hospital in Chula Vista to deliver her child which now was born in the United States. Two days after she delivered, she and her new baby were sent back to Mexico. Some are questioning, the baby is now a Citizen of the United States, what should the steps have been?

Art shares a terrible story about the murders of two police officers from McAllen Texas. Officers Edelmiro Garza, 45, and Ismael Chavez, 39 were ambushed and killed, the suspect ended up taking his own life. The Daughter of Officer Chavez posted a tribute to her father only to be attacked by twitter users on the platform she posted on. Andy gives us a review of the film Vast of Night and the guys wonder if any Agents have seen anything in the Vast of Night while working in the field that can’t be explained.

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EPISODE 316 : Metal CornHoles!

For this Week’s the Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto explains the differences between leaders and managers and while he has interacted with some really great leaders and managers, there have been some that certainly weren’t operating with the best interest of the agents. Art tells us the story about a rescue of an illegal alien only to be possibly facing reprimand for the methods used during the rescue.

Art welcomes Matt Barlow who has played in a Metal Band, Iced Earth. Matt received a calling while touring and playing with the band to become a Police Officer. Matt talks with Art about that decision and how he still follows his passion of music. What was Matt’s inspiration to get into music and how did that progress to rock and roll. We also learn about how the band was getting ready to tour with Judas Priest and the tragic morning of September 11, 2001 occurred which inspired him to serve by studying criminal justice and becoming a Police Officer. Art and Matt talk about the Music Industry and how is has changed with Technology.

Kevin Reilly visits the show to talk about being a part of the USA Forces Corn-hole Championship representing the US Border Patrol along with Richard Vasquez. Kevin talks about competing in the tournament and getting into the frame of mind for victory. The Guys raised some great funds for a great charity, Bags Boards and Blessings.

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