EPISODE 355 – Hands Tied /Chief Deputy Matthew Thomas

On This Week’s the Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto talks about the recent news of the nomination of Tucson Police Department Chief Magnus to head Customs and Border Protection. Art tells us about his recent trips to Yuma and El Paso and while on the road for NBPC Duties, he sends some love to his wife after missing the wedding anniversary from most humble Art Del Cueto.

Special guest to the show Chief Deputy Matthew Thomas of Pinal County visits to tell how the surge in illegal immigration has affected Pinal County. We learn a little about the background of the Chief Deputy and his career in Law Enforcement. Matt tells us about the New Line, Interstate 8, which has seen an uptick in illegal activity. Even with Pinal itself not being a Border Community, the problems including Drug trafficking have spilled into the county. How does this tap the resources of the County. As Art says, Law Enforcement is hand tied when it comes to getting relief from the law makers in stemming the flow of this activity.

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EPISODE 354 : The Gotaways

On This Week’s the Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto shares the increase in numbers in apprehensions just in Southern Arizona and talks about the numbers in Gotaways. Art explains what that means and how this number is alarming. Art tells us about a discussion with a Senator and Border Visit in Yuma and what they observed.

Art tells us about the process of what happens when a group either turns themselves in or is apprehended. The Children are continuing to be put in the middle of this crisis while the smuggles are bringing in major money with no regard for the safety of these kids. Art gives props to Trident Grill on Ina.

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EPISODE 353 : Stephen Miller – Thank You Agents!

On This Week’s the Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto welcomes special guest to the show,
Stephen Miller. Mr. Miller has served as Senior advisor for policy and White House director of speechwriting to President Donald Trump.

Stephen Miller visits to talk with Art on the current situation along the southwest border and how the policies President Trump had put into place have been unraveled and let to the current situation is an Historic Nightmare. An insightful discussion on how Illegal Immigration hampers and hurts the Legal Immigration process. Stephen Miller talks about the connection with illegal immigration and the Cartels.

Mr. Miller sends his respects to the Men and Women of the United States Border Patrol and is asked the big question, how can this problem we are seeing now be fixed?

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EPISODE 352 : Steering The Ship

Episode 352- Steering The Ship
On This Week’s the Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto shares recent rumblings of a reported Gag Order on Agents to the Media and talking about the situation along the Southern Border. The guys do wonder however where management is regarding the Border and have noticed with the change in administration, we do not see these managers front and center as we have in the past. Art talks about the mission of the National Border Patrol Council and its role for the Men and Women Agents of the Border Patrol. The discussion addresses the administration saying Don’t Come to cross the border, will that work? Why is the situation now different from the previous administration? Much of this circle around the Remain in Mexico policy.

Many of those that were very vocal during the previous administration regarding the handling of unaccompanied minors are sidelined and not commenting on how it needs to be fixed now.
Art talks about attending a motorcycle charity ride and many of the riders were wearing kilts. Art gets a fairly good burn from his neighbor because of his love for Crocs. the guys take a break during the show and while doing that break, Art visits on Fox News.

Art returns and does a comparison of the issue at the border with trying to patch a dam. Art tells us some amazing number of Gotaways since the beginning of the month.

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EPISODE 351 : A Difference To Be Made

For This Week’s the Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto and Andy talk about his recent butchering of his name during a segment with NewsMax. We found out a little background about his appearances on Television News Shows. Art tells us about some of the subjects that the news organizations are covering in relation to the Southern Border.

We learn more about the Term “Gotaways” and how that relates to illegal immigration. Art talks about visiting the Southern Border with Fox News contributor Sara Carter and areas where traffickers, smugglers and illegal border crossers are moving. While the Agents of the Border Patrol are handling the large numbers of crossers and unaccompanied minors, the Cartels are using this as an opportunity to smuggle drugs and weapons into the country.

Art makes a trip to El Paso and tells us about his love for El Paso. Art tells is about his appearance on the Lexit Movement @lexitmovement and the discussion regarding illegal immigration. Art tells us about some training he received from a Level 2 Trainer at Three Points and sends a shout out to Rudy Garcia. Andy asks the question, can the situation along the border be fixed and Art tells us what needs to be done to make it happen.

We learn of the tragic death on Border Patrol Agent Alejandro Flores-Bañuelos from Indio Station and extend condolences to the family and family in green that worked with and knew him.

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EPISODE 350 : Arriba, Arriba!!

For This Week’s the Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto and Andy talk about Nostalgia with the CB Radio and Art reveals his old CB Handle and lets us into his world talking about the Nickname he was issued in his teen years due to his long hair. The turn of Nostalgia also looks at the recent events with the cancel culture towards the Warner Brothers Looney tunes Cartoon Character Speedy Gonzales. Art believes Woody Woodpecker is next!

The Situation along the Southern Border is continuing to increase in cases for the Agents of the Border Patrol. Art stresses that while the question about whether the situation is a “Crisis” that the mere word does not handle the real problem. Whatever it is called it needs to be fixed. The Agents are dealing with outdated equipment and the unclear directions from the administration. Agents are also dealing with the numbers which may also be health concerns with the pandemic. What is happening to those that have either turned themselves in or been caught crossing illegally or smuggled into the US Border.

Art gives a plug for his buddy at OTL Firearms in Tucson. Art and Andy talk about getting training after purchasing a firearm. The NRA offers an Instructor program and Art talks about his desire to get into the program but shares who he would not want to train. Art is sporting a new cap and after Andy said it is a funny looking hat – Art turns into Joe Pesci.

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EPISODE 349 – Tito Ortiz

For This Week’s the Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto and Andy talk about the latest about what is happening with Border Security. While the tragic crash near Holtsville is still being investigated, Art shares some information he has learned from Media outlets regarding the incident and what we may not have been told about it. The discussion regarding illegal immigration continues with changes made by the administration which is creating a magnet for those crossing illegally tapping the resources of the Agents of the Border Patrol and towns along the Southern Border.

The Green Line welcomes Special Guest to the Show Huntington Beach Mayor Pro Tem and UFC Legend Tito Ortiz. Art shares the story of meeting Tito at the Turning Point in Phoenix last year. We hear from Tito about the decision to run for City Council in Huntington Beach. Known as the Huntington Beach “Bad Boy” Tito is a proud resident of the City and talks about the city and great residents of the community which has brought tourist and those looking for a beautiful beachside way of life. Tito tells us how he has faced challenges in life growing up and with his 24th year fighting he uses those challenges to inspire others.

Tito tells us about the events of last year with Antifa and BLM protesters that had threatened to “Burn the City Down” and how he and others were not going to stand for that. We also talk about UFC with Tito and the future of competition for him.

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EPISODE 348 – The Cup Is Green!

For This Week’s the Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto and Andy get into a discussion over Andy’s Coffee Cup which Art swears is Brown – Andy say’s Green! The Photo is posted on our Instagram. This leads into a good plug for the crew at Filthy Pirate Coffee. Art talks about the situation with Gina Carano and talks more in depth to what it means and the Cancel Culture that has become prevalent on the Internet.

Special Guest to the Show Congressman Andy Biggs joins the show. Art tells us why he is appreciative of the Congressman’s support. Congressman Biggs talks about his trips to the Southern Border and what he experienced viewing the operations of the Men and Woman of the Border Patrol. Congressman Biggs talks about the importance of relations with Mexico however we should also be wary of the problems that come with illegal immigration not only for the Laws of the United States but also for the people attempting to cross. Congressman Biggs stresses this is a Complex Humanity Issue.

Congressman Biggs tells us about some of the changes the New Administration is looking to move forward with and undermines the security of the Nation’s Borders. The policies enacted create a magnet for those wanting to cross illegally. Art talks about Covid testing of those arrested by Agents and what is happening with that.

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EPISODE 347 : A Whole Load of Bologna!

For This Week’s the Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto looks back this week at new policies and procedures which have brought back Catch and Release under the new administration. Art explains why this is bad and the talk now coming out of these policies are causing an increase in illegal alien activity crossing into the United States. Art explains how the problem dealing with Illegal immigration is not a race issue, it is an issue of the Laws and National Security. Art explains why we may not be getting the entire picture for management and why those at the top may be laying low. Is this the right course for the Agency?

Art explains how the Cartels are using this as a time to increase trafficking of drugs while Agents have their hands full, we also learn of a man caught trafficking Bologna.

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EPISODE 346 : Talking Points

In this Weeks The Green line, Art questions the Impeachment of Former President Trump and draws comparisons between BLM Activities with those that stormed the Nation’s Capital, while not condoning the attack on the operations of the capital he wonders does hypocrisy exist when it comes to events during BLM protest. Statements previously made by now Vice President Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi have been inflammatory and inciteful. Art gives a vocalization which had our ears bleeding.

Art tells us about the numbers when it comes to illegal immigration and why they can be misleading and represent low numbers. The Pandemic plays into this as well and the perception to crossers that we are busy with dealing with the pandemic. The guys talk about the Censorship which has happened to possibly highlight an agenda. Art tells about a TV appearance and how it got bungled up!

How are facilities handling those that have crossed illegally and been diagnosed Positive with Covid-19.

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