EPISODE 377 – The Mandate and Agents

On this week’s episode of The Green Line, Art opens the show with the news of President Biden making the statement that the federal government is requiring a Mandate on the Vaccinations for Covid-19 for all federal employees. The National Border Patrol Council has been investigating the alternatives for those not wanting to be a part of this Federal Mandates. Art explains his personal feelings regarding this and doesn’t want to push the issue for or against however stresses people should speak to their physician. In all said, if there is no Medical Reason or Faith Based reason to not get the vaccine then under the edict, if an agent refuses it could mean termination of the agent by the Agency.

The Question of finding an attorney to pursue the matter doesn’t present a viable option. Some have asked based on Articles online, “How come the USPS – is exempt?” Pointing at the source, not so fast, turns out they aren’t exempt. The Misinformation should not drive the argument.

Art reminds us of the hypocrisy of the Administration issuing a mandate and reiterates that even though we are concerned with the Pandemic, the federal government has had thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens released pending a court date in the US. No testing, No vaccine. If an Agent was able to gain a waiver it is important to note, the Agency could elect to have the Agent, relocated or job description changed.

Art shares a revelation about AOC, attending a high-priced function wearing a dress that says, “Tax The Rich.” Art has Andy chuckling as he describes the Outfit reminiscent of a Chic-Fil A Bag, Art tells us a little back story about this Event that was attended. Art finds a company that makes a very cool product, based in Tucson, The Mustache Key and shoots some trivia out about Burt Reynolds to Win one!

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Episode 376- Daimyo Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with Manny Flores

In This Week’s, the Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto welcomes to the show, former TPD Sgt Manny Flores. Manny and his Wife Brenda are the owners of Daimyo Gym and shares with us the importance of training. The Daimyo Martial Arts School located at Ina and Shannon studies Brazilian Jiujutsu and tells us about the discipline behind this Martial Art.

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EPISODE 375 – Tarnished Collar

In This Week’s, the Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto talks about the current situation regarding Border Security and the Pandemic. With the Administration almost promoting open borders it has created a situation for Agents in dealing with those which may be carrying Covid-19, This concerns the NBPC and Agents alike.

If we could all have the confused look on our faces it would be due to a recent tweet by the Department of Homeland Security regarding the Remain in Mexico policy. The Tweet read with the DHS disappointed by the reinstatement of Remain in Mexico which have Agents and even managers wondering where that came from?

Art shares with us how some new recruits are being discouraged to contact Union Representative and, in some cases, it also appears to be almost bullying of the agents. Art explains why and calls out those leaders with the tarnished collar to stop bullying agents. Art and Andy talk about the now departure of all US Military Personal from Afghanistan and after the Attack on Kabul by ISIS K with Military Service Members loosing their lives, Andy tells of a circle of friends affected by the loss of USMC Cpl. Hunter Lopez and the company Side Action Apparel which has created a shirt to honor Hunter with 100% Proceeds going to the Lopez Family.

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EPISODE 374 : Leadership’s Sleight of Hand

In This Week’s, the Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto talks about leadership within the ranks of the Agency and how it is surprising that some have moved up in leadership which don’t seem to have the safety and wellbeing of the Agents in Mind. There have been some failures in communication not only with those from leadership to the Agents but also to the American Public in the situation regarding Border Security. The Situation, as discussed on last week’s show, with refugees now from Afghanistan are posing even more frustrations as CBP is also moving to handle those Asylum cases.

We have heard the term Proud United States Citizen and Art shares his thoughts how those that come into the US should be happy to be here and support the laws and freedoms of the American People. Art shares his disgust with those that want to strip away those freedoms and degrade those for being law abiding citizens, Immigrants or not!

Art shares the story from this week about the Border Patrol Vehicle which was “cloned” and used in a human smuggling operation. Some have been very shocked that this could happen and as Art tells us, it is not the first attempt. Art also touches upon the Remain in Mexico policy and its current status.

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EPISODE 373 : Tom Amenta co-author The Twenty-Year War

In This Week’s The Green Line, Art Del Cueto welcomes Army Ranger Tom Amenta to the Show. Tom is the co-author of The Twenty-Year War. A true warrior offers his insight on the reality of Afghanistan and what is happening today! After Tom’s five years as a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment, Tom earned his degree in political science from the University of Illinois.

The Book “The Twenty-Year War” follows the lives of 71 veterans who served in Afghanistan. The veterans featured in The Twenty-Year War open up about their call to service, the sobering reality of combat, their transition post-military, and what it’s like to find their mission again — in life.

This book shares stories not often told, including stories of fathers and sons, sisters, brothers, and husbands and wives who served together. The Twenty-Year War is a triumph of the American veteran’s spirit and determination. We learn of the collaboration by Dan Blakeley and Beau Simmons on the book .

Be sure to check out the website for the book at https://www.thetwentyyearwar.com

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EPISODE 372 – Supporting Our Agents

In this Weeks Show Art Del Cueto talks about riding a motorcycle in flip flops or Crocs. Art and Andy do come up with a great idea, a Running Competition wearing Crocs, The First Annual Croc Run! Can they make it happen?

Art gives us some insight on a recent incident that had Pinal County Sheriff, Arizona DPS, HSI and Border Patrol. A stop was attempted, and the Vehicle ran, the Agent assisted in a rescue after the Vehicle has been involved in an accident. The Agent suffered burns to his hands in the rescue and went to the hospital. Art tells us about the sad situation when that Agent arrived at the hospital for his medical care. A Recent video from San Diego shows a Deputy Sheriff during a search come in close contact with Fentanyl and pass out, another deputy administers Narcan however some are saying the Video is fake while Andy wants to know is this drug that deadly?

We learn of a effort by leaders to shrink down numbers of Agents across the United States. Art tells us about Agents and a proposed action by the National Border Patrol Council against DHS in getting the Agents qualified for Hazardous Duty Pay regarding dealing with Covid Positive detainees. A new way to enjoy your coffee, a Life Tip from Art Del Cueto shared on the GreenLine.

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EPISODE 371 – Earning It Every Day

For This Week’s, the Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto talks about great reaction from last week’s show with Author Morgan Lerette “Welcome to Blackwater: Mercenaries, Money and Mayhem in Iraq.’ Art and Andy talk about growing up and how friendships change. Art tells us about a trip to the Biosphere and The Grand Canyon.

We learn of the tragic death of Borstar Supervisor Agent Daniel Cox while On Duty near Sells as the result of a vehicle collision.

The numbers are continuing to climb across the Nation of the Illegal Aliens and how little is being done by the administration to stem the flow of those coming across. The Governor of Texas has stated the state is being overrun and is looking to transport detainees to other states to assist in the staggering numbers they are dealing with. With the trend going on now, the numbers are alarming of where we will be towards the next election for president. The Agency is going to be adding Body Cameras to Agents, Art explains why he is not a fan of this. How is Covid playing into those that have illegally crossed? The current situation does not allow residents of Mexico to cross and shop in the United States which has people shaking their heads as to Why?

Art tells us about a trip to see the Diamondbacks take on The Dodgers. Another incident that didn’t make sense.

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Episode 370- Author Morgan Lerette or Can You Spare a Square?

For This Week’s, the Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto welcomes to the show Author and former Blackwater Contractor Morgan Lerette. After frustrations of various Articles and Books on Blackwater, Morgan’s book dispels the myths of negativity that have been shared in the Media. We learn of his drive to put together some of the stories behind the organization into his book, “Welcome to Blackwater: Mercenaries, Money and Mayhem in Iraq.’

Morgan gives us a behind the scenes look of the decision to become a member of Blackwater and how some have twisted the work that was involved by many that were there to get a job done. We also learn of some of the issues that many contractors faced when returning home.
We also get a somewhat humorous look at the realization of the differences of life on foreign soil!

Tune in for this fun and insightful chat with Morgan Lerette.

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EPISODE 369 – It’s A Clue

For this week’s Green Line Radio Show Art del Cueto talks with us about the Situation in Del Rio after a post from Hector Garza has some wondering what is happening at the Border Fence in which Agents are processing those coming across the Southern Border. We are reminded this is a scene which is playing out across the borders in Arizona, New Mexico, California as well as Texas. Agents are continuing to be “rocked” by some trying to enter illegally when discovered. Art shares startling information that even when Agents are being assaulted in this method, Prosecutions don’t seem to be happening.

A Sad reality of the work of the Agents of the Border Patrol finds frustration as when they are assaulted the perpetrators might not be assaulted however when somebody complains about an Agent, they may be investigated and put on Non-Paid Leave. A friend of Art’s sends him a video of an arrest by Police Officers and how some Law Enforcement Agencies are dealing with bystanders second guessing the tactics of the Arrest. As Art reminds us, the Law is the Law and why any Arrest can escalate depends on the behavior of the suspect. Why the Arrest take place in the first place, Is a Clue.

We are reminded of the importance of training and furthering the Skills in the field of Martial Arts and with the call for defunding will these needed skills be lost to those in Law Enforcement that can benefit.

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EPISODE 368 – Stormy Weather

In this week’s Green Line Radio Show Art del Cueto informs us there are still no changes in policy in regard to illegal immigration. Art tells a couple of stories regarding recent crossings that took place July 8th and July 10th. When the crossers were detected and approached, they attacked Agents with Rocks under the direction of the Smuggler. Due to the limited numbers of agents due to the reassignments to handle the detainees, Smugglers are using this to their advantage to take the time to cut the barriers to get people across.

We are also learning of the brazenness of these smugglers to threaten to use weapons against the agents. Are Lawmakers showing lack of respect to the Agents with threats of Defunding CBP, DHS and ICE.

Art tells us about the Mayor of Tucson and Mayor of Phoenix trying to establish a railway between the Southern Arizona Cities. California on the other hand is trying to get food stamp programs for those that have crossed illegally, some legislators have been calling on more control on Firearms and that concerns Art more so after the terrible situations in Chicago.

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