EPISODE 394 : Bedazzling the Crocs
In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art tells us about celebrating his recent birthday during a Charity Event for the benefit of the Square and Compass Clinic and the many different organizations that helped at the Territorial. Thank you, Filthy Pirate, J&J Design, James at Upright Iron, Robins Knives and the many other Vendor and great people in our community that helped. Art tells us about a gift that was given for his birthday from his friend Roger.
Art takes a drive down Grant Road and is surprised at the amount of trash and potholes on the roads. With the Conditions of the Road Art wonders why the open borders people support the downgrade of our resources for the citizens that live here. Drugs are continuing to be smuggled into the United States, the impact of this will be felt for years. Violent Crime also has continued to rise, this must be addressed. Art talks about the Administrations hypocrisy of announcing Human Trafficking Month without addressing the open borders which help to propagate the tragedy of Human Trafficking,
Numbers have been released as far as how many Border Crossers have been released into the United Stated pending a asylum hearing and out of those number, how many did not show for the court dates over a six month period.
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EPISODE 393 – Behind The Curtain
In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art tells us about a discussion with Brandon Judd on the mission of the Green Line Radio Show and how it has developed over the years. Art clarifies how some feel it is not proper to classify those crossing Illegally into the United States as Illegal Aliens and reminds us that it is a legal term.
Art explains we need more of those in power regarding policy towards immigration to step up and represent the citizens. This is important for a wide variety of reasons. Commissioner Magnus is visiting Border Station and while Art applauds this, he still is concerned at his track record working with Agents while he was the head of Tucson Police Department.
Art shares a story of those which have crossed illegally and why they get a car service to take them to Border Patrol Stations.
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EPISODE 392 – A New Year and the Doors Remain Open
In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, the first show of the year, Art tells us about the loss of a friend over the holidays. Arts Mom also took a fall and is concerned with her health. With so much turmoil Art did get a chance to spend some time talking with former band members from the old days and found some therapy with friends. He shares a story of meeting one of his idols Vince Neil of Motley Crue and how that worked out.
Focusing on the New year, the immigration issues are continuing to look bleak as far as numbers of those crossing illegally into the United States. The deflection of the issues continues to turn a blind eye to the problems that continue to be happening on the Southern Border.
With the increase in those illegally coming into the United States, we are seeing the rise in dangerous illegal drugs with the Cartels taking the opportunity to smuggle since Agents are taxed with the influx of people. Art is asked by Andy, what would he like to see for policy in the New Year.
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EPISODE 391 – A Talk With Brandon Judd
In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art talks about AMFEST and the event in Phoenix which he did not attend. Art tells us about a company Northmen Beard Company which makes cool products for your beard. Art explains the regulation term for A Goatee which in the Agency is referred to as a Circle Beard.
Brandon Judd calls in on This Christmas Show and talks about the latest from the Southern Border and send his respects to the Men and Woman working in all the locations for Border Patrol.
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EPISODE 390 – The Real Experience
For this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art talks about the busy week and a trip he made to Prescott to explain what is happening along the Southern Border. The meeting was attended by some in the world of politics however Art is a little miffed by those that say they have been to the border yet really don’t use what they have learned to enact change. Some after a One Day trip to the Border have suddenly touted themselves as experts on Border Policy.
Art shares an Important message which applies to Not only Border Patrol Agents but other members of Law Enforcement and Military. Art talks about the numbers in those that could use mental help and urges discussion and reaching out. Art shares the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. 800-273-8355
Former Police Chief Magnus has now officially been sworn in as the head of Customs and Border Protection. The Also means a new Chief for Tucson Police Department. The new Chief has roots in Tucson and hopes he will work closely with Border Patrol. Art reminds us, this Show is Not for the Left or The Right but moreover it is for The Truth.
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EPISODE 389 – A Thankful History
On this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto gets a bug in his Motorcycle Helmet and whatever it was bit him and has caused him some bumps and itching. A Good reminder to check your gear before putting it on. Art shares the saying Punctuality is the thief of time. Andy and Art reflect on Art’s background and what drove him towards becoming a Border Patrol Agent. After time working in Corrections, he found out about career opportunities in the Agency and decided this was the place to be. Thankful of his history, the experience in Corrections gave him a good lesson on the capabilities of people.
We discuss the latest in Gotaways numbers of those that have crossed into the United States, and they continue to climb. Art talks about a recent visit by Chief Ortiz and discussions that took place regarding the needs of the Agents in the field. One of the needs are better communication services. Art explains why.
Art is still holding out for Management to make the decisions and push the needs of Agents to upper management and hopes those that can, will. Art tells us about the January 8th 2022 Motorcycle Run of the Riders of the Third Degree to help children through charity. You Can Find out More on the Groups Facebook Page
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EPISODE 388 – When the Boots Are Too Tight!
Episode 388 When the Boots Are Too Tight
On this week’s episode, Art Del Cueto gives us an update on his Back Situation and while he is dealing with this, he decides to put together his Motorcycle and he cuts down a tree in his backyard. After a Visit with his friend Tony at Red Wing Shoes he is told how your feet and what you wear can have a lot to do with your back.
Art tells us about the numbers of who are believed to be Abandoned Minors which have been found in remote areas with no thoughts of what could happen to them once dropped off by smugglers. Art explains why some may want to say they are minors even when they aren’t. A Contradictory tweet of the times is shared when it comes to the travel ban in response to Omicron. Art attempts to name the regions affected in the Travel Ban.
We learn more about the Forward Operating Bases for Agents however the Agency Must maintain these for the Safety and peace of mind of the Agents that are forced to stay on duty at these camps.
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EPISODE 387 – Carrying the Weight on their Shoulders.
In this Week’s The Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto talks about the continued discussions on the Federal Mandate and explains the difference between the OSHA response and how it applies to federal agents within the Agency. While Art and the NBPC is not in favor of the Mandate for Vaccination, Federal Employees fall outside of the OSHA recommendations.
The Gotaways number in the Fiscal Year for 2021, A little over a Month In, are at record levels. Art shares the astonishing number. It is a real eye opener. Art talks about why this number could have co0nsequnnces for the Cities affected with Gotaways. The discussion also focuses on how prosecutions need to happen for those that are assaulting agents that are apprehending them.
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EPISODE 386 – The Dum Dum Show
In this Week’s The Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto is in San Antonio for the Annual Training with OWCP and how Workers Compensation works for the Agents of the Border Patrol. Art tells us why knowing the challenges of OWCP is important for the National Border Patrol Council and Stewards to understand the process to serve the Agents.
Art shares his thoughts on the Rittenhouse Case which has been in the news and Comments made from the Prosecutor in the Case. Art shares surprising info regarding this horrible situation that escalated out of control. Art refers to this as the Domino Effect of Dum Dum Choices. Art talks about the Questioning of Alejandro Mayorkas by Sen. Ted Cruz however it becomes a back and forth regarding the wording in the Questioning. After all was said, the Dum Dum moment came when Mayorkas replied to the questions with “I Don’t Have the Numbers.” As Art says, this is an Embarrassment that Mayorkas was not provided with the current relevant information regarding the questions. It is an Eye-opening moment when the viewer realizes the administration has no clue as to what is happening along the southern border.
Art tells us about throwing out his back while in San Antonio. He reaches out to his friend at Descending Dragon in Tucson to help find him somebody in San Antonio. which serves as a reminder for those Agents that are injured in the line of duty and should not have to deal with pain. Art is proud to work with the fellow members of the Council and how they are always working to make conditions favorable to the Agents. We also get the latest of what is happening along the southern border which includes human smuggling and drug trafficking as more are coming across seeking asylum. This is taxing the operations of the Border Patrol. The Question as to how a parent could even think about letting children be turned over to human smugglers and what these children will endure. While the eyes of society should have the attention on this Parents, the eyes should also be on the Politicians that are allowing these violations, these law breakers.
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EPISODE 385 – The Golden Rooster
In this Weeks the Green Radio Show, Art tells us about his Golden Rooster Hat
Art tells us about coming across an individual that is Angry at the NBPC in how it is unable to satisfy his anger at the Federal Mandate and Art reminds us about having to work within the Law. Art tells us how the AFGE could respond to what they may consider Sedition.
Art talks about Veterans Day and Memorial Day as well as Military Appreciation Day but also take the opportunity to get a dig on his Friend Kevin. Art is not happy the City Chose to Not Hold the Veterans Day Parade after holding the All-Souls Procession. Art calls on Policy Change to reinstate Title 42 to help control the problems at the Border. Reminding listeners to reach out to elected officials to ask for assistance in having Title 42 to happen. The illegal immigration issues continue and Art explains how this creates a larger problem for National Security.
Art tells about some recent drug apprehensions but also how the smugglers are using these to get stronger even more dangerous drugs across the border. We learn a little about the New Chief John Modlin in the Tucson Sector and Art has hope for the forward direction under Modlin’s Direction.
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