EPISODE 414: Monster

In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art shares what he learned about the minds of some serving time from his work in the prison system. The lack of consequences in illegally entering the country is holding the laws of our country at bay. Agents are getting moved from some sectors to others even though this is leaving large gaps for the cartels to bring over illegal drugs into the United States.
Art Del Cueto talks about the horrific news of the shooting in Uvalde Texas. Art shares the info we have been told and the info he has learned regarding the Del Rio Sectors response to this call from Law Enforcement.
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EPISODE 413 – Knife Rights!

In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto begins the show telling a story of dealing with some Pink Eye or Allergies that has forced him to wear glasses. Getting right into the show, Art talks about the 2nd Amendment and what it states and how it goes beyond the subject of Gun Rights. At a Turning Point event, Art was introduced to Doug Ritter, and they discuss the subject of Knife Rights. It’s not a subject that is always discussed however some may not know, each state has different regulations on Knife Rights. https://www.kniferights.org is the NRA for Knife Owners.

Art tells us about the latest in Title 42 and how the Administration is still hoping to appeal the extension of the regulation. Large groups are continuing to gather ready to cross, more so in anticipation of the lifting of Title42. Art reminds us of the consequences of this.

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EPISODE 412 : Runnin’ In Slow Motion

EPISODE 412 – Runnin’ In Slow Motion

In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, a bit frazzled – Art has a little fender bender on his way to doing the show. Shifting in to high gear although, borrowing from Smokey and the Bandit, feeling like Running in Slow Motion Art Del Cueto tells us about the rise in interviews regarding the Southern Border and Title 42. The hotbed has been the discussion of the lifting of the policy and how it sends a message which could tax the already stressed southern border.

Art tells us how the Agents are stretched thin with less agents on the line due to the processing of those seeking asylum and captured trying to evade agents adding to the opportunity for the Cartels to work areas to bring illegal drugs across into the country.

One of Art’s favorite movies is Smokey and the Bandit, he has become aware of some screenings to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the film from 1977.

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EPISODE 411 : BroJaq

In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto talks with Veteran and Influencer Jackie Carrizosa otherwise known as BroJaq

Art talks with her about growing up in East LA, her Service in The United States Navy and her passion for armament, shooting, 4 Wheeling, and motorcycle racing. Overall, BroJaq is an adventurer and we also discuss how social media is empowering woman to live the adventure and embrace all the life can offer.

A fun and informative discussion, follow Jackie on Twitter @brojaq Instagram @brojac and on YouTube some great content there as well https://www.youtube.com/user/MsJcarrizosa

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EPISODE 410 : Nothing to See Here!

In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto talks about recent comments from DHS Secretary Mayorkas and how when it comes to the Southern Border, the Secretary claims DHS has “Operational Control.” This has Art wondering does Mayorkas really have any clue as to what is happening along the US/Mexico Border. Art tells us about the process of testifying to Congress and what’s involved. We get an explanation of the Term many who have been following the situation have become familiar with, Gotaways. The reality is numbers of people and illegal drugs continue to increase.

Art tells about a new campaign from DHS to monitor social media for spearheading what they are calling Disinformation. Art compares this to the days of the PMRC and wonders what’s ahead. Art goes to the Cody Jinks show in Tucson at the Encore Theater and gives us his review of the show and how he met Cody after the show.

Art had to miss a screening of the Movie “The Green Ghost” with Danny Trejo and tells us why he missed it. Governor Ducey creates the Arizona Border Strike Force hoping to help Southern Communities in combatting human smuggling and trafficking and talks about this filling the void the federal government has left for these towns along the southern border. Another problem recently has been with the Cartels recruiting minors in the US to assist with trafficking through social media. All this and More with this weeks The Greenline Radio Show

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EPISODE 409 : Peanuts, Puker’s and a Plonker!

In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto shares about a recent trip he made which not only had him dealing with Peanuts, Puker’s and a Plonker! If he wanted to write a sequel to Planes, Trains and Automobiles he certainly could base on this trip, except for the two pillows. While we feel bad for Art, we can’t help but snicker at his bad luck. Art did get a good twist of luck though from the people at Hertz Rental Car, so the story ends on a good note. Except that at the end of the trip, Art gets sick, and he thinks he knows why!

Some border crossers when apprehended are choosing to challenge agents and attack them. We learn of a recent battle between an Agent and suspected illegal alien which lasted 17 minutes. Again, the AUSA (Assistant United States Attorney) decides not to prosecute the offender. The onslaught not only has an increase in attacks on Agents but also drug activity and the hiring of young adult US Citizens to aid in human smuggling. This has been a growing problem with the traffickers using social media to promise a payoff for driving a car.

Art tells us about a confrontation between a British woman who wanted to get in a verbal confrontation with him. What a Week…

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EPISODE 408 – Speak It AND Mean It!

In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto tells us about the recent clearing of the Horse Patrol in the Criminal Investigation of the Agents in the Horse Patrol that were in Del Rio Sector. Art explains what the Split Reins are and how Agents use these. While they have been cleared in the Criminal Investigation why hasn’t the administrative portion of the Agency also cleared them. Art is disappointed in the response of Chief Ortiz who has also served along with the Horse Patrol yet did not speak up.

After last weeks the Green Line, Art tells us about other candidates and representatives that have reached out with no idea about the mission of the National Border Patrol Council or for that matter, the work done by Men and Woman of the Border Patrol. Art explains how the lines of communication from those with Genuine interest really says a lot for those vying for office. Art tells us about one such candidate that had no clue. Art gives us the answer to what is the difference between the National Border Patrol Council and United States Border Patrol and how it relates to Media and Interviews.

Age hits us all. Art tells us about falling out of the shower, he thought his life was over, this was it..

Death by Shower!

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EPISODE 407 : On The Trail with Juan Ciscomani

In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto starts off the show with a discussion of how the Elimination of Title42 is going to bring a surge of illegal activity to the southern border, not just those trying to allude Agents crossing illegally but also drugs and other contraband which can negatively impact the United States.

Art Welcomes to the Show United States Congressional candidate, Arizona District 6 Juan Ciscomani. Juan visits to talk about his decisions to run for office and his upbringing and childhood as the son of proud immigrants to the US.

Juan Ciscomani tells us about some of the issues needing to be addressed and how illegal immigration will be tackled in office. While the State has remained consistent in its approach to the issues of Border Security, the Federal approach must change under its current administration. Juan tells us a great story about a discussion he had with his father on the opportunities for those that fight for it and earn it, “Only in America”

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EPISODE 406 : No Consequences

In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto is back from a Leadership Course and talks about how he is now a kinder and gentler individual. In this trip to Tampa, Art notices much about the area he was in and wonders about how Tampa operates with comparisons to the town he loves, Tucson. We get some insight into what happens when your flight gets cancelled on the day you are supposed to fly home.

Art gives testimony during a hearing on issues with Border Security and how it effects Tribal Land. Art is surprised by the no care attitude from some that were on this panel. Even though the illegal crossings still were on the increase in 2016 during the previous administration, the current state of the situation has grown at an astronomical rate because there are no consequences. The Drug trafficking through tribal lands has also been on the rise as the Cartels are using the opportunity while Border Patrol Agents have their hands full processing the numbers of those now crossing with the Administration “Open Door” policy.

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EPISODE 405 : Making The Run For Senate – Jim Lamon

In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto welcomes National Border Patrol Council Endorsed Candidate for Senate Jim Lamon. Art talks with the Jim Lamon about his bid for Office and how the successful businessman would like to bring the years of experience of running a company to Office. Jim Lamon shares his thought on the crisis at the Border and what he would like to see done to take care of the problem of illegal immigration as it affects communities in Arizona and throughout the United States.

Art tells the story of meeting Jim in Yuma and the conversation they had after a tour of the southern border. Art runs down some of the platforms the Mr. Lamon is running on.

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