EPISODE 436 – Do You Want to Build A Snowman?

In this week’s The Green Line Radio show, Art Del Cueto is back in Studio after a long couple of weeks of traveling. His trip to Nevada met with some colder temps then he was used to or ready for and we get the story of how he could have built a snowman and is allergic to certain fabric which made for not the most enjoyable travels. Probably a finer part of it was enjoying some Chef Boyardee but mostly being able to support Adam Laxalt who cares about what is happening along the southern border. Art tells us the story of the Clown Motel and wants to plan a trip, when it’s a little warmer to see if it’s really haunted?

At record time, results for the midterm elections were not available however the question of what could change and what would it take to affect the issues along the Southern Border are discussed. Whichever way the outcome is, the National Border Patrol Council will continue to get the Agents Voices Heard.

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EPISODE 435 – On the Road Again

in this week’s The Green Line Radio show, Art Del Cueto is on the Road and is letting us know why and where. This stop has Art near Reno Nevada for Candidate Adam Laxalt. The Stop lets those voting in the upcoming Mid Term Election the truth of what is happening along the border.

Art recently took a trip for the National Border Patrol Council to Corpus Christi to meet with other Council Members. One of the outcomes of the meeting involved a letter of understand which could allow Agents to swap locations. Art also was a guest on Sean Hannity and takes Sara Carter on a southern border tour but feels bad at what happened! Art tends to talk with his hands, so does Sara and with that a Bracelet Sara was wearing came off. After searching the truck, they couldn’t find it! Art tells us about the Shipping Containers which Governor Ducey ordered along the southern border. Art tells us his take on the Wall or Shipping Containers and how they Deter some illegal crossers and allows for better patrols of the Southern Border.

Art also tells us of surprising statements and meeting protocol from the Sheriff of Santa Cruz County. A true face palm moment.

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EPISODE 433 – Do The Homework!

in this week’s The Green Line Radio show, Art Del Cueto shares how the numbers of Gotaways and Asylum seekers continue and with that concern continues regarding sickness and disease being carried over the southern border which in itself carries an amount of hypocrisy when it comes to policy.

Art tells us about and event he attended, the young Latino conference in Los Angeles for Turning Point USA and having discussions with Jesse Holquin, the founder of Lexit. With the Midterms around the corner, Art breaks down of the ways to understand the candidates and how doing the homework on a candidate or supporter can reveal problems or a validation of support. When a Candidate seeks an endorsement from the NBPC, what does that mean and will they follow through to support policy which works towards immigration.

Art tells us about a line in the movie Tombstone, “I’m your Hucklebearer” (Not I’m your huckleberry) and he tells us what it means. In the past week Art went to LasVegas for Hispanic Awareness in Voting for Candidate for United States Senator Adam Laxalt. Art tells us about how this appearance works and what the mission was to deliver to the voters. Getting a little time to himself, Art takes a side trip to Universal Studios and the Beach.

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EPISODE 432 – Keeping The Names in Line

In this Week’s, the Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto tells us about attending a rally invited by President Trump in Mesa last weekend and the events surrounding this rally. Art tells us about the downside of waiting to get photos with the Former President and how it should be important to dress for the occasion. What music do these law makers use for when they come out on stage. Candidate Blake Masters chose Danger Zone while Congressman Andy Biggs was rocking Pantera. In this Segment we also learn of the definition of Rhino and why we hear that term approaching the Mid Terms.

Art shares a discussion on the changing tide for some candidates that finds change and how easy it is for some of those to be welcomed into a different group yet not paying dues for the ideals voted upon in the past. A great story about running into Professional Wrestler Shannon Ritch who was running security for Sheriff Lamb and the film he recently finished which stars Mickey Rourke

NBPC President Brandon Judd is called up to speak by President Trump on Behalf of the Council and addresses the issues Agents are up against and why the mid-terms are important. Art shares a story of getting a chance to hang out with Gloria and Huémac of Chilttepica products!

EPISODE 431 – It Floats Up To The Top

In This Week’s Episode of the Green Line, Art Del Cueto revisits part of the show last week where he told us about an issue with a member of management. Art shares with us his questions on why this Watch Commander Supervisors aren’t getting involved and discussing with that member of management about the importance of making the lives of the agents less stressful. What has happened since the coffee shop disrespect to Uniformed Agents and not wanted to serve them? Art shares some of the fallout from that and has an interesting outlook on the entire situation.

Art tells a horrible story of a grudge that hasn’t dissolved and how it seems to be the trend, the idea of letting things go can make many issues better and work to resolve them.
The immigrants which have been given a court date for an Asylum case have found many, rather than be released in Texas, were bussed out of the state. While Governor Abbott of Texas is sending a message to the administration, there has been fallout of that from those asylum seekers now pursuing lawsuits.

Art tells us about a Former Port Director who stated most illegal drugs are attempting to come through the Ports. While there have been large amounts of illegal drugs and other goods taken at the Ports of Entry, these statements he has made are not 100% correct. The gotaway numbers are also fueling a large number of the drugs making their way undetected into the US and fueling the current Opioid crisis.

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EPISODE 430 – Is This Your First Time?

In this Weeks the Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto Talks about attending The Fair Event in Washington D.C. and running into some former managers while there. In Between the Non-Stop Interviews with Host from around the Country, Art is able to takes an extra day and do a road trip to see a Yankee Game in New York City. We learn a little about sitting near the Infamous Bleachers Creatures. Getting the tickets to the game was accomplish through an old friend of Art’s and he gets the Ultimate Hookup with Great Seats! While at the game, Art gets to witness history as he witnesses Aaron Judge hit the homer became the sixth player to reach the milestone of 60 and is one short of tying Roger Maris’s American League record of 61 as of record time. As a longtime fan of the Yankee’s this was a moment to see

While at the FAIR event, Art tells us about doing a interview with Andy Biggs at the Capital. What were some of the Questions these show host were asking when it comes to Illegal Immigration and the Men and Woman of the Border Patrol.

Art gets back from FAIR and heads out to the Douglas County Fair and tells us about the massive burrito he witnessed. Early this week, a 7am phone call about an agent involved in shooting has Art responding as a Council Representative but must deal with a Watch Commander that does not make the process easier.

We also learn of an Incident at Exo Roast Company in Tucson involving a Barista who didn’t want to serve Border Patrol Agents and now the backlash the Barista’s Comments have upset man that support the Agents of the Border Patrol.
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EPISODE 429 = Shaving The Sheeple

In this Weeks the Green Line Radio Show, The Election cycle continues with the demands on the NBPC and dealing with the trolls of the Internet. Art triggers with a post on his account and deals with those that disagree with his thoughts and try to debate. We learn of one of those discussions. A Candidate has held events with Law Enforcement in Southern Arizona and chose not to include the Border Patrol in these events. Art tells us about the process for endorsements from the National Border Patrol Council for candidates and how it is not an easy yes as some may think.

A Tweet from Steven Miller retweeted by CBP West Texas infuriated some in management and Twitter users. A comment from Commissioner Magnus only fanned the flames even higher against the Agency.

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EPISODE 428 – What’s In the Yellow Envelope?

In this Weeks the Green Line, Art tells us about a recent trip to North Carolina and lining up a trip to the Fair Conference which is all about immigration reform coordinated by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, The Fair event is a great way to get the Agents Voices heard in regard to the situation along the Southern Border and how it is impacting states through the United States.

Art’s visit to North Carolina though was eye opening from the beginning of the trip in Tucson to North Carolina itself. At the Tucson Airport he was surprised at the number of people traveling and we learn of the Mystery of the Blue Bag.

While in North Carolina he meets with Law Enforcement and Legislators. Art tells us a sad story about one farmer in North Carolina and how the border situation has reached to the area he was in with the story of Mr. George.

Statements made by the White House Press Secretary have angered many agents and remind us how news cycles work and have no benefit to deliver the truth. While in North Carolina, Art gets to try out some NC BBQ and shares the comparison between that and Texas BBQ.

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EPISODE 427 – How can it NOT be a Concern!

In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto has a busy week behind him and a busy week ahead. He talks thought about watching the kids play sports and injuries over the years with great sports programs. Art also gets to try out a very good BBQ place called Blackhawk and loves it. Art takes Congressmen for a tour along the southern border.

Smugglers continue to use young adults reaching out to them on social media and Art tells us about some of those methods. The outcome of this has been those that have recruited then run from Border Patrol when discovered and causing traffic accidents and death to innocent motorist and in some cases the smuggler. Gotaways from those illegally crossing is now expected to tap close to One Million, why is this such a concern? Art gives us some points to ponder.

Art ask a Senior Official about the Gotaway Numbers and is told, he is not concerned with Gotaways. He Should Be.

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EPISODE 426 – Eli Crane

In this week’s episode of The Green Line Radio Show, Art Del Cueto has been thinking about finding more room for stuff by throwing away a couple of receipts. While this didn’t accomplish much it was certainly a beginning.

Friend of the Show Eli Crane visits to discuss he reason for running for Congress in Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District and how he understands the challenges ahead. Eli also understands the frustrations of Agents regarding policy on the border and shares his support for the Men and Woman of the Border Patrol.

Recent news stories of an arrest along the southern border on the beach near San Diego and the opening of a fence by Agents reminds us all to consider the full story before making conclusions and reposting with an opinion until all the facts are known.

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