For this week’s Green Line Radio Show Art del Cueto talks with us about the Situation in Del Rio after a post from Hector Garza has some wondering what is happening at the Border Fence in which Agents are processing those coming across the Southern Border. We are reminded this is a scene which is playing out across the borders in Arizona, New Mexico, California as well as Texas. Agents are continuing to be “rocked” by some trying to enter illegally when discovered. Art shares startling information that even when Agents are being assaulted in this method, Prosecutions don’t seem to be happening.
A Sad reality of the work of the Agents of the Border Patrol finds frustration as when they are assaulted the perpetrators might not be assaulted however when somebody complains about an Agent, they may be investigated and put on Non-Paid Leave. A friend of Art’s sends him a video of an arrest by Police Officers and how some Law Enforcement Agencies are dealing with bystanders second guessing the tactics of the Arrest. As Art reminds us, the Law is the Law and why any Arrest can escalate depends on the behavior of the suspect. Why the Arrest take place in the first place, Is a Clue.
We are reminded of the importance of training and furthering the Skills in the field of Martial Arts and with the call for defunding will these needed skills be lost to those in Law Enforcement that can benefit.
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