In this Week’s The Green Line Radio Show Art Del Cueto shares respect and a story on the death of Phoenix Police Commander Greg Carnicle who tragically was killed in the line of duty and what identifies the Commander as a leader.

Art tells us a story about Mark Kelly who is running for senate office and how he was trying to show the ease of purchasing a firearm yet ended up with not the intended outcome.

Patricia Cramer, President of the Arizona chapter of the National Treasury Employee Union representing U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers and Agriculture Specialists at the Arizona Port of Entries visits the show. Patricia shares the difference between a Border Patrol Agent and Port of Entry Officer. Art talks about leadership issues within OFO as well as BP and reminds us on the difference between a Manager and Leader. Patricia talks about the concerns for the Officers at the Ports being the front line for those coming across at the Ports of Entry, especially with the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Patricia shares how the Nogales Port has stepped up and followed the directives of the Administration in regards to Officer Safety at the Port. Patricia offers praise to CBP Nogales Port Director Michael Humphries for his leadership. Problems continue to exist as some of the other ports failing to adhere to the directives.

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