Episode157: Honoring The Lives of the Fallen

0.75x 1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x 0:0055:56 Episode157: Honoring The Lives of the Fallen Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsPlayer EmbedShare Leave a ReviewListen in a New WindowDownloadSoundCloudStitcherSubscribe on AndroidSubscribe via RSSSpotify Powered by the Simple Podcast Press...

Episode156: Defending Yourself and In Memorium

0.75x 1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x 0:0055:56 Episode156: Defending Yourself and In Memorium Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsPlayer EmbedShare Leave a ReviewListen in a New WindowDownloadSoundCloudStitcherSubscribe on AndroidSubscribe via RSSSpotify Powered by the Simple Podcast...

The Green Line on the Radio – May 2016

National Border Patrol Council announces the Green Line will be taking to the airwave May 15th, 2016. The highly successful podcast, with over 700,000 downloads, is now on 1030 KVOI Conservative Talk Radio in Tucson, Arizona. Like the Green Line podcast the radio show...