Episode 116
[0:00] Intro
[2:30] California banned weapons
[9:30] Nogales International article
[26:30] Update on Haix Boots
[29:45] A few days left to win the Downrange Tomahawk from Gerber
[32:45] Art’s shoutouts
[34:30] The Green Line wins the Award for Excellence at the San Diego PRSA Bernays Awards
[40:00] Kombucha talk
[45:45] Dan’s giraffe costume
[47:41] Disclaimer and end

Shawn Moran, Art Del Cueto, and Chris Cabrera host this week’s show and start off with a discussion of the Rio Grande Valley and why agents love it.

They also talk, albeit without any real basis of knowledge, about weapons that are banned in California.

The Nogales International publishes another article about Border Patrol agents carrying rifles.

If you want to order discounted Haix boots go to http://thegreenline.co/sponsors or http://bpc-boots.com

Shawn also discusses The Green Line winning another award for the podcast.